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06-26-2019, 02:45 PM
That rascal George was in Virginia!
The other day I was out running a few errands ( if i didn't get delayed i might have intercepted the rascal, but stuff happens) and when i got back home the first thing I notice is that my door is ajar. Well as I open the door, my EDC at the low ready, my 130 pound Bullmastiff is conspicuously not present. This is not normal! Max always meets me at the door! Now i'm really getting nervous. I proceed to clear the house, room by room. Ok the house is almost clear, one room to go. That would be the bedroom. As I enter the room, what do see? Well there is Max, laying on the bed, his head on my pillow, with a big Steak platter next to him. And if that's not strange enough, rolling around on the floor is my 20 year old, $150.00 bottle of Porfidio, single agave Tequila! and it's empty! not a drop left! Well what the heck is going on here? I figure I'd better check things out a bit further so back to the kitchen I go and there it is! Two big boxes sitting next to the sink. Along with another plate with a small piece of stake bone and baked potato left on it. Next to that is an empty glass, that smells an awful lot like Tequila! And, the freezer door is open! When I check inside I find that my to giant T-bone steaks are also missing! AH Ha! This is all starting to make sense now. There is only one rascal capable of pulling this off! GEORGE! This is what I figured happened. George snuck in, left me two boxes of casting equipment, cooked up my T-bones and baked potatoes. He obviously bribed Max with a steak and a little Tequila(yes Max likes Tequila after all he's my dog isn't he?) and finished the rest of the food and Tequila himself. He must have been tired cause I figure he and Max took a little nap on my bed before he departed. Off to the next unsuspecting person.
Well all I have to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH GEORGE!!!!! It is because of you, and your generosity that myself and another member will be doing lots of casting in the near future.
George, I can't thank enough, but did you have to ruin poor Max? Now every time I try to feed him, he walks to the freezer, sits down, picks up his paw, points at the freezer and barks! He flat out refuses to eat dog food any more. Do anyone have any idea how many Steaks a 130 pound Bullmastiff can eat? This is costing me a fortune. Oh well such is life. George One Dollar Bill, you're a good man. I think!

06-26-2019, 08:54 PM
Yep. George has been here on at least 2 separate occasions.

Once he left things, once he left WITH things. That's how he operates.

Ain't a lock made he can't defeat.....

06-27-2019, 12:11 AM
Please do not tell George about Washington State, but if he already knows about it then send him to the liberal west side!


06-27-2019, 08:56 AM
Please do not tell George about Washington State, but if he already knows about it then send him to the liberal west side!


So who over there would have any loading or shooting stuff?

06-27-2019, 09:41 PM
He he he
Sic them George :)

06-28-2019, 02:16 AM
BrassMagnet, rumors are that there're silent folks who just don't talk about it over this, er, that way :p

06-28-2019, 06:18 AM
BrassMagnet, rumors are that there're silent folks who just don't talk about it over this, er, that way :p


06-28-2019, 10:31 PM
OMG Poppy!! Sounds like Max is spoiled for life. I sure hope George doesn't find his way into my house while my kids are out of school for the summer. They're already eating me out of house and home. I look forward to sharing George's gifts with you next weekend.

Thanks, Dinny

03-28-2020, 01:24 AM
I am in Va I would love to have George drop ny my place sometime

03-29-2020, 07:53 AM
George One Dollar Bill, he must have one of the most up to date GPS,S. wonder if it is a GARMAN or a TOM TOM? what ever it is, it is a devise that has let him find his way to my house in the NORTH EAST, a couple years ago!