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View Full Version : Your most regretted disposal of a firearm was.......?

06-18-2019, 06:11 PM
For me it was disposing of a Remington Model 788 in 22-250 Remington. I was gifted this rifle and I shot it quite a bit at paper and steel. It was not a very pretty rifle. It was plain Jane all the way but very very accurate. To the point it was so accurate that it became boring to me.

Who knew that many years later I would get into calling and hunting coyotes out here in the Las Vegas area. The 22-250 would have been a perfect coyote rifle. Now I use a CZ 527FS in .223 Remington or my Custom Mauser in 6.5.x55MM Sweede. The little CZ 527 is easy to carry and handle but the range is limited to about 175 yds with the 223 round. The sweede is a heavy rifle, more suited to benchrest shooting but is really overkill on a coyote.

I am looking for a 243 for the extra range needed past 175 yds cuz the desert is really open around here with long shots being the norm. However once in a while the sly dogs of the desert will surprise you. I was set up with my back against a rock on a hillside last year and my electronic caller was about 250 feet away from me. I had been calling for about 5 mins when a coyote trotted past me from behind no more than 15 feet away. His attention was on the twirling feather adjacent to the caller and he did not notice my drawing of my Ruger 327 Fed Magnum revolver behind him as he was gonna get that flying feather with the nice smell and the raucus sound. I shot him from about 45 feet and hit him in the back of the head with that .32 cal round. The round turned his head into mush and he dropped like a stone. Another coyote unseen prior to this suddenly stopped advancing on the lure and turned to leave. I caught the movement in my eye and I simply shot this one through the shoulders and he also went to coyote Valhalla. This one was about 40 yds away.

So you cannot always assume your shots will be at range around here. I am thinking a light bolt action in 243 would be the choice. I would love a CZ 527FS in 243 but I do not think that they make one.

06-18-2019, 06:52 PM
I have sold and or traded so many guns over the years that I have a large number of regrets where they are concerned. I really can't pick just one.

06-18-2019, 06:54 PM
I don't have a one !
My Dad once told me " Never get rid of a gun you like !" I took his words to heart and have no regret's .
Being "not rich" I don't own many guns but the few I have , I like them and keep them .

I do regret not buying a Ruger Blackhawk in 41 Magnum , I didn't know what the 41 mag. was and foolishly thought only a 44 magnum , (Go Ahead , Make My Day) would do...Dumb Move .

My Dad hunted and fished his entire life , he owned one 16 gauge shotgun , bolt action from Sears and one WWII Walther P38 pistol . He took everything from bob white, woodcock , bunnies , squirrel , possum , coon , turkey , ducks , geese , white tail deer and hogs with that 16 gauge shotgun...nobody could out shoot him ! I once asked him why he didn't buy a fancy new pump or semi-auto ..his reply " I like this one ". Maybe not selling and trading guns is in my DNA that Dad passed on to me .

06-18-2019, 07:11 PM
I have two one a sporterized 03 30-06 that i inherited from my dad and a sw 629 snub nose 1 of 5000 . Both were stolen at different times never to be seen again. If you are talking about one i got rid of it would have to be a colt 1903 32 acp. I miss these guns every time i go shooting. I really loved that little colt but times got hard and away it went.

06-18-2019, 07:24 PM
A Remington 600 in .243 that my Dad helped restock. It was the only gun he worked on.

06-18-2019, 07:26 PM
anschutz 54 sporter In 22 hornet. The chamber was oversized and it did not shoot like I thought it ought to. That coming from a long time small bore competitor using a match 54, so I think I was being reasonable. Thing is, I should have had it set back and or k hornet chambered. Beautiful rifle, just aggravating and I traded for a Browning 1885 in 30-06, still have it. And it shoots better 100 yard groups than I could with that hornet. Should have just bought the 1885 and kept the Anni!

06-18-2019, 07:33 PM
I have sold and or traded so many guns over the years that I have a large number of regrets where they are concerned. I really can't pick just one.

Unfortunately, I am in this camp as well. I have let some go that I shouldn't have. Any more though, all of mine are keepers and I wouldn't sell any of them unless I absolutely had to.

