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View Full Version : My head is spinning from google searching bullet lubes

06-18-2019, 10:48 PM
There are so many different types, there is no way to keep them straight. And so many are labled odd industrial names like "SL-71B", "SL-68B", "4Q lube". There are a million versions out there, and usually it's people throwing out the name, with no mention of what's in it.

I'll get straight to the point. I'm looking for a lube that performs best at 0-50 degrees. I have been looking at 666+1 (AKA satan's lube) in particular, as it is known for cold weather, cold bore with no flyer. I was reading where one guy had tested it with perfect results as cold as -15, which I don't shoot in much colder than that. Below -15, I'm usually struggling to keep my eyes from watering when shooting, and often can't feel my hands anyway. In the summer, it's just shooting for fun. Even still, there is another post where guys down south are saying the stuff works just fine in their 115 degree summers. I also think it would be cool to be able to use the same lube for blackpowder.

Is there another recipe I should be looking into that is better for my purposes than satan's lube?
How does 666+1 work for muzzleloader either patch lube or conical, keeping in mind I'm mostly after the cold bore shot in cold weather?

06-19-2019, 12:00 AM
If you ask 100 lube makers, you will get 100 recipe variations.
666+1 is just the Old NRA formula with a bit of soap to raise the melt temp to work better in heat.

Some will use petroleum ingredients in their lube, maybe give 666+1 a try and report back.
Myself, I prefer to not use petroleum ingredients for BP, I use beargrease straight with Patched RB and Beargrease-beeswax 50-50 with conicals.

06-19-2019, 05:38 AM
I just buy it now... Tried too many recipes some of which leaded the hell out of my barrel.

06-19-2019, 07:26 AM
I use (mostly :) ) Lyman Orange Magic and the Blue lub sold by Magma Engineering (the Star people); also, the plain-Jane black stuff from Lyman, too. I cannot speak for performance at fifteen-below (brrrrrrrrrr) -- but at my latitude it is not at all uncommon to be shooting in the zero degree to twenty-something range. I've never had a lub problem. HOWEVER -- when cold weather hunting/shooting -- most persons, including me, have MTM Ammo Wallets or similar in a shirt pocket kept "warm" from our body heat. I may be waaay wrong, as I've been under the impression that powders performance varies with ambient temperature -- 'ceptin some newer powders I've not used which advertise to NOT be affected by temperature changes -- more of a "worry" to me than affects of ambient temp on the bullet lub.

06-19-2019, 08:51 PM
What I'm gathering, is that it's best to stick to commercial lubes.

Tom W.
06-19-2019, 09:33 PM
Check with White Label Lubes...... It doesn't get below 25 here often, but the owner there will steer you in the right direction.

06-19-2019, 09:45 PM
WLL recommended Canaruba Red or Blue. This might be a case of if it aint broke, don't fix it. I've been using Canaruba Red with no problems this long. I should just order more of the same.

06-19-2019, 11:08 PM
+1 on Carnuba Red. Used it as an 'all around' lube for quite a few years before I switched to powder-coat.


06-20-2019, 09:08 AM
Listen to the nay sayers and you'll never find a consistent, reasonably cost effective, and accurate lube.

06-20-2019, 09:18 AM
What I'm gathering, is that it's best to stick to commercial lubes.For cartridge use I suggest going ahead and trying the 666+ and seeing how it works in YOUR rifles. I'm betting you'll like it, it's cheap, easy and it's rewarding to use something you made yourself. Plus it works!

For black powder as I understand it part of the function of lube is to keep the fouling soft. I'd probably look a different direction for that application.

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06-20-2019, 09:22 AM
There are so many different types, there is no way to keep them straight. And so many are labled odd industrial names like "SL-71B", "SL-68B", "4Q lube". There are a million versions out there, and usually it's people throwing out the name, with no mention of what's in it.

I'll get straight to the point. I'm looking for a lube that performs best at 0-50 degrees. I have been looking at 666+1 (AKA satan's lube) in particular, as it is known for cold weather, cold bore with no flyer. I was reading where one guy had tested it with perfect results as cold as -15, which I don't shoot in much colder than that. Below -15, I'm usually struggling to keep my eyes from watering when shooting, and often can't feel my hands anyway. In the summer, it's just shooting for fun. Even still, there is another post where guys down south are saying the stuff works just fine in their 115 degree summers. I also think it would be cool to be able to use the same lube for blackpowder.

Is there another recipe I should be looking into that is better for my purposes than satan's lube?
How does 666+1 work for muzzleloader either patch lube or conical, keeping in mind I'm mostly after the cold bore shot in cold weather?

The fellow that came up with 666+1 actually used it and worked with it a lot, unlike some others. I'd try it if you want and ignore those that poopoo others that want to try something. Many have left this forum for that exact reason.

06-20-2019, 09:34 AM
I'm a Felix Lube guy...but I've never done any shooting below +20* with it. So I can't comment on the low temp end.


MT Gianni
06-20-2019, 10:17 AM
What I'm gathering, is that it's best to stick to commercial lubes.

I would debate that to a standstill. I have shot Felix with no complaints down to -15 F. IMO lube is dependent on humidity and conditions and commercial doesn't let you tailor to those. 666+1 works in my climate which is quite dry and was developed in a much wetter one. To quote a friend "lube doesn't really matter until it does". IOW, lube will not shrink a group of imbalanced bullets, increase velocities of a poor powder choice or fix the basics. It can let you shoot much longer without fliers if you have a good load already.

