View Full Version : Old Time Hunting

07-23-2019, 02:46 PM
I know many of you hunt with old time guns and rifles with CB. How many folks here hunt also with other items of old time clothing and equipment? I have hunted with my reenacting gear, but tend to "modern" hunt with older gear as well, and even sometimes in kilt or lederhosen.

Rick Hodges
07-23-2019, 02:55 PM
I have hunted with Patched round ball black powder replica rifles but always with modern clothing. Among other reasons, I have to wear blaze orange to legally hunt with a firearm of any age in my state.

07-23-2019, 05:10 PM
I hunt with vintage, reproduction flint guns, and revolvers and for the most part no optics. I don't own any hi tech clothing or much camo. So yeah I hunt in old style attire, cotton or wool pants and some shirt or jacket that fits the weather conditions. I do have some camo shirts and jackets, cause they were Really cheap when I needed something. My knife is carbon steel and would not look out of place in the 1800s. I will throw on whatever orange is required, quietest and cheapest available. Kubota hat is orange, and was free. I don't try to dress any paticular way to hunt, but then I wear what is comfortable the rest of the time too. Be still, move slowly and quietly and all is good. Now if I lived where it got really cold, I would have me the bestest and warmest clothing I could afford, but I dont.
Kinda like this

Texas by God
07-23-2019, 06:05 PM
If you count moccasins or cowboy boots and cowboy hat, then yes. With a .54 Plains Pistol.

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Leslie Sapp
07-24-2019, 07:16 AM
It's a matter of perspective. If you're young enough, you don't have to go back as far to use "vintage" equipment. :-)This is my son about ten years ago, when I noticed what he was wearing and carrying, I did a sepia toned version.245703

07-24-2019, 12:24 PM
Nothing wrong with any of it.

For me though, I hunt to eat. I hunt alone so no one will see/judge me.
So I wear cheap, semi-modern camo that will keep me warm.

An exception is when function is better with something older.

My rabbit hunting vest is old school.
Pockets for shells and pocket in back for game.

07-24-2019, 08:15 PM
To clarify, although I have done the "historically correct" thing at times, I am sort of thinking along the lines of my modern rifle season. Although I may have a hunter orange parka and hat, I am otherwise content wearing wool and wool. No gortex, no Under Armour, no poly, no camo. Nothing wrong with doing any of that... I just don't think it is necessary and I personally am most comfortable in wool, linen, cotton, and plain old leather boots.

Can't find any hunting photos (don't do them very often), but here is a photo from hunting the allusive Christmas tree with my wife and daughters. This is basically typical hunting attire for me. Wool pants, simple shirt, wool sweater, out garment (down vest here), and a hat.


MT Gianni
07-24-2019, 09:17 PM
I don't recall a hunting trip where I left home in a horse drawn wagon. I wear clothing that will keep me alive in the weather I hunt in and could care less how it looks. I do comply with legal requirements.
I knew a neighbor girl that shot an elk as it ran through their back field wearing pajamas and an arm through an orange vest. Being under 14 she was the only one who could shoot a cow so they got her up.

07-24-2019, 10:12 PM
I almost always hunt with antique rifles and cast bullets, but I use modern gear and comfortable clothing.

07-24-2019, 10:47 PM
You won't find me in buckskin (yet). However, I don't do a lot of synthetics for clothing aside from neoprene waders. Enough of my hobbies involve fire up close that it has become habit to stick with at least outer layers of wool and cotton.

07-25-2019, 11:15 AM
Depends on the weather. Buckskins or wool.

Something I have noticed over the years, is I spot hunters with camo on more readily than those who are dressed in anything else.