06-18-2019, 07:35 PM
Commercial 1911 made in 1918 and purchase by US Army in 1942. With transfer papers selling it to the officer that it was issued to.

06-18-2019, 07:42 PM
All of them, but most regret would be my 9422 Winchester and my .222 BLR.

06-18-2019, 08:09 PM
Ithaca 37 featherlight in 20 ga. Never found another just like it.

06-18-2019, 08:48 PM
My 30 cal carbine made by Rockola. It was stolen, so I can’t blame myself, but I really liked it. It would only chamber ball rounds consistently though.

06-18-2019, 08:57 PM
6" Colt Python - because I wanted the stainless one, which I never got...

Texas by God
06-18-2019, 08:58 PM
I'll go with my first rifle; a Remington 788 22-250! Customized by my teenage self who was stupid to let it go for a Franchi 20 that I also don't have. And yes, 22-250 is the coyote king imho.

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Silvercreek Farmer
06-18-2019, 09:07 PM
I have only sold one, a Hipoint 9mm. Not because it was ugly or didnt shoot, but because my thumb applied the safety during recoil. I dont regret it a bit. I do wish my dad had not sold his service revolver, a 4" stainless 686.

06-18-2019, 09:11 PM
Mine would be a Belgium made Browning T-Bolt that was stolen. My mom was a housewife raising 3 kids on my dad's paychecks. We weren't poor but my dad always made sure we had a nice house, clothes and things while never splurging anything on himself. I had asked for a new bedspread for my 13th birthday and was completely surprised and in awe when he gave me that rifle instead.

06-18-2019, 09:19 PM
A 1895 Winchester in 30-40. I bought it cheap because the prior owner fired a 303 (?) in it & the empty was stuck in the chamber (a few screw driver marks on the rim). That empty was easily removed with a ram rod & a few taps. I foolishly traded it for a like new BRNO dbl. 12ga with false side locks. I thought I made a good trade, but looking back I'd rather have the'95.

06-18-2019, 09:25 PM
I didn't own it but I was getting a new bolt rifle in 1985 and the local shop had a Winchester Featherweight in .270 a d a Ruger 77 in 30/06, I had my mind made up for a 06. I got the Ruger (still have and love it) but that Featherweight still calls to me. One of these days (maybe).

06-18-2019, 09:32 PM
The guns that I have sold over the years are few in number, and all had something that made them totally unloved by me.

Like the absolutely sweet Brazilian made .410 sxs, nice wood, awesome hand checkering.

But the left barrel shot 2 feet high at 50 yards and the right barrel shot 2 fee left. Made it almost impossible to hit anything with it.

Anything that could in any way be made to shoot and hit the target sticks like glue.
After all, he who dies with the most toys wins, right? Grin

Butler Ford
06-18-2019, 09:38 PM
A pristine German Swastika stamped Browning Hi Power. Stupid me traded it for a Dirty Harry model 29.

06-18-2019, 09:38 PM
I've traded close to 100 different guns in my time, most of which I regretted at some point. An old norinco SKS, which was my first centerfire rifle is one I regret letting go. I bought a powermatic planer for cheap from work and traded the 800.00 used planer for an at the time 150.00 rifle. I shot it a lot for a few years. I sold it to a friend, whom sold it to another friend, then I bought it back and traded it again.

Then there was a Weatherby mark V deluxe in 270 WM. Bought it used, sold it and never blinked an eye. Dang it was nice.

Others include a blackhawk the wife bought me for Christmas one year, a marlin 1894c, a Remington 41 targetmaster. A Remington 760 gamemaster in 30-06 and a 7400 243.

A smith 642 I carried for years, sold it to a friend and had the chance to buy back but turned it down.

06-18-2019, 09:51 PM
Sako L691 in 338 Win Mag. The stock fit me better than any factory stock.

06-18-2019, 11:41 PM
In 2015, I sold a custom T-38 rifle in 6.5x257R at auction...it went real cheap.
I missed it so bad, I found the buyer a year later and bought it back...it wasn't real cheap to buy back.
There is lots more to this story...but this is all I'm telling about it tonight.

