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View Full Version : Happy Bastille Day!

07-14-2019, 06:04 AM
Seems like yesterday, when on 14 July 1789 Parisian rebels stormed the Bastille prison. Its sudden fall kicked off the French revolution, an Earth-shaking event whose echoes we still feel ...
Vive la France! La Fête Nationale

07-14-2019, 12:48 PM
If only we had enough balls to pull something like that off here, a repeat of the 1776 revolution.
Think it’s possible?

07-14-2019, 05:15 PM
If you study the entire event and subsequent results of the French Revolution, I don't think you would laud their accomplishments. It was an example of a "pure democracy" without laws, moral restrain, or purpose other than to completely destroy a Monarchy and Church, while replacing it eventually with an Emperor (Napoleon). They ended up killing over 40K people who opposed their leaders, and eventually killed the leaders that started their revolution. The French Revolution "mirrors" the Russian Revolution of 1917 more closely than the American Revolution. The French, after their revolution, had no "republic", Christian institutions, or freedoms as we know them. Their "liberty" was not modeled after the liberties enumerated under our Constitution and even today, is considered a "secular" society.

If you look at what mob action brings, look no further than what "Antifa" is doing in action and protest. They demonstrate how "mob rule" works and how they seek to take away your freedom of choice; destroy your culture; and enforce their rules by Political Correctness on those that disagree with their philosophy. Their actions are not based on logic or ethics, but raw emotion fueled by hate!

The French were driven to action by such men as Voltaire and Robespierre. Their aim was to get rid of G-d and all Christian influence in government. I am very happy with our Constitution that was written with Christian beliefs as its guiding principles.

Take the masks off these Antifa participators and groups like them; demand equal justice under the law; stop voting for politicians that hate our country who flood our country with illegals and demand you pay for their illegal actions. We should be outraged at politicians who do the will of the minority over the majority of the people. We, as a nation, got here by allowing our government to grow with out oversight or parental controls. Storming the halls of Congress for all their transgressions, at this point, would be chaotic and ineffective unless we have a plan an means of replacing them on the spot. (I think they call that action a coup; and I doubt if we want to go through with that plan of action!)

I too, would like to have see the corruption eradicated from our government and its agencies; however, the United States (colonies) only came to a shooting war when a "socialist" nation (G.B.) decided to violate the sovereignty of its own colonies by violating the rights of their citizens for over a decade. By then, these 13 colonies had a plan of self governing and a reason to go to go to war with its "Mother Country". We are in a struggle with those that want a "Global Government" to replace the United States Government. It's no longer a conspiracy theory when 20 out of 20 presidential candidates confirm that socialism is the type of government they want! And, we will all pay for this new government in taxes until the money runs out; then we can be blamed for the problem when we can't produce revenue but cheap labor for the "state".

We are currently in a struggle of the Civil War II (or cold civil war) where lines have been drawn as to whether we will be a nation governed by the people or a nation governed by the state. Because of Trump we have "woke" to the fact of who is on which side of this war (identify your opponent first - a hard requirement) our political leaders, business people, educators, and military are on. Thus far, it has been surprising those who fall on each side of this struggle.

I believe that after the next election the second faze of this cold war will be enacted by those that want open warfare! We shall see if the Republic will still exist! May G-d help us.

07-14-2019, 05:39 PM
That’s what the Gilet-Jaunes protests are all about...not enough pie to go around.
They provide a lesson in why a free market economy with no government interference is superior to every other economic system the world has ever tried.
A study of the effects of the Tragedy of the Commons by every American citizen is what’s sorely needed.
Here’s a great place to start: