View Full Version : S&W 44 Mag Smooth Bore

Mal Paso
08-01-2019, 03:48 PM
I went to start paperwork on a new 6" 629 today to replace my old one. Someone here got a gun recently with a badly machined bore so that was one thing I checked. Other than faint scratches that ran strait front to back the bore was clean as a whistle, no rifling at all. The shop owner was impressed I caught it so fast. I should get credit on the 10 day wait but it's all take and no give.

So check your purchases carefully, make sure there's a trigger and such.

08-01-2019, 08:53 PM
Talk about a lapse in quality control..... I could do a better job and I'm blind in one eye and half-blind in the other . Does S&W think they are improving sales by letting defective merchandise out the door... Not Hardly !

Good catch on your part... I think owning a smooth bore handgun might be illegal....nothing like going to jail for something S&W did . And you know the bad would fall on your head !

08-02-2019, 10:52 AM
Years ago when touring the S&W factory with a group of LE armorer school students I picked up a Model 10-8 off a ten-board which had a smooth bore. I put it back and checked another, and then another, and then another. All ten were that way.

I asked Roy Jenks who was our tour guide, "Was this a special order of Texas snake guns? and if so can you tell me who ordered them that way?" Roy looked perplexed, then embarassed...

08-02-2019, 01:10 PM
Was there a fired case in a little envelope? :popcorn:

08-02-2019, 06:40 PM
Was there a fired case in a little envelope? :popcorn:Now that would be something.

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08-02-2019, 06:52 PM
I tend to buy ONLY older S&W for that very quality reason


08-02-2019, 07:47 PM
The level S&W has sunk to is astonishing. After 2 bad model 57's, first barrel problem, second cylinder fell off. No customer service either. I now own a 57-1, and it works great. And guys still belly ache when Ruger is off .001" or .002".

Ruger has stepped up their game big time, and S&W has fallen off a cliff. It won't be long before Ruger becomes the worlds #1 revolver manufacturer, it is practically being handed to them.

Mal Paso
08-02-2019, 10:17 PM
Was there a fired case in a little envelope? :popcorn:

I wish I'd checked, thought about it on the way home. It was probably test fired but into a test chamber not on a range. Not as much powder in the barrel as the gun today but non of that rifling stuff to hold it. LOL Wish I'd gotten pictures but holding the phone, light and gun was too clumsy, I tried.

Got a call 2:45 today that a second 629 had arrived and this one had rifling. It's Tourist Mad here but I fought my way to town, did way too much paperwork, now it's down to the wait.

Someone was embarrassed as they had a new gun in the store 28 hours later. I've never bought a gun that was perfect, new or used. I'll just have to do a full inspection and be on top of it.

One good thing, I brought a few pin gauges with me and the .429 pin was loose in the throats so they feel about 430+". I was going to shoot 1,000 jackets then ream the throats but the reaming likely won't be necessary. Every other 629-6 I've seen had tight throats. Also the trigger is Very nice right out of the box. It might be, some things get better.

In 44 DA Smith has the trigger. The ejector rod and trigger overtravel pin peen from recoil and they wear a little faster. I looked at a Dan Wesson but I have a Colt and one exotic is enough. I need a daily shooter. I'll transfer the custom sights from my old 629 and get an estimate. Cut and set back barrel with new forcing cone, weld top strap, replace cylinder and set cylinder gap.

08-02-2019, 11:05 PM
Buen paso on that first pistola

08-03-2019, 07:52 PM
Q/C problems aren't just the domain of American manufacturers. Several years back, the shop I worked for received a new in box Anschutz smallbore position rifle that came with the typical factory test target. The barrel did not have a chamber cut in it...

08-03-2019, 09:08 PM
Q/C problems aren't just the domain of American manufacturers. Several years back, the shop I worked for received a new in box Anschutz smallbore position rifle that came with the typical factory test target. The barrel did not have a chamber cut in it...

Sounds like VW is assembling Anschutz...

08-03-2019, 09:57 PM
Well about 2002 I bought a beautiful model 27 6 1/2 did not look like it was ever fired , took it to range shot the first 38 spl and cylinder was extremely hard to turn , did not have anywhere close to the right cylinder gap . Quality control sometimes fails as people are people and one person just passing it on and not actually doing there job . Glad to hear you did not have to wait long for the next one to come in.

08-03-2019, 10:06 PM
You should have bought the gun with the smooth bore. About 27 years ago a Capt. in our dept. purchased a S&W model-29 that had a test fired case in the box. Only problem was that the cylinder holes had not had the chamber reamer run though them and you could not chamber a cartridge to fire it.
S&W begged him to return it and he held them up for two guns to replace it and not show it off. They agreed to the two gun exchange for his defective M-29 with the fired case.