06-19-2019, 12:33 AM
Ruger mod 77V HB red pad 22/250 That I overheated with test loads that didn't work and stretched the chamber. I was too young and stupid to know that you could get it reheadspaced !!! This was a legitimate 1/2 to 1/4" at 100yds 5 shots gun. After my fopaw of over heating it was a 2" gun at 100 yds

06-19-2019, 12:49 AM
I regret letting my friends con me outa some great guns.

06-19-2019, 01:01 AM
One of the Belgian 1935 rifles in 30-06 had the ABL crest and dated about 1952. Probably others like that. Haven't traded or sold a firearm for years. Frank

Reverend Al
06-19-2019, 01:42 AM
I had a beautiful condition Westley Richards Lee Speed Sporter in .303 British and in a weak moment I traded it for a SxS hammer double rifle in .577 3" Black Powder Express. The double was a nice gun too, but I didn't keep it long and sold it to someone that wanted it far more than I did. Still regret parting with the Westley Richards since it was such a nice old rifle in exceptional condition ...


06-19-2019, 04:12 AM
A Sedgley Sporter; a Ruger convertible in 38/40-10mm Auto; and a Rem 788 in 6mm Rem which was the first rifle I restocked. Probably others I really don't want to think about.

06-19-2019, 06:08 AM
The one I sold off and regretted, I was able to get back. Thankfully it was to a member here who kept his word that he'd offer me the right of first refusal. I owe him a huge thank you. One of the last pictures I have of my father is him firing this rifle and has meant more to me since his passing a little over 6 years ago.

06-19-2019, 06:14 AM
If I had it to do over again I would not have sold or traded a single gun.

Petrol & Powder
06-19-2019, 06:28 AM
A Remington 541-T with a standard contour barrel. It was the best shooting .22 I ever owned. I traded it for the same model with a heavy target barrel. I thought, target barrel - It must be better ! Nope, turned out to just be heavier.
I still had a great shooting rifle but it wasn't as handy.

06-19-2019, 09:26 AM
I don't remember the model but it was a Mossberg .22 bolt action. It had a tubular feed that was out of timing but if you only loaded 4 or 5 rounds it was fine, but if you filled
the tube when the action was worked it spewed 10 or 12 of the rounds out on the ground. It was an older gun and I gave a guy $20 for it when I was in high school back in 74.
But this thing was a tack driver and the front sight had 4 or 5 different blades that could be locked in place and the others folded down. The rear sight had a similar set up
with a rotating plate with 4 different sight pictures. It was a heavy little thing but it was a shooter.

I never could get the feeding issue fixed by any one. And one day while young and dumb, I traded it for a set of .45 ACP dies. I have bought and traded guns as much as any one
but I wish I had that old .25 back.

square butte
06-19-2019, 09:28 AM
I don't want to say - Because it brings me such great pain to even mention it. Young and Oh So FOOLISH. But the lesson will never be forgotten or the deed repeated.

06-19-2019, 10:05 AM
For me, it was my Ruger 44 mag Deerstalker that was sold because I "needed' something with more range. Maybe so, but that first one was accurate and handy. I bought another later but the accuracy of the second was decidedly inferior.

06-19-2019, 10:09 AM
I once owned a Smith K-22 6" bbl that I foolishly got rid of to get the money for a Smith 29. This was back in the "Dirty Harry" days. Every K-22 I now see at a gun show is about 4 times what I sold mine for.[smilie=b:

06-19-2019, 10:12 AM
Let’s see 700 Remington BDL heavy barrel varmint special 223 , interarms mark 10 7x57, ruger GP 100 in 357 mag, ruger old army, and the list goes on. But at the time I had a 8 inch incision running down my lower spine, could barely walk let alone work and a wife and kids had to eat! So I guess in action quality no real regrets just part of life !

06-19-2019, 10:20 AM
Ruger Super Blackhawk in .44 Mag. that didn't meet my expectations for IHMSA Big Bore. No sooner did it get sold than I started Cowboy Action shooting. Would have made a great side match gun. They're usually shooting an 18" plate at 50 yds. offhand. Lots bigger than a chicken.