07-25-2019, 03:43 PM
Blackpowderlove, I pretty much see it the same way, but the modern fleece is just too pratical to ignore. Living and hunting where and how I do, it works well. The camo has become ,sort of, a "uniform" and puts it somewhat against my nature. I use what is practical, economical, and quiet when I move thru the woods. The fact that it looks appropriate cardying my prewar hunting rifles is fine as well. The hunters of that time, like my Grandfather, would dress much the same even with the fancy(and expensive) clothing now available. No need to dress for -20 deg when it won't get below +30 and I am half a mile from home. Camo is like fishing lures, designed to sell, not catch fish. If you move, you are busted, camo or flannels, no matter.

07-25-2019, 06:46 PM
Depends on the weather. Buckskins or wool.

Something I have noticed over the years, is I spot hunters with camo on more readily than those who are dressed in anything else.

Could be because of what rking22 said, movement.
Flannel & wool guys are moving slow if at all. Camo guys think they are invisible.

Les Staley
07-25-2019, 11:16 PM
Mt Gianny, what color pajamas was that cow elk wearing? Might be helpful for those of us who have trouble spotting elk..looking for the wrong thing..😄

07-26-2019, 07:04 AM
I have hunted in my re-enacting clothes, mostly squirrels and my eastern longhunter gear. In the past, when I was re-enacting the fur trade era I did hunt in some buckskin clothing. These days I don't hunt a lot but when I do it's pretty much as Blackpowder love described, wool, cotton or linen and I will wear one of my Tyrolean hats.. As with him, I'm most comfortable in natural textiles. Personally, I abhor GoreTex and Velcro.

07-26-2019, 10:45 AM
Could be because of what rking22 said, movement.
Flannel & wool guys are moving slow if at all. Camo guys think they are invisible.

Most likely. Many times I don't see game until it moves.

07-26-2019, 10:53 AM
sometimes in kilt or lederhosen.

Huh? Seriously - those funny looking leather shorts with suspenders or a kilt?

In Wisconsin?

During hunting season?

In Wisconsin.... Where political hyperbole freezes solid by December..... And it gets so cold that Japanese cars won't start....

This has got to be some sort of hoax....

07-26-2019, 12:03 PM
I know many of you hunt with old time guns and rifles with CB. How many folks here hunt also with other items of old time clothing and equipment? I have hunted with my reenacting gear, but tend to "modern" hunt with older gear as well, and even sometimes in kilt or lederhosen.

If I hunted in Wisconsin I'd wear one of those cheese head hats to meet the visibility standards.

07-26-2019, 05:17 PM
Ok. Now I have to see some pictures of this!!!!


In WISCONSIN in the winter...

Wearing a Kilt and a Cheeto's orange Cheese-head....

:o :o :o

Am I the only one here thinking "Hey man, hold my beer!!"

MT Gianni
07-26-2019, 08:46 PM
At age 14 I sure wasn't going to look at the young lass in her pajamas. Good grounds for a divorce. Knowing her, there were no feet in them.

07-26-2019, 10:04 PM
I sometimes wear camo because I don't like to be seen by other hunters but mostly I just like to wear "quiet".


DIRT Farmer
07-27-2019, 12:07 AM
Just an observation, I wear tan kakis every day here on the farm, and see deer a turkeys. If I wear camo during hunting season, I see much lss game. I have about quit hunting deer and turkeys but strongly remember the turkey I shot with my Brown bess leaning on a fence post wearing kakis. 15 yards and a hen pecking on my boot

07-30-2019, 08:08 AM
Huh? Seriously - those funny looking leather shorts with suspenders or a kilt?

In Wisconsin?

During hunting season?

In Wisconsin.... Where political hyperbole freezes solid by December..... And it gets so cold that Japanese cars won't start....

This has got to be some sort of hoax....

HA! If only political hyperbole froze.

Here is a pair of lederhosen (I made and embroidered... real deerhide), in winter (see the snowbank behind me). No hunting in this photo, but I was killing some beers.

Texas by God
07-30-2019, 12:21 PM
I've hunted many a deer here in shorts, tee shirt and sneakers. In November.

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08-02-2019, 02:59 AM
I sometimes wear camo because I don't like to be seen by other hunters but mostly I just like to wear "quiet".


