View Full Version : George was in Virginia again?

07-19-2019, 03:33 PM
Well he did it again, I Think! You decide.
OK that sneaky George paid me another visit. At least i'm pretty sure it was him. let me explain. I was out running some errands the other day. I was patiently awaiting the arrival of an RCBS cast bullet manual (that's right, RCBS, I bet a lot of you didn't know that RCBS had a cast bullet manual. I didn't) that I had purchased of fleabay for the great price of $12.00. I have a lot of trouble with the mail here so I always get tracking numbers, and I make sure I'm close by when something gets delivered. I was close by so when i received the 'delivered" notice from USPS I cut my trip short and rushed home. I grabbed my book and rushed to my door to head upstairs to check it out. As I am opening the envelope, not paying much attention, and proceeding upstairs, I trip over this package! My first thought is " what the heck is this ? I'm not expecting anything else. Maybe it's for my wife. Nope it's for me. Not much of a return address, other than Alaska! That's right Alaska! I'm In Virginia! I don't know anybody from Alaska! I have to tell ya, at this point I'm a little nervous. Getting a package from someplace were you don't know a soul, with no return address other than Alaska can be a little nerve racking. I know in my 62+ years I've probable po'd (can I say po'd on the forum? If not I apologize) in a lot of people in a lot of different parts of this country but none in Alaska to my knowledge. So what could it be and who is it from? Anything from a dead cat, to a nuclear weapon I suppose. I better be extra careful opening this so I figure I'll put it on a table in the middle of the yard and poke it with a long stick a couple times before I open it. Yeah i know won't do much good if it's a nuclear weapon but it's about the best i can do. Well to my relief there is no reaction of any kind. So I open it. To my amazement, and relief, it's full of a bunch of gun related and reloading stuff. Including an RCBS bench prime and a Lee hardness tester. Well I head upstairs to better check this out. I still don't have any idea were this came from. The first thing i encounter when I open the door is Max, my 130 pound Bullmastif, sitting there! He has a stupid look/grin on his face, with a spare rib bone hanging out of his mouth! There on the floor is my bottle of Johnny Walker Black! and it's empty! There is only one explanation. GEORGEEEEEEE! He must have gotten drunk the last time he was here (When he and Max drank all my expensive Tequila and ate my steaks) and forgot to leave some stuff so he had to make a second trip. Except for one thing. Why the box with the Alaska post mark? I have an idea about that. Alaska, North Pole! Dose everyone see were this is going? Well I believe I now Know Who George is (or at least who he is related to) and were he lives! George lives at the North Pole (probable in some one room cabin in the woods), he's related to that fat dude with the long white beard. You know the guy that wears the red long-johns all the time. Anyway it makes perfect sense! He's related to that dude that takes care of the kids in December. Except no stinking cookies and milk for him he likes booze an spare ribs (or stake and Tequila). He's the guy takes care of us big kids!
There is just one problem that I have to contend with for me. That would be poor Max! He is now up to about 160 lbs and I had to put a lock on the cabinet were I keep my booze. Dose anyone have any idea how hard it is to keep a Bullmastiff out of, or away from someplace or something he wants? Oh Well.
Anyway that's my theory and I'm sticking to it! You all can make up your own minds about George, who he is, and were he lives!

Thanks George I will always believe!

07-19-2019, 05:54 PM
George is one heckuva guy. He loves wimmins, booze, and dogs.
And cast boolit shooting.

Watch out, he's been there twice and left stuff. Next time he's liable to ransack the place.
There won't be a bottle of hooch in the cabinet, or a steak in the freezer.

And he's been known to walk off with some of your excess, to give to someone else.

07-19-2019, 06:06 PM
i tell you, George is realllllllllll

07-19-2019, 06:35 PM
I'm glad George visits many of you....I've never had a visit...but that's ok....I guess us unbelievers never get a visit anyway. Kinda like Santa Clause. I just haven't been convinced yet that he exists.


07-19-2019, 07:44 PM
Oh, George exists. Trust me.

07-20-2019, 10:24 AM
Anyone know if George likes rock and roll music?

I wrote some lyrics:

"So lock up your dog
Lock up your wife
Lock up your liquor cabinet
And run for your life
George is back in town
Don't you mess me 'round"

George is a dynamite guy!

Thanks, Dinny

07-20-2019, 02:34 PM
A lot of good articles about George.