06-19-2019, 10:22 AM
During avery low point many years ago I had to sell my Ruger Redhawk 41 mag and my S&W 1006 with SN 1006. Fast forward to more recent times my fiance out of the blue found and purchased for me an identical 5.5" stainless 41 Redhawk which is my most cherished gun. Wouldn't mind another 1006 but my SR1911 10mm is doing just fine.

Many are the guns I mildly regret getting rid of back in the day, especially when I see what they're selling for now.

06-19-2019, 10:26 AM
Mine would be a Belgium made Browning T-Bolt that was stolen. My mom was a housewife raising 3 kids on my dad's paychecks. We weren't poor but my dad always made sure we had a nice house, clothes and things while never splurging anything on himself. I had asked for a new bedspread for my 13th birthday and was completely surprised and in awe when he gave me that rifle instead.

Awesome Dad !

06-19-2019, 10:38 AM
I have been forced to sell a lot, a whole lot, of firearms in my life
Family first and the vagaries of self-employment for last 25 plus years
Made the decisions easy for me
I am just not attached to any specific firearm
But, I did find that when my situation improved, I got firearms I like better
My tastes did not change, except for an unexpected AR binge the last few years, but I made better decisions and purchased firearms that suited me better as I got older.
Applies to most anything a guy would get
I am just not that attached to stuff
For me it is all fluid and I am not in love with any particular stuff, firearms included
Regardless, very interesting thread

06-19-2019, 11:04 AM
I have missed every firearm that I have sold or traded. Two that I miss the most are A S&W 686 CS-1 3 inch barrel with the box and all papers and tools. The other is one of the first rifles that I bought while still in High school a SAKO Vixen L461 in 222 Rem. Mag.

06-19-2019, 11:09 AM
LC Smith 12 ga. SxS traded for a Mod. 19 S&W. Still have the 19...…..wish I still had the LC Smith too.

Reverend Al
06-19-2019, 12:05 PM
On a much happier note ... I still have a number of really good guns that I foolishly THOUGHT about selling or trading at some point, BUT luckily I came to my senses and KEPT them instead!

:happy dance:

06-19-2019, 12:13 PM
I sold a pristine Winchester 94 30-30 that I had no regrets about because my friend "needed" it. It didn't bother me till the day I opened a box and found all my 30-30 brass for reloading it. It bugged me so much I called my buddy to see if he still "needed" it. He said he had only shot 5 rounds through it in the 2 years he had it. We made a deal and I bought it back, I celebrated by spreading some random lead around the deserts of Wyoming. Happy ending for me and the 30-30 but sadly enough my friend passed away two weeks later. I kind of felt like I was supposed to own the Winchester again.

Green Frog
06-19-2019, 12:28 PM
I’ve sold a lot of guns I’d like to have back, but as the old saying goes, You can’t have them all...”

There are three I would be most happy to have again (or any one of them.) First, I got a S&W Model 16-4 and a Ruger Buckeye Special 32 combo Blackhawk when the 32 H&R was first introduced. I started getting interested in Winchester high and low walls for Schützen about that time and stupidly sold both. In my naive state, one of my first high walls was a beautiful little second year production 32-20 with #1 barrel. Too light for competition and too nice to alter, so I sold it for about a quarter or less of what it would bring today. If I could have back the Ruger and the Winchester I wouldn’t have spent so much time chasing 32s of various configurations. :???:

“Ve grow too soon oldt und too late schmardt!” :roll:


06-19-2019, 12:28 PM
marlin lever 35 remmington had a idoism of flipping a fast second round up backwards the good part of the deal was the 788 Remington in 243 win that I got in trade its killed a lot coyotes over the years.

06-19-2019, 12:43 PM
I foolishly traded a s&w mod. 10-5 for... i dont even remember.

06-19-2019, 12:56 PM
I don't think I ever sold or traded one that I wanted back. If I like em, I keep em and once I decide I don't like em, they go.

06-19-2019, 01:27 PM
I sold a Remington 788 in 222 Remington. I bought it new glass bedded it and put on a Timney trigger which I set at 1 1\2 lbs. I loaded 55 gr Hornady sx bullets over 19.3 gr of 4198. The groups were always touching!

06-19-2019, 01:39 PM
Stainless Ruger 1911 commander size in .45acp to a co-worker with 185 SWC mold & boolits to boot...

