View Full Version : Knock me down with a feather,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Winger Ed.
06-27-2019, 01:12 AM
In our little community, we have one traffic light, the next closest one is 5 miles away in one direction, and 10 miles in the other.
Here, everybody is just hard working, church going,,,,,,,, normal folks.

Today, I stopped at the local auto parts store, talked to a couple guys outside, left the windows down, went in,
got my stuff, and talked & visited with a few folks inside, and left.

Getting back in the truck, with my state issued USMC license plates, and the emblem from my old squadron in the back window--
There was a envelope inside with a hand written message,
"Thank you for your service. May your next oil change be on us who appreciate our veterans".

Inside the envelope was $60 in slightly used US currency.
I about fell over.

This is more than generous, more than kind, and totally anonymous. The parking lot was empty when I left.
I'm more than grateful, but there is so many vets and other folks that deserve this MUCH, MUCH more than myself.

I can't just spend it, or put it in the "Keep Winger Ed. from starving to death this week" fund.
The wife & I have decided to double it, and spend it in another way.

The little local sit down 1950's style café we eat at on occasion always has some older person come in,
sit down, and dine alone. Most are widows or widowers and their families don't live near by.

We've decided to use the gift to 'pay it forward'.
When we're leaving, we'll pay for the ticket of some older person who isn't done yet, and eating alone.

06-27-2019, 01:23 AM
That just about made me tear up! WOW!

And I will also Thank you for your service!

You may have to be conscious of folk’s pride when offering to pay it forward. Some may appreciate companionship as much or more than actually paying for something while some may prefer solitude.

In any case I think you are really onto something!



Winger Ed.
06-27-2019, 03:30 AM
And I will also Thank you for your service!

Thanks bro.
I've always been grateful and polite when I hear that. But I feel guilty too.
I did almost 8 years, and all of it was peacetime service.

I've always felt uneasy being lumped in with men & women that came home all shot up- or worse-
from places we never even heard of.

Whenever I hear that, in my mind's eye I see the old picture of 3 Grunts carrying their buddy on a stretcher-
rifles on their shoulders, coming out of the jungle, while its raining.
Under the picture, it reads, "All gave some. Some gave all".
I remind myself that whatever I gave, if anything---- it was real darn minimal.

Sure, spending 4 years turning wrenches on the Marine One crew was really cool, and was a great place to grow up,
but it's nothing compared to the level of Service others were called to.

Stephen Cohen
06-27-2019, 03:55 AM
I know how you feel about being a peace time veterans, but we peace time Soldiers kept the ranks full which was a deterrent to those who would take our Countries on. I understand I am entitled to some peace time medals but I will never claim them as medals are for heroes and those who saw active service, In my view anyway. I think the idea you and your wife have decided on is a wonderful idea something we should all consider. My hat is off to you both. Regards Stephen

smoked turkey
06-27-2019, 04:13 AM
This post speaks of the way things used to be and should be now. By and large people are caring and good, honest, hard working folks. As a person who is not a veteran, I feel the way about your peace time service as you feel about those who carried their buddies out on a stretcher. I am so grateful for anyone who gave up years of their life to serve our great country. You and others who served in a time of peace could have been called to some far away place if things had been different and would have stood in the gap for freedoms call. Enjoy the oil change because you earned it. I also think your idea of paying it forward is a great one. May we all be encouraged to do so too.

Land Owner
06-27-2019, 07:01 AM
Thanks bro.
I've always felt uneasy being lumped in with men & women that came home all shot up- or worse-
from places we never even heard of.

I hear you and feel your pain. Some of us were "on the cusp" between war and peace, spanning the end of the "conflict" in Vietnam, what followed, and in what some consider "peacetime" service. Still, each of us took the oath, wrote a blank check for "all" if that became necessary, and did the required jobs at hand in order to keep the machines well oiled and the equipment constantly at the ready. There is no sense of diminished worth in the Honorable performance of our duty.

In this we are all Brothers, though some have been steeled by combat and we salute them for their extraordinary service - though they shrug it off as just "doing their job"...

06-27-2019, 07:37 AM
Thanks you for your service sir! And bless you & your wife for being generous.

06-27-2019, 07:49 AM
Cool story! Thanks for sharing it!

I also suggest ya just keep "Passing it forward", like mentioned if ya want to do so.

You could even spread it out & buy a "couple", or a "few" of those older folks their meal, or any kind deed like that. To make things even better, if ya can afford it without much issue, add to "the pot" to spread it around.

Semper Fi !

