View Full Version : Batch of range scrap from "TheCaptain" vendor here...

07-29-2019, 09:54 PM
Sent saturday from Connecticut. Made it from New Jersey to Calif in 11 hours!!

Can't speak highly enough of this lady vendor who sells this material here on this website.

$66 and change for 51 pounds. Stuff looks shiney and seems pretty hard but I'll mix it 75:25 with linotype.


07-29-2019, 09:55 PM

NOE 432421 4 cavity
Lee Custom HG68 clone 6 cavity
NOE 326471 six cavity

07-29-2019, 10:05 PM

07-29-2019, 11:13 PM
The Captain is Awesome. I've bought brass from her in The past and it was in great shape and everything as advertised. A very good person!

07-30-2019, 12:01 AM
i have bought from her also.. very pleased

07-30-2019, 07:12 AM
Good to know, I haven't bought anything from her, but won't hesitate now if I need something.

I don't own a hardness tester, but use a lot of scrap from a range which is mostly FMJ pistol bullets and that scrap turned out harder than I would have guessed. Definitely good, useable stuff if a bit of work to render down.

07-30-2019, 07:50 AM
I'm a happy customer too.

07-30-2019, 08:33 AM
That looks like really good stuff!

07-30-2019, 10:03 AM
After processing a couple hundred pounds of range scrap - that's a FANTASTIC deal!!!!

Range scrap is my least favorite stuff to do - as it's FULL of plastic, wood, sand, rocks, metal, and trash...

And THEN - you get a big pile of jackets and dross....

My average start to finish yield on range scrap is under 50%.

07-30-2019, 11:13 AM
I too have had excellent product/service from the Captain.

07-31-2019, 08:59 PM
She is a great Vendor Sponsor!

08-01-2019, 02:45 PM
After processing a couple hundred pounds of range scrap - that's a FANTASTIC deal!!!!

Range scrap is my least favorite stuff to do - as it's FULL of plastic, wood, sand, rocks, metal, and trash...

And THEN - you get a big pile of jackets and dross....

My average start to finish yield on range scrap is under 50%.
You are picking up too much trash. What I like about range scrap is I get a higher yield than any wheel weights, close to 80% usable alloy, depending on how much jacketed vs lead/plated. I don't process rocks or misc crud. Wash your ranges scrap & let it dry in the sun, worth the slight effort.

08-01-2019, 02:53 PM
I'll add another positive post. Excellent clean alloy, fast shipping and a good price. Only negative is for the USPS, they didn't deliver as it was too heavy for the postgal to lift.�� I believe if they can't do the job someone that meets the requirements should be employed rather being politically correct and all inclusive in their hiring practices. ��

08-02-2019, 04:38 PM
I used to pick up quite a bit of range scrap from a range that was about 6o percent jacketed bullets. I made a sieve by putting aluminum gutter screening in the bottom of a plastic soft drink case (leave the plastic bottom in for support). I shook the bullets before dumping in my bucket, and when I got home put the bullets back in the crate and hosed them off. That quick process got most of the dirt out and made it easy to pick out gravel and such. I don't pick up as many range bullets as I used to, so now I just put them in a colander that I drilled out the holes in and put it under a downspout at the barn and forget about it until after a few rains. I may shake it to rearrange the bullets after the first rain, but that's about all the labor that's involved.

09-15-2024, 09:22 AM
Fair price for a good product. Fast shipping and excellent communication

09-17-2024, 04:00 PM
She’s a super nice lady to meet IRL too!

Walter Laich
09-17-2024, 05:27 PM
she's been my 'go-to' supplier for quite a while.

great product
fast shipping
more than fair price