In early season, I wear orange so I can be seen by other hunters. That said, I do like "break up" orange but would like to wear the old red/green plaid. I do wear wool pants when I need and I love to hunt with cast bullets

08-05-2019, 12:00 AM
I hunt oldschool. I'm a fairly new hunter, but I don't buy into all the new stuff. I read books about hunting from the 80s on back. Manditory orange here during anything big game and firearms, but other than that I wear flannel or my carhartt jacket and jeans. I hunt from the ground, make my own blind. I just like it that way. I got a buddy that decks out in camo and scent killer.

08-05-2019, 01:31 PM
The older I get, the more I like comfortable. Indiana requires the wearing of some blaze orange above the waist, I normally wear an orange hat or cap, depending on the temperature. Deer do not see blaze orange the same way we do. I have been sitting on a stump, wearing a blaze orange vest, and had a young doe walk within five feet up wind of me and did not spook and apparently did not see me. Keep yer powder dry...……...robin

08-05-2019, 02:40 PM
I'll admit that the latest new fangled fabric and camo patterns that have been developed and marketed in the magazines and TV are interesting. If it were not for the fact that I am married and therefore do not have open access to a secure funding string, I might be tempted to try them out.

Since I spend most of the allowance that my darling wife gives me from my salary on lead, powder and primers I usually just stick to what is comfortable, legal, and cheap.... and by cheap I mean items that I bought in my youth before I got married. Luckily I bought large, with the understanding that the items would shrink in the wash. Fortunately the items didn't shrink, but unfortunately somehow I managed to expand to fit them. Go figure.

I've had hunts decked out in Mossy Oak where I didn't see a single thing. I've had other hunts where I've been in standard T-shirt and jeans and had a deer nearly walk up and eat out of my hand.

More concerning to me is that in the off season I see tons of game. When the season starts, I see nothing. Has anyone been able to figure out who's slipping the game a calendar? Inquiring minds wish to know.

08-05-2019, 04:35 PM
I don't really have any "hunting clothes" just my everyday shirt and jeans, jacket. I am a firm believer that camo is a waste of time and money. I have set still and been able to reach out and touch many different animals (deer, fox, turkeys etc.) while wearing bright colored clothing.

08-05-2019, 05:47 PM
Went hunting with a group a while back, long while actually. As we were slipping on orange vests, a buddy's bil pointed out that my brown carhart jacket was gonna spook the deer, as we both slipped on ORANGE vests a d caps! I just went on about my knittin, go figger.

08-05-2019, 07:02 PM
I have read that deer and turkey are curious and will come to check out anything unusual. I have to wear orange on top and an orange hat. Can't be orange camo. I have an orange ballcap, but I also wear my cowboy hat with an orange hatband. I used blaze orange duct tape for that hatband several times, but I'm looking to make one out of cloth that will slip on and off. I also took one of those cheap vests and cut it up to make a back and left/right panels so I can pin it to any jacket I like, so I don't have to wear my orange vest over the jacket. That breaks up the solid and conceals better. It's not the color but the solid panel that the deer see. I've often wondered if I took an orange vest, and sewn a few pieces to it of a very slightly different orange but still blaze, if it would conceal better.

08-06-2019, 12:51 PM
I have read that some states are now allowing blaze pink as an alternative to blaze orange. I don't know about y'all, but I wouldn't be caught dead wearing blaze pink, LOL...…….robin

shooter bob
08-06-2019, 06:03 PM
I guess I’m not cool I really like Camo I prefer the old wood land . And I really don’t care if game can see me just as easily as wearing jeans or plaid.And I really like water proof clothes.

Butler Ford
08-06-2019, 06:42 PM
Would my 71 year old Winchester be considered "Old Time"?

