View Full Version : Cap guns illegal (village ordinance)

06-07-2019, 01:01 AM
Just looking at my villages ordinances and found the following-

4-2-7: FIREARMS TO MINORS:linklink

No person shall sell, loan or furnish to any minor any gun, pistol or other firearm, or any toy gun or toy pistol or other toy firearm in which any explosive substance can be used within the village. (1956 Code, Sec. 40-7)

Are caps for cap guns considered explosives?

If so my village outlaws cap guns, not that I have ever seen any kids playing cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians with them.
The only thing I ever see is nerf guns.

And I live in a small rural community.

Sad times.

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Winger Ed.
06-07-2019, 01:15 AM
They could be considered explosive by definition, but that's about all.

06-07-2019, 01:16 AM
Some day the government will implant chips in your brain to control what your thoughts are and what you're thinking about, any sort gun toy or otherwise will not be allowed.

06-07-2019, 01:18 AM
That's disgusting. I'll bet I popped a million of them as a little kid, probably a quarter of them by "alternate" means,,,,,,(rocks, nails,magnifying glass, hammers)

06-07-2019, 01:25 AM
I uses to pack twin “6 guns” when I was small. I was the fastest capgun in the neighborhood.

06-07-2019, 10:32 AM
Bb guns are considered fire arms in my county . Knew a 12 year old kid that was cuffed and arrested for hanging a blanket over the clothes line and shooting at coke cans. Mom had to leave work and bail her son out of detention. Her son now has a fire arm conviction on his record . The bb gun he had was the red ryder type. You can no longer have any type of fire works in the county even sparklers can get you a year in jail and a hefty fine. Ain't life grand.

06-07-2019, 10:34 AM
By the way i believe toy guns and toy soldiers are a no no in Washington dc.

country gent
06-07-2019, 10:49 AM
Not only are most bb guns and air rifles banned inside most village city limits outside but discharge indoors is also banned. No indoor ranges in the basement either. Then look a little farther and bows and arrows crossbows and other forms of archery are also banned. I can see out doors use in villages and cities but in a basement or hallway indoors?

06-07-2019, 11:04 AM
By the way i believe toy guns and toy soldiers are a no no in Washington dc.
We need to ban toy politicians who have the brains of a toy soldier in Washington DC

06-07-2019, 06:04 PM
Maybe some day the "city fathers" will outlaw "stupidity" . . . and then discover they are all out of work? Like many villages . . . I'll bet your's outlawed the "village idiot" as well . . . if so, send them to Washington to Congress where they can join all the other "village idiots" who were sent to Washington to get rid of them . . . .

Abert Rim
06-07-2019, 06:41 PM
Um, some California jurisdictions ban slingshots and blowguns. Guess they'd rather have kids getting morbidly obese, diabetic and sociopathic sitting home annihilating other digital human beings via endless video games. Yeah, that's healthy.

06-07-2019, 06:52 PM
A few years a go a man was arrested in NYC because he took his kids to the park across the street from his house to shoot a airsoft BB gun at a paper target he taped to a tree. The mothers in the park first ran with their kids until they realized it was a toy. Then they confronted him so he left with his kids. They called the police who then locked him up for position of a firearm.


BTW, toy guns are also illegal in NYC.

Stephen Cohen
06-07-2019, 07:27 PM
Welcome to the political **** we Australians have to live with, I just hope you guys have enough real Americans left to over power the stupidity. Regards Stephen

Der Gebirgsjager
06-07-2019, 07:47 PM
Well, of course I think that it's a sad day when cap pistols are outlawed. In fact, I haven't seen any for years, but really haven't been looking. But, consider this: How many cases have you read about or seen on the TV news over the years where a usually Black teenage kid, maybe 14 or 15 but looked 18 or 20 was shot by a police officer, and it turned out the kid had a cap pistol or soft air pistol?

06-07-2019, 08:52 PM
Jesus - I remember as a kid visiting relatives in Germany I bought a cap gun that looked exactly like a Smith Model 29 and I brought it home in my carry on - then proceeded to fire it once in the London airport! My first accidental discharge - and nobody raised an eyebrow!
Oh for the good old days...

06-07-2019, 09:00 PM
You can educate an ignorant person but you can't fix stupid.

RU shooter
06-07-2019, 09:10 PM
Sounds like the idiots have taken full control of the village .

06-07-2019, 09:58 PM
If you make a thing idiot proof, someone will make a better idiot.

06-07-2019, 10:51 PM
Could never live anywhere with those kinds of ordinances, I mean really?

06-08-2019, 12:17 AM
Well, of course I think that it's a sad day when cap pistols are outlawed. In fact, I haven't seen any for years, but really haven't been looking. But, consider this: How many cases have you read about or seen on the TV news over the years where a usually Black teenage kid, maybe 14 or 15 but looked 18 or 20 was shot by a police officer, and it turned out the kid had a cap pistol or soft air pistol?
Darwin had a theory about that kind of behavior.

06-08-2019, 01:18 AM
is it still illegal to spit in front of a lady. or put a icecream cone in your pocket.

or to buy beer on Sunday.

these are all illegal in my town.

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Ed K
06-08-2019, 05:42 AM
That's disgusting. I'll bet I popped a million of them as a little kid, probably a quarter of them by "alternate" means,,,,,,(rocks, nails,magnifying glass, hammers)

As I type this my ears are ringing... this was no doubt the start of it all. Hammer and a whole roll was pretty loud!

06-08-2019, 06:17 AM
You can educate an ignorant person but you can't fix stupid.

Ain't that the truth.

06-08-2019, 07:26 AM
As I type this my ears are ringing... this was no doubt the start of it all. Hammer and a whole roll was pretty loud!I remember hitting a whole roll with a hammer a few times. Yep. Very loud. Pain and ringing. Kids. The things they think of.

Sent from the largest mountain range in Florida.

06-08-2019, 11:23 AM
I remember hitting a whole roll with a hammer a few times. Yep. Very loud. Pain and ringing. Kids. The things they think of.

Sent from the largest mountain range in Florida.

Hold my beer,

When I was a wee one I had some empty 12 gauge hulls we found on a scouting trip.
Just hammering rolls of caps must have gotten boring so I had the bright idea to stuff the 12 gauge hull full of rolls.
Even knew enough to use something for a wad to keep them contained.
Set them off with a 10lb sledge.

I didn’t notice any ringing of the ears because I was distracted by the pain and blood right above the bridge of my nose.

Bingo, new way to deprime hulls.
I was lucky that the primer didn’t hit my eye as I was not wearing glasses.
Which means I was older than 9 since I started wearing contacts then.

Funny, no one else wanted to try.

But boys being boys we moved onto bigger and better things.

How did any of us ever survive without big brother looking out for us.

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