View Full Version : Thanks RCBS

Land Owner
07-08-2019, 05:16 AM
What can I say that hasn't already been said?

I inherited a crinkle painted Rock Chucker with bicycle handle and cast aluminum primer catcher tray on a portable stand. I moved it from one house to another. Since I already have a powder coated RC with baseball handle on my bench, the portable has been waiting about a year for me to do some remote work - downstairs perhaps.

In a teaching moment, I showed the portable to my neighbor and together we discovered it has no Main Ram Pin. This RC is approaching 60-years old. It is an ORIGINAL. It was my Mentor's machine. He was 16 years older than me and he started reloading in the 50's.

Bottom line - I called RCBS and they shipped me a new pin and two retaining rings - FREE OF CHARGE. Best word of mouth advertising I can give.

07-08-2019, 06:29 AM
Yes, had the same experience with RCBS and have heard this over and over again. Great company !

07-08-2019, 07:21 AM
That's awesome that they still have parts for such older machines (I'm guessing 60s to mid 70s?). I have owned/used most brands of equipment down through the years but RCBS has always been my first "goto" when I'm looking for something. To find the ram pin and send it to you free says something about a company. Congrats to you and "WAY TO GO" RCBS.


762 shooter
07-08-2019, 07:23 AM
Same here. 1969 RC. Previous owner had replaced ram pin with 1/8" bolt. RCBS sent me the pin and two clips for free. Reason for warranty replacement........defective pin.


07-08-2019, 09:46 PM
Other companies have good customer service but rcbs is the absolute best i have ever dealt with.

Tom W.
07-08-2019, 09:53 PM
My die box broke it's hinges. I got a new box last week, just from an email.... Can't beat their service!

07-08-2019, 10:07 PM
From pick up tubes to that obscure part, RCBS has always been there for me. Free of charge and very quick. I emulate the others when I say their customer service IS second to none in the industry.

Land Owner
07-09-2019, 07:23 AM
It never gets old to refresh by word of mouth the great service given by one of our most reliable producers of reloading machines. I have, since my first awakening to their unrelenting pursuit of Customer Service, always said I like GREEN. If you gall it, maul it, mash it, or smash it, by accident or on purpose, RCBS will replace it, if it is still made or make you whole again another way, and they do it without asking those pesky embarrassing questions, as well as covering all the costs - including shipping. Now how can you beat that?

Am sitting here wonder what percentage of their bottom line is spent on Customer / Warranty Service (salaries, benefits, warehousing, production, shipping, etc.)? The remainder of the business has got to be lucrative in order to pay out the benefits to us as users through their gratuitous Customer Service, though it does cement our loyalty.