06-19-2019, 01:56 PM
S.S. S&W model 686 .357M 6" bbl. with both rear adj. sights, and the dial adj. front sight for silhouette shooting.

SS snubnosed Ruger Speed Six .357M

Single Six Ruger 22/22M with both cylinders.

06-19-2019, 07:21 PM
Remington 521T, back in the late 1960s. Full target sights-Lyman front with inserts, Lyman rear target sight. Bought it used for $25, sold it several months later for $35. I made a huge profit, right?

06-19-2019, 10:41 PM
The drawer full of S&W revolvers I purged because of one really bad new purchase. Model 19 in the early eighties, it was twice worked by them in the first year. They had it almost nine months of the year and I decided not this one, these here are going and never again. Then they rolled for Clinton in the nineties confirming and reinforcing my disdain. And now how much they are pulling, oh well!

06-19-2019, 11:27 PM
A savage bolt action 30-30. Still kick myself for letting it go.

06-20-2019, 11:07 AM
I've sold several over the years but the one that I would like to have back was a Ruger target 22 with the Bi-Centnetenal stamp. Made in the 200th year of American Liberty.

06-20-2019, 11:40 AM
Nickle plated Model 10 S&W. Stupidly traded it off for a gun I can't even remember...

06-20-2019, 11:43 AM
My first handgun. A Ruger P89DC was bought in 1993. First production year. Started liking Glocks (still do) and sport bikes. Sold the Ruger to fund a helmet for the bike. I've regretted selling it ever since.

The story has a somewhat happy ending. For years I've been browsing for a replacement. Last winter I finally found a new-in-box gun. Identical configuration and year of manufacture as my original. It was a pretty good price too, although almost double what I sold the original for.


Relationship started well with the new gun. This is the first round down the pipe!


06-20-2019, 12:44 PM
S&W Model 15 I traded back and forth with a deputy sheriff until we about got plumb tired of it. But got another one in better shape about four years ago; so in the words of Edit Piaf: Non, je ne regrette rien - (No, I regret nothing).

Rick B
06-20-2019, 12:52 PM
S W Silver’s 500 Black Powder Express Double Rifle. Jones underlever, hammer gun, 28” barrels with mint bores. Rifle carried Express sights which shot to point of aim. Rifle was imported from Africa by Jack First in 1985. At the time second tier BPE Double Rifles we’re reasonably priced. At the time the Rifle was roughly 90 years old and still in very decent condition. Deeply regret selling it!

06-20-2019, 01:06 PM
Back in '98 I traded in my Savage 99C in 308Win for my Ruger M77-MKII in 30-06. I love my Ruger but I now regret trading in the 99C for it. I should have kept it and had it rebarreled....and bought the Ruger.


06-20-2019, 04:15 PM
Sold more than I thought when going back over my history, but only two that I've ever regretted.

1- Winchester Model 70 Westerner in 7mm Reg Mag. Traded it to a guy at a gunshow along with reloading dies for a beat to death Ruger Mini 14, I was young and stupid and really wanted a Mini 14. The Ruger couldn't shoot minute of jackrabbit and went down the road within a year, never been tempted by a Mini 14 since.

2- S&W Mod 60, just had a trigger job done on it and it was capable of rolling soda cans at 50yds when I did my part. Sold it to a coworker who really wanted it for his wife's CCW.

06-20-2019, 04:39 PM
I had an 1892 Winchester in .38WCF, and a fellow I sort of knew came over. He eyed the firearm, not saying much -- but returned two days later with friends (cousins) who collect these. I was asked NOT if I wished to sell or trade it, but more "what will you accept in trade." Giving but a few moments of (probably the best choice to be made) thought, I asked for a ,45 revolver. An hour or two later they came back and presented me with a fair-condition revolver, and sped off with the .38-40. A bit nervous with an unregistered revolver, I did in fact register it -- to be visited by police a few weeks or so later, where I was given the choice of giving up the revolver or, being in possession of stolen property. I chose the former. This was in 1970 -- it still bothers me.... and, I still miss that Winnie...

