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View Full Version : Pan fried wild turkey and taters.

10-30-2008, 12:57 AM
I got a turkey a few days ago and cooked it tonight. I sliced taters skin and all 1/4" thick threw in 3 or 4 jalapeno peppers diced, a big onion a little salt and red crushed pepper, and a bit of Italian seasoning. Fried it all in a cast iron skillet on top my wood stove. Also put on a kettle of my home canned green beans with a little bacon added for seasoning and salt. It was gooood!


Here it is on a plate. Forgive me for using paper plates. Cheated with the cornbread too. I did use an iron skillet but baked it in the oven.

Let's eat.


10-30-2008, 09:46 AM
Now That's Eating!!!!!!:drinks:
Nothing better than wild turkey.......come to think of it, both the bird and the whiskey!

Heavy lead
10-30-2008, 09:48 AM
Man, that's a good looking plate of grub.

10-30-2008, 10:09 AM
Never had it that way, I will have to give it a try.

10-30-2008, 12:01 PM
If you try it crumble up a bit of sage sausage in with it. It really adds the flavor but I didn't have any thawed out so I went without it last night.

Anything is good this way. I even cook Polish sausage as the main meat in it sometimes but any meat comes out great this way.

10-X, I don't do the liquid turkey. A shade to sweet for me. I drag out a little KY clear stuff now and then. Higher octane anyhow.

Here is nearly the same dish with polish sausage and sage sausage.


Here it is on a plate with steamed cabbage and red pepper.


11-01-2008, 09:21 AM
That sure looks good! I eat a lot of turkey but never tried any of the wild version. There are so many wild turkey in this part of the state that the ranchers consider them to be vermin. I live in the edge of a small town and they wander through my yard and garden quite a bit. I saw a flock of about sixty to eighty out in the edge of a field yesterday. All this and the state mandates a drawing for license rather "than over the counter" permits. Maybe I had better apply and tune up one of my 25.20's. Neil