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07-24-2019, 12:45 PM
Kinda makes me wonder if this stuff could be used on a wood stock. My last years in the building trade we applied a clear sealer to basement walls instead of pitch. The bldg inspector had to pee against the side wall if he wanted proof that it was sprayed on wall.

07-24-2019, 04:38 PM
Years ago on a now defunct black powder forum a member talked about using it on stocks as a sealer. Don't recall what or if he applied something over it. Can I have says can be painted over with oil base paint after 3 days drying time, 45 days if latex paint. I think old oil based paints were linseed oil base but not sure, so maybe several coats of linseed oil would give a really good protective finish to the wood.

07-24-2019, 05:01 PM
If you want to seal a stock from moisture spar varnish is the way to go.

07-24-2019, 05:04 PM
Retired from 40yrs. in the construction trades. I've never used Thompson's water seal on a gun stock but it would be one of the last products I'd use on a deck or the like. Not a fan of the product myself. Gp

07-24-2019, 05:20 PM
The water Sealer you mentioned , Is Not a good Product for Gunstocks.
It barely does the job on wood decks.
It is just more of a Water Deterrent for things that will drain the water away on their own.
This is Not the clear sealer that is sprayed on basement walls to replace Pitch or Tar Waterproofing..
But it is a good product if it is used for what it is intended for.

07-24-2019, 05:25 PM
Vietnam-era rebuild in PI for ARVN transfer .30 M1 carbine stocks old finish was scrubbed off using pressure washer with Oakite in steam. Stocks then machine scoured while wet with rotary wheel using strips of 3M product similar to Scotch-Brite. Oven dried, then immersed while still hot from oven in Thompson's warmed to 50 degs. C with drum heater, hung up overnight to dry, then immersed again in 50 degs. C heated 50-50 mixture of tung oil and spar varnish, hung up to dry after final dip then scoured/ buffed when still tacky using boiled and washed burlap sacks and returned to armory for reassembly. Addition of black or brown shoe dye to tung oil/varnish dip is optional.

Result is similar to CMP rebuilds.

07-24-2019, 06:53 PM
Twenty years ago I repaired / refinished a ten year old deck. Checked the contents - ingredients label on a can of Thompson’s Water Seal. It was something like 98% mineral spirits & 2 % Linseed oil. Back then Water Seal was around $12 a gallon. Went to Wally-World to price it there. Not much difference in price but they had 5 quarts of boiled linseed oil on clearance for $1.00 each. I mixed one quart of oil with 2 gallons of mineral spirits and added 4 ounces of oil based wood stain to make my own transparent deck sealer. Three years and three Michigan winters) after applying two coats to my deck, rain water would still bead up on the deck.
Linseed oil is great stuff, but unless it’s been boiled it stays sticky forever.

07-24-2019, 07:39 PM
The new Thompson’s looks like milk!

07-25-2019, 05:52 PM
used Thompson's to water proof an old tent once, worked pretty good,but stunk till it dried.

lefty o
07-25-2019, 08:57 PM
after a year or two on a deck, thompsons looks like crap, id for sure not try it on a nice gun stock.

07-25-2019, 09:06 PM
I wouldn't put it on a stock if you paid me. I wouldn't put it on a deck if you paid me. Better off thinning boiled linseed oil with a little turpentine and soaking it a few coats with that. (I'm talking general wood) I would use some really good oil or varnish on a stock.

08-02-2019, 11:29 AM
Like I posted someone used it, but also am one who would not. My finish of choice for non MILSURP guns a Watco Danish Oil, applied as per instructions on the can, and followed by two thin coats of brush on or two coats of wipe on poly. MILSURPS get boiled linseed thinned with mineral spirits, 2/1 for raw wood, followed by several coats of 3/1, or several coats of 3/1 for touch up over the old oil.

08-04-2019, 07:49 PM
Not to steer the thread in wrong direction but does anyone else remember waterproofing canvas tents with a mixture of wax and some kind of thinner? We had a 8 x 12 foot wall tent that had to weigh 70 lbs. Each year it got waterproofed and I swear each year it was a pond heavier.