Keith 429421
06-20-2019, 10:13 PM
Selling a Smith & Wesson 681 fixed sight .357 I bought in the late 80's shot about 700 rounds thru it and sold as used about 1989 for 200 dollars. I had a FFL at the time and paid about 280 for the revolver, it was a sweet firearm . I had a 6 inch 686 no dash I bought in 83 which I still have and that 681 was a perfect 4 inch match with that gun for me. I used to shoot bowling pin matches back then . I looked long for one a couple years ago saw one at Greentop for 400 but it was badly flame cut . I bid on a couple they went for 800 to 1000 dollars ! So I got a 4inch new 686 6 shot which is working out just fine despite the change in rifling they say hinders accuracy with lead bullets. Its a good gun but I wish SW never went with the round frame and came with the old style L frame target grips for displaying . I use the Hoge for my shooting

Keith 429421
06-20-2019, 10:47 PM
Ive also traded and sold many other guns, but I do have a standing rule, I always use the money I have sold my guns for to buy another gun except for one S&W .44 blue steel 4 inch M29 I bought in 1989. I traded it for a motor generator to run a blender on my boat in 96. The generator is worth about 50 bucks today.. And The Smith ? But It went to a good cause my younger buddy at work in my small shop gave it to his dad who had a 120 acer ranch in Texas and a few ponds on it for cattle. I enjoyed his stories of how much his dad liked that handgun and carried it every day and how he took care of water moccasins in those ponds with snake shot in the 44, and the loads he made up for his dad. Now and then over the years he would tell me I would hate to see it as it has a lot of holster wear with the bluing gone , I told him I was glad his dad got such good use of it on his ranch as it was a working tool to him not a safe queen so Ive always been happy with that trade

John Boy
06-20-2019, 11:06 PM
Ithaca 37 featherlight in 20 ga. Never found another just like it
Same for me: Ithaca 37 in 16ga. It handled and pointed just like pointing my finger and the birds just fell to the ground

06-21-2019, 07:41 AM
For me there has been many and I come up with a different one each time I think about it but there is one that really stands out.
A Remington 700 Varmint Special in 243 Win., it was an early 70's model with the ribbon style checkering and a tack driver at that. My friend that bought it from me still has it and once in a while we will tease each other, I have a rifle he wants and he has the one I want but neither of us will get rid of either rifle so when he asks I tell him I bent the barrel of the one he wants and he tells me he left the one I want out on the porch for a fresh coat of rust, lol.

06-21-2019, 08:20 AM
I guess mine is a "bit different". I used to build custom muzzleloading rifles. Many years ago,a fine gentleman by the name of Myron Carlson would have a booth with his wife down at the NMLRA Nationals at Friendship. Myron was a master craftsman who made hand forged furniture for rifles - i.e. butt plates, trigger guards, nose caps, etc. His speciality was "Bean stye rifles" and he made some real beauties. He was an older gentlemen (in those years) and I would visit with him and his wife everytimge I was at the Nationals - he was full of great information/advice. I had hime make a set of hand forged furniture for a "Virginia Rifle" (flintlock) that I was building. What a great job he did! I got the rifle finished, shot it a few times at a local RB club that we used to have informal shoots at - took it to a gunshot where I had a booth once a year and put it on display. Unfortunately . . a guy cam along who wanted it in the worst way and he kept coming back to my table throughout the weekend . . . making offers on it. He finally offered a sum I couldn't turn down so I caved and sold it to him - thinking I would get another set of furniture from Myron and build another rifle. Unfortunately, Myron developed cancer and passed away before he could get my furniture done. I though ta lot of Myron - he was just a really nice guy and pleasant to just sit and talk with over a cold ice tea. One year, he showed up with a Bean rifle that was about 1/4 scale that he had made during the winter - what a beautiful piece of work it was! I think of Myron every once in a while and I'm sure he and his wife are in a much happier place now - just have always regretted selling the Virginia style rifle with his furniture on it as now I'd love to have it on the wall to remember him and his wife and all the great visits and conversations we had.

Bent Ramrod
06-21-2019, 09:38 AM
Mine was a very nice condition S&W Hand Ejector in .32-20 I sold to a lady who lived way out in the County and needed a “house gun.” I already had a Colt SAA that would handle heavier loadings and back then figured having two revolvers in the same caliber was “wretched excess.”

