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12-10-2005, 09:57 AM
Anyone else ever get a false message from paypal? I got a "reciept fopr payment" message for something I never bought being sent to someone else. I foolishly clicked on the report a problem link and gave my password to my account. Then I figured I'd better check with my account and it wouldn't come up. I went directly to paypal and there's no sign of any activity reported in the message, so I figured it was someone "fishing" ( think thats the term) for my info. I reported the message to Paypal and changed my password and "hints". Should I do anything else? Any suggestions?

12-10-2005, 10:13 AM
There aren't many days that go by without at least one message from someone trying to get info about our PayPal account. Had one this morning. They are flagged as junk and go to the trash with the rest of the crap.

David R
12-10-2005, 10:18 AM
ANYTHING I get from Paypal that I am not expecting gets deleted.

12-10-2005, 10:20 AM
Several folks I know had reported the same problem. It made the choice not to use PayPal rather easy. ID theft is far too common these days.

Gunload Master
12-10-2005, 11:52 AM
I probably get around 40 e-mails per day that is just SPAM and junk like that. I had an Ebay message that got me though. Fairly recent.

It looked like a message that was sent from ebay from a user. The user said "I didnt get the product you told me I would, your a cheater! I am reporting you to ebay!" well it stirred me up a bit reading that so I clicked on "Reply to User" and it took me to an ebay log in screen (I didnt even look at the URL address). I entered my username/password and hit enter and nothing happened. I looked at the URL and it sure as heck was not Ebay's.. I hurried and changed my ebay and paypal passwords..
I hate that stuff.

12-10-2005, 12:04 PM
A few months back I got 4 or 5 Ebay and Pay Pal emails that were fakes in a week .
I opened the first one ( a mistake) and my anti virus software went crazy .

I report them now and delete them .


12-10-2005, 10:18 PM
Anyone that opens an email they weren't expecting is just asking for trouble. Disable the preview pane in your reader and delete everything without opening it.

12-10-2005, 10:36 PM
[QUOTE=imashooter2]Disable the preview pane in your reader and delete everything without opening it.[/QUOTE

That's a good tip for everyone. Many do not realize that if you use the 'preview option" in your email software, the preview opens that message and exposes your PC to virus infection [smilie=b: when you could have deleted it after reading the "From" and "Subject" line to determine if you really needed to see it in the first place.


12-11-2005, 01:59 AM
Hey, guys, I hope none of you have a "verified" (connected to your Bank Account) PayPal account. If you do, you may want to contact the Bank!

Man, I hate crooks!

12-11-2005, 06:06 AM
...............I used to get quite a few "Second Chance" deals and at first I thought they were legit, although I wasn't interested. Then I checked a couple (bid history, etc) and got clued that they were bogus.

Then there are the ones from "Your E-Bay Quality Assurance Team" who want to make sure you're getting the best service. Please take a moment to answer a short questionaire by clicking here. I'm sure the next step is for you to put in your username and password.

Just check your messages on My E-Bay and if you have no messages shown, then the one in your mailbox is crap.

Yup and Pay-Pal fakes, like "There has been unusual activity ............", or "Please Update Your Pay-Pal account information.............", and "Due To Recent Problems, Please re-activate your Pay-Pal account..............".


12-11-2005, 09:14 AM
I don't use the pre-view thing. If I'm suspicious I check the properties box and see where it came from. This one looked completely legit, until I checked the properties. Thats when I saw it was different than my other paypal stuff.