06-27-2019, 08:11 AM
As a Hospital Corpsman (1965~1969) I am proud of your ideals Winger Ed and applaud your since of caring and Patriotism. I served in War Time but wasn't involved in "in country" activities. Oddly as a Navy Corpsman I wasn't even assigned to a Ship, serving the bulk of my time in service on the lovely Island of Guam. I share yours and others feelings of "I could have done more" but realize my job was as important as others who served in battle. Your story really touched me the and the idea of "passing it forward" is a tremendous showing of faith and Patriotism. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE.

06-27-2019, 08:13 AM
I too want to thank you for your Service. Even in peace-times it IS still a sacrifice. You gave up time with Family and Friends to serve our great nation and to keep our military strong.

I love your idea of paying it forward. I'm sure whoever you help will be appreciative of the anonymous assistance.

God Bless....


06-27-2019, 08:17 AM
A wonderful idea. Pass that blessing on to others. My hats off to you

06-27-2019, 08:43 AM
Blessing to you and yours

06-27-2019, 08:46 AM
"Still, each of us took the oath, wrote a blank check for "all" if that became necessary, and did the required jobs at hand in order to keep the machines well oiled and the equipment constantly at the ready. There is no sense of diminished worth in the Honorable performance of our duty".

For me this says it all. Each and every one of you knew full well the possibilities when you signed your name on the line, yet you made that choice anyway. That takes guts, and is patriotism in its highest form. You did the job that was asked of you..... For me, and for most I would assume, that is more than enough!

God Bless you all, and thank you...each and every one of you, for your service!

06-27-2019, 09:42 AM
That just about made me tear up! WOW!

And I will also Thank you for your service!

You may have to be conscious of folk’s pride when offering to pay it forward. Some may appreciate companionship as much or more than actually paying for something while some may prefer solitude.

In any case I think you are really onto something!



This especially along with the other posts. God bless

06-27-2019, 09:50 AM
It's sure uplifting to read about acts of kindness .
Thanks !

06-27-2019, 10:08 AM
Thats a cool story! Thanks for posting it.

And I also want to thank you for your service. There is no reason to feel uneasy about this. You signed "The Blank Check" without knowing what your fate would be or where it would be at. You went where they sent you and did your job when you got there. For that, my hat is off to you.

Your post just shows that there are lots of good people in the world.

06-27-2019, 11:35 AM
I was really touched by your story. I never served so i will always thank those who did. As far as serving in peace time doesn't matter to me you put on the uniform and were willing to go if called. Thats what mattered . Putting on a uniform is protecting this country whether you had to fight or not. In my opinion no one wants to go to war they do it to protect there country. I can tell you that i for one will never forget what all the men and women who have served have done for the country or for me personally. Thank you.

06-27-2019, 12:16 PM
What a wonderful gesture. I also live in a small town and despite being surrounded by some truly upstanding Americans, it is hard to remember that there are still more of us than there are of those who hate liberty, morality, and honor.

I also suffer from the guilt of not having done more. I was in the US Navy for four years. Wanted to join the Marine Corp and become a sniper, like my dad during Vietnam. But he talked me out of it. During Desert Storm I served on a carrier that was in the Gulf and received combat pay. Got out in `92 and wanted to do more, so I joined the Army National Guard as a Combat Engineer. Trained in a combat recon squad along with the Cavalry scouts for a few years.

Got injured during a training exercise and was forced out. Then Afghanistan erupted and my old unit was sent over and suffered casualties. I felt like a failure for not being there.

06-27-2019, 01:06 PM
I thank all of you for your service! I guess I can be called a "Cold Warrior." Congress, in its wisdom decided the Vietnam action started about a year before I was discharged, so technically, I am a Vietnam Vet. I have never felt comfortable using that title, because I didn't earn the right. I even feel a bit funny about buying and wearing one of the caps that say "Vietnam Era Veteran". My respect to all who served there.

06-27-2019, 07:27 PM
Great story Ed! Thank you for your service. You are a humble man that did his duty. And that duty was just as important as others. As you know, one defective/broken part can shut down the whole machine.

06-27-2019, 08:06 PM
Good for you Ed and thanks to the anonymous that thought of you. Several friends that were 'in country', a few with Purple Heart. I was supposed to go to Cuba blockade but it fortunately got called off (whew, GQ 24/7). Got out just before Nam got hot. I thank the guys in uniform or wearing the ball cap, hot zone or not. Lots of lonely seniors out there that could use some conversation too. With all the hustle and bustle, people don't talk to strangers often. Nobody wants to feel forgotten.

06-27-2019, 09:14 PM
:drinks: Outstanding Sir.Thank you for your service.God bless all who have served,those who are now serving and those who will serve in the future.