06-20-2019, 06:31 PM
I'm not looking to shoot longer without fliers. I'm more looking for the first cold bore shot. That first shot doesn't even necessarily have to be in the warm bore group, just that every cold bore shot is accurate. The other thing is in low pressure and low velocity rounds like 45 acp, Canaruba Red stays on the bullet to the target. On paper I am plenty happy, however, I'd like to try a soft lube like 666+1 just to see if it makes any difference.

I think I will try 666+1, and see how it performs. Like badgeredd says, I like that the guy who came up with it actually put years of testing into it.

06-20-2019, 07:38 PM
Well a few years back i put on my witch doctor hat and wizard robe and made my own bullet lube and as it turned out it works great. Now the problem i have no idea what is in it. So i couldn't make more if i wanted. There is only one way to see if something is going to work you gotta try it. Lube is pretty cheap you could hand lube a box or so and give them a go this will tell you more than all the opinions on here including mine.

35 shooter
06-20-2019, 09:53 PM
666+1 has been tested and proved in the very temps. your looking to use it in. Ben’s Red has since proved itself in the same temp. Range, and is still working at 95 to 105* with 110*, 112* degree heat index. I haven’t tried it at hotter temps so far..., there was no sign of it giving up though.

Btw, both of these lubes were great for keeping cold bore shots in the group!

06-21-2019, 09:02 AM
I'm a wet Darrs guy . It goes hot , cold , although 20 or so is about all the colder if shot it .

For BP olive oiled felt wads does the trick but I still like Olive bee best for maxis and conicals .

06-21-2019, 09:23 AM
WLL recommended Canaruba Red or Blue. This might be a case of if it aint broke, don't fix it. I've been using Canaruba Red with no problems this long. I should just order more of the same.

You may still want to try the Blue, maybe you will like it better. It is a little different than CR.

Tom W.
06-21-2019, 05:43 PM
When I called he told me the same thing. I understand that the CB doesn't need a heater.

06-21-2019, 06:16 PM
I have been playing with Canaruba Blue, I have the sample pack of all WLL lubes. I have to say that I just don't see much difference between Canaruba Red, and Canaruba Blue other than the color. Both have the same texture, and I would not say CB is any softer than CR. Maybe it requires ever so slightly less heat in a sizer, but neither work for me without a heater. That's no big deal. Both shoot the same on paper from handguns. For my purposes, they are the same lube. BAC consistently groups worse than either CR or CB. I have been more impressed with 2500+. It really comes down between CR and 2500+ for me.

RandyRat has been generous enough to send me a sample of his TAC 1, and says it is made for the cold conditions. That's no surprise, as he doesn't live all that far from me.

I have also been talking with another member, and I think I am going to try making a lube called MML+ instead of satan lube.

Between the benchmark Canaruba Red, 2500+, TAC 1, and MML+ I should have a winner. Thanks guys, you made it a lot easier than google.

06-21-2019, 10:32 PM
I'm a bit biased but I think between MML+ and 666+1 you'll find everything you need in bullet lube.

If you PM me an address you could could probably land you some samples of each to try out. ;-)

06-21-2019, 11:04 PM
I appreciate that Jailer, and I may take you up on it. First though, I think it will be best if I focus on the store bought lubes. I should see if either 2500+ or TAC1 is going to be better than CR.

06-21-2019, 11:09 PM
No problem, shoot me a pm if you change your mind.

06-21-2019, 11:20 PM
I grew on My Dad's weird concoctions.
When I got out of the Service, Reloading/Casting on my Own. I bought Tamarack's version of NRA 50/50. Used it until I ran out. And they were out of Business.
Tried White Label Lube Sample Pack. Now It's WLL BAC. Or their 45-45-10 for the few Tumble Lube molds I have.

Now I'm using WLL BAC in a Lube-Sizer,
or WLL 45-45-10 for a few Tumble Lube bullets.
And I'm Powder Coating too.

I'm so Confused.

06-21-2019, 11:57 PM
What are you confused about, why BAC didn't work for me? BAC was what I wanted to switch to, yet it opened up groups in 327 federal and 41 magnum. No idea why, but it didn't work for me. 2500+ has much more potential.

06-22-2019, 12:12 AM
I have been playing with Canaruba Blue, I have the sample pack of all WLL lubes. I have to say that I just don't see much difference between Canaruba Red, and Canaruba Blue other than the color. Both have the same texture, and I would not say CB is any softer than CR. Maybe it requires ever so slightly less heat in a sizer, but neither work for me without a heater. That's no big deal. Both shoot the same on paper from handguns. For my purposes, they are the same lube. BAC consistently groups worse than either CR or CB. I have been more impressed with 2500+. It really comes down between CR and 2500+ for me.

RandyRat has been generous enough to send me a sample of his TAC 1, and says it is made for the cold conditions. That's no surprise, as he doesn't live all that far from me.

I have also been talking with another member, and I think I am going to try making a lube called MML+ instead of satan lube.

Between the benchmark Canaruba Red, 2500+, TAC 1, and MML+ I should have a winner. Thanks guys, you made it a lot easier than google.I think you will find happiness with either MML+ or 666+

I like making things myself enough that I wouldn't buy the commercial stuff anyway.

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