I now have four rifles in .32-20 and at least three revolvers and wonder what I was thinking :-(. I bought a Colt Army Special in the same caliber as a replacement, but even if the finish was as nice as the S&W was (it isn’t), it’s not the same.

06-21-2019, 10:25 AM
For me it is a Browning Liege, no wait, it was a model 27 nickel S&W or maybe a 29-2 44 or a Colt 1917 1st year 45. Or maybe a Rem 788 44 mag or a Browning BLR 358 or a Rem 700 classic in 7x57. Gun traders—we are incurables.

Texas by God
06-21-2019, 01:31 PM
For me it is a Browning Liege, no wait, it was a model 27 nickel S&W or maybe a 29-2 44 or a Colt 1917 1st year 45. Or maybe a Rem 788 44 mag or a Browning BLR 358 or a Rem 700 classic in 7x57. Gun traders—we are incurables.Exactly. My sentences start with " I had one of those".......

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

06-21-2019, 03:07 PM
Exactly. My sentences start with " I had one of those".......

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

Oh yes,I had many,too. Enjoyed them all,good memories. But I rather think "I will have one of those"... instead of looking back.

06-21-2019, 05:40 PM
I bought a Kasanar 22 rifle years ago when a Fishers Big Wheel closed for half price it was about 70 bucks.I do not rember a model or anything.Thge rifle had a cheep very soft wood stock that was painted.i sandid it off and did the best i could to stain and finish it.still not the best but better.I sold it to a friend for one of his boys.i could went and got it back but he passed befor i went to get it.this cheep rifle shot lights out with most any ammo.

06-21-2019, 09:11 PM
Kitchen table gun dealer who did a gun show a month in the 80-90's with a good friend. Way, way too many too list, but boy did I have a good time doing it. These days I mostly keep them for myself with out any regrets to be had down the road. But don't tell SWMBO. Besides, trading is fun and shootin' is funner.

06-22-2019, 06:46 PM
I had a Ruger #1 in 45/70 with the nicest figured stock I have ever seen on a #1. I let it go. I also had a pre war Mauser sporter type A in 7x57 I wish I would have kept..

06-22-2019, 09:41 PM
In 1978 I bought a Ruger Single Six Convertible, 4-5/8" that had the bicentennial lettering on the barrel. Being just 2 years old it was pretty nice but I sold it a couple of years later. I regretted it deeply and swore that if I ever found another I would buy it. The replacement was at least as nice as the first one but cost 3 times what I got for the first one.

Sold my 7-1/2" Super Blackhawk because it was expensive to shoot. I had done some reloading on a friend's press but didn't own any reloading equipment yet. Really wish I had it now.

After Katrina a co-worker needed a firearm. I had several 1911s so I sold him my Springfield "Loaded" 1911 that shot really well.

Worst part is that I never sold one because I needed the money; just made bad decisions.

Geezer in NH
06-24-2019, 04:33 PM
Disposal needs to be defined IMHO.

Disposal is take to a buy back that the gun is melted into a sewer cover.

Selling a fire arm you no longer use to one who wants to use it is not.

I get a kick out of the guys who say I have never sold a gun, like they are religious or something about it. Give me a break.

As a shop owner I sold at least 75,000 used firearms that the only thing the owner wanted was money for what ever reason they had. Folks who buy used guns making the market are the ones who should be blamed when you are nuts like the last type. NOT

06-25-2019, 12:21 PM
A savage bolt action 30-30. Still kick myself for letting it go.

My father bought that rifle for me for $25 in 1964, my first deer rifle. He put a $30 receiver sight on it. I still have it and 3 or so others either in Mod. 340 or 325. I see them quite regularly at guns shows and used gun racks for around $200.