08-06-2019, 07:32 PM
I guess I’m not cool I really like Camo I prefer the old wood land . And I really don’t care if game can see me just as easily as wearing jeans or plaid.And I really like water proof clothes.
Bob, I like that brown camo from the 70s that's similar to woodland. I've got a vintage rifle case in it.

shooter bob
08-06-2019, 08:01 PM
At least I’m not the only one

08-07-2019, 12:17 PM
I will admit to having some woodland camo, but I swear that the most effective camo was the original "Tree Bark" camo in shades of grey and black, that looked just like tree bark. I was wearing some while squirrel hunting with my son. I was standing with my back to a white oak tree, and I thought he had a heart attack when I reached out and touched him on the shoulder...…….robin

08-07-2019, 02:11 PM
Judging by the turkeys and deer around my farm, a tractor is great camo and diesel fuel is an execelent cover scent:bigsmyl2:

08-07-2019, 09:28 PM
Rght on rking. Throw in an old pull type combine, cornpicker or baler and an old wooden wagon and you have all the camo ever needed plus your ground blind. Old oily greasy smell or ripe manure is as good cover scent as canbe found.

08-09-2019, 06:38 PM
I guess I’m not cool I really like Camo I prefer the old wood land . And I really don’t care if game can see me just as easily as wearing jeans or plaid.And I really like water proof clothes.

I might argue that the old Woodland camo (especially that old 70s pattern) is pretty vintage and old school! I like it better than some of the new stuff.

08-09-2019, 06:48 PM
I don't really have any "hunting clothes" just my everyday shirt and jeans, jacket. I am a firm believer that camo is a waste of time and money. I have set still and been able to reach out and touch many different animals (deer, fox, turkeys etc.) while wearing bright colored clothing.

You had me right up till the time you mentioned (TURKEYS) ,maybe descendants of the Famous singer( Ray Charles he was blind) but any turkey I"ve seen would turn inside out and POOF/GONE

08-11-2019, 11:21 AM
You had me right up till the time you mentioned (TURKEYS) ,maybe descendants of the Famous singer( Ray Charles he was blind) but any turkey I"ve seen would turn inside out and POOF/GONE

Out in my area the turkeys are pretty dumb. Not enough people hunting them to educate them like they have been back east. Several times I have had a flock come wandering by while I was deer hunting. I would stay behind them around twenty yards and follow them. Great cover for noise and movement to sneak up on deer.

DIRT Farmer
08-11-2019, 11:18 PM
My favorite way to hunt turkeys in the fall is to wait for a breezy day and walk up on them. No camo needed just move slow and dont skyline your self. I have killed something more than 30 turkeys with my Brown Bess at ranges around 20 yards. Never used a modern gun have always left the cap lock at home.

08-12-2019, 12:42 AM
That is the way I like to hunt them as well. I slip up and flush them like a big covey of quail! Their head is the size of a dove and they hit the ground sounding like a dropped feed sack. I don’t hunt them in the spring, got fish on the brain that time of year. For me it’s my old Wingmaster and 1 1/4 oz of lead #4, a Bess would be more challenge, but I like a backup shot in case I muff the first and wound the bird, mad they can RUN!

smoked turkey
08-12-2019, 09:36 AM
I have a woods trail that I walk frequently. I sometimes wear camo and sometimes not. I have noticed time and time again that when I have on camo, that I am not noticed so much by the game. If I still hunt by standing rock still, the game seems to go back to what ever they were doing rather than running off. For me the use of even blue jeans and a camo long sleeve shirt helps me get closer to the game than without. A white tee shirt is definitely a no-no if I am serious about getting close.
Turkey hunting has been mentioned. My way is not for everybody, but fun for me and works most of the time. It is usually more time consuming than walking to them as they are never in a hurry unless spooked. I use camo even in a ground blind because I am convinced a turkey can spot a bug moving on a log 75 yards away. I set out two decoys (a hen and a jake) and call them into my range which is usually 30-35 yards. I use a muzzleloading shotgun. I have killed many many turkeys this way. Last season on two separate occasions I called them from an open field 150 yards away into range. It sometimes takes them a hour to cover that distance.