View Full Version : Fasting and prayer

06-06-2019, 09:04 AM
I intend to make Monday a day of fasting and prayer . I have never brought up the subject here in the Chapel . It's usually a personal thing and not a public show of piety to hang out for attention . Normally no one ever knows when I fast . But this time I thought to ask if anyone would care to join me .

Fasting need not be a suffering thing . It's just a day of more giving to our Lord . My own personal idea of routine fasting is eating nothing from sunup to sundown . You can eat before and after . I drink anything I want and as much as I want during the day . I try to pray often during the day or just talk to him . It's not meant to be a suffering ordeal just a day to get closer to him . I try to be more mindful and not just pray on a schedule but to tell him whats on my heart . That's what prayer should be...an outpouring of your heart to him .

I do not pretend to tell anyone how to fast or pray because that's between you and him . I only mentioned how I do it to give those who have never fasted an idea of it . The whole purpose is to be closer to him .

If anyone would like to join me on Monday I believe it would be a really good thing to devote a day of devotion to him in unity . I care not of your denomination . There is only one true living GOD .

I'm just trying to give a heads up to prepare . Monday will be pretty much a regular day as far as daily life but to include him in it . Are you interested ?

06-06-2019, 09:28 AM
I have when the Lord asked me to. Couple of times in the past.

I have also been working on changing my diet some at his direction.
As someone who sufferers from low energy it is not something I do lightly.

06-07-2019, 10:17 AM
So this Monday Boaz? I am in...

I would add there are many ways to fast, and they don’t all involve food for those that have not done it before... if you want more info, pm Boaz or myself and we can chat about what it could look like. It’s a heart thing towards God.


06-07-2019, 11:39 PM
I try to be more mindful and not just pray on a schedule but to tell him whats on my heart.

I like that.

06-08-2019, 07:41 AM
We all understand that GOD already knows out hearts and minds but it's the sharing from us that builds our relationship with him . He is our father and like any father he wants to be close to us .

06-08-2019, 08:19 AM
There is a country song out there about a father and son. Dad walks in as little guy is doing his bedtime prayers. "Where did you learn to pray where you talk to GOD like he's your best friend"

I learned from watching you Dad, I wanna be just like you. I been watching you.


There is a message in there I think.

I know personally I try to avoid asking stuff for me. But when I ask for help for others it seems to happen.

I will be joining your Monday fast, I will be doing without my morning coffee. Try to spend the morning in Meditation.