06-25-2019, 04:32 PM
My first gun was a Swedish Mauser carbine. Shot my first deer with it. When I graduated from College and was going to move to California (65) my father and an uncle decided that I probably couldn't get ammo in Cal. Uncle had sporterized an 03A3 with a Herters stock. The Mauser stayed in Michigan and the 03 came to California. Two years ago #1 son moved to Oregon. #2 joined him last year. Last fall they were going to go Elk and Deer hunting. I gave /lent #1 the 03 with its history and told him he couldn't sell it while I was still alive. He agreed. This spring both sons went to Cabelas to pick up a Thika 6.5 Creedmor that #2 had ordered. While there a customer walked in to sell a Thika in 7-08 that #2 really wanted. He bought two guns that day. Not to be out done #1 bought a 300WM. A guns are Thika Ultralights. Haven't asked but I may get my 03 back,, especially if I move to Oregon. Guns are to be bought not sold.

06-26-2019, 01:23 PM
I’ve sold off some I wish I hadn’t over the years, but they’re all pretty low on the list of regrets in life. I could have bought whole collections of guns had I made different financial decisions in other areas.

The ones I remember most are times I got taken. About 30 years ago I had an old 1902 Colt in 38 acp. I shot a few rounds and the flat spring broke. I asked the local gunsmith and he said he couldn’t get a spring so I was out of luck, but he had a buddy who might be interested in buying it.

Long story short, this wheeler-dealer guy came out and beat me down pretty badly on price. I knew it was worth more but I was young and dumb. He got it from me for $200. I regretted it it even as I was making the deal because I knew I was letting him rip me off. A couple months later I saw the guy at a show with the old Colt on his table for something like $800 IIRC.

I learned my lesson a couple times with guys like that, and ever since I’ve never had any respect for slick talking wheeler-dealers.

06-26-2019, 04:27 PM
All of them , but especially the model 1912 20 Ga. my dad gave me.

06-27-2019, 08:30 PM
I hate this thread. In 1998 I had to sell over 63 firearms. All S & W, Colt, Ruger, Browning rifles & pistols. Half were NIB. Had a real financial problem to clear. Got clear of the financial problem and the wife that caused it. I am sad when I remember those guns.

06-28-2019, 07:16 PM
I have an AMT 380 DA that was a boomerang in a former life. I have given it away twice and both times they gave it back to me because they hated it too. The extractor is top center and the hot cases hit you in the face, go up your nose or down your shirt if you don’t hold it gangsta style.

06-28-2019, 07:44 PM
So that explains “wheelgunconvert”. [smilie=s:

06-30-2019, 07:42 PM
My 3 biggest regrets HK MP5, M16A1, FN-FAL

Texas by God
06-30-2019, 08:21 PM
Ok, to continue this torture- the Shotgun was my Ithaca Field Grade 20 ga sxs 28”m&f. I could mop doves and pheasants and ducks from the sky like I knew what I was doing.
The Handgun, hands down was my 1923 Commercial safe/loaded .30 Luger- only owned it for a summer but it was a raccoon and bunny slayer deluxe with Speer 100 gr half jackets.
I don’t remember what shiny object I traded either one for but I know I took a beating:oops:

06-30-2019, 10:14 PM
The only one I got rid of I sold, like a horses ***. It was a Marlin 336 in .35 Remington. I Learned my lesson, will never sell or trade another gun unless I absolutely have to.

06-30-2019, 10:24 PM
Mine is a little different. Its a HW77 K Beeman air rifle with 25mm piston and walnut stock. I searched for one and paid high to get it. A few years latter I was buying a high dollar RAW and sold it. I got good money for it but to this day I really miss it.

I bought a 25mm piston HW77 rifle with beech stock. Just never liked it

07-01-2019, 11:05 AM
My 686/ ruger single six /hkp7m8 when they banned them in1998

07-01-2019, 01:32 PM
To continue the snivlin' and whinin', I traded a Winchester Model 101 20 gauge 3 in. magnum with 30 inch barrels that I bought from a co-worker for 350 dollars for a Weatherby Orion 12 gauge with choke tubes. The Winchester's recoil beat me to death with regular trap loads and both barrels center of impact was 18 inches to the left at 35 yards. The Weatherby has been a dandy shotgun but that Winchester was, by far, the prettiest shotgun I have ever owned and I regretted trading it away the minute it left my grubby, pea-pickin' hands!!

07-01-2019, 04:05 PM
A nice 1903A3 in a straight grip stock.