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View Full Version : Blue .... IMO Not The Right Color

06-04-2019, 09:37 AM
Last night ( about 11 PM , restocking time ) I needed milk and some other stuff
So on the way home I drove past a Wallmart , so I stopped in to get what I needed

Since they changed the milk , I buy it there now if I am close
So I grabbed it and I got the other stuff I wanted

But I thought about some Sharp Cheddar cheese

The cheese had not been restocked ... not a good selection out
So I grabbed 1 lb chunk of the "Great Value" sharp Cheddar Cheese

The plastic was a bit loose on the cheese and the cheese had a fair amount of blue mold on the cheese inside the sealed plastic

A Lady was pulling all the empty cardboard cheese boxes out of the cooler and had taken the last 2 chunks out of a box and put them back in the cooler
1 of them was the moldy chunk of cheese

She Had to have seen the Mold ??? [smilie=1:

I will get some Cheddar Cheese later today when I have time to go to a different store

So , just passing along a heads up to look


06-04-2019, 09:46 AM
Lots of uncaring worker-droids out there. Pride in your job or even just doing a good job doesn't exist everywhere.

06-04-2019, 10:10 AM
Humm mold on most cheese is a good thing,just slice it off[smilie=1:[smilie=1:. Cheese is aged covered in mold

06-04-2019, 10:16 AM
When I was just a little fellow my mom taught me to always look .
Good thing to do when walking, riding your bike , driving a car or buying things...especially food .
If you don't watch out for yourself ...nobody else is .

06-04-2019, 10:17 AM
Fooled me! I was expecting a Dillon thread! Yeah, it seems like fewer and fewer workers have any pride in their work anymore. I have always enjoyed seeing a real Craftsman perform his job. Whether it be a machinist cutting threads on a shaft, a trim Carpenter cutting molding or a man digging a ditch.

06-05-2019, 05:49 AM
I prefer the cheese section at our local Publix.

Agreed that integrity and pride in work is not near as commonplace now as it was when I was a kid.

06-05-2019, 06:07 AM
I don't buy Walmart milk anymore simply because it doesn't even make it to the date stamped on the container. I can purchase milk somewhere else and I don't have a problem.

06-05-2019, 07:53 AM
Fooled me! I was expecting a Dillon thread! Yeah, it seems like fewer and fewer workers have any pride in their work anymore. I have always enjoyed seeing a real Craftsman perform his job. Whether it be a machinist cutting threads on a shaft, a trim Carpenter cutting molding or a man digging a ditch.

Ain't that the truth...people who care less about consequences of their misdeeds on the job they're paid to do should better be off the job & claim welfare, safer for a lot of people, taxpayer included.

RU shooter
06-05-2019, 07:53 AM
I sometimes shop at Wally mart but rarely buy the great value brand food for that reason and also what was said about the milk which I had the same experience with .

06-05-2019, 08:01 AM
Their milk might not make it to the expiration date, but it comes close. Besides, its expiration date is usually is the longest time from when I buy it.
I know I have had to point out expired food to employees, but I have had to do that at all the grocery stores here in town I shop at.

06-05-2019, 12:05 PM
Been buying organic milk for about 10 years. It’s good for about 6 weeks and the taste remains the same throughout the useful time. It’s more expensive up front but we never have to dump it down the drain so in the long run it’s less expensive for us.

06-05-2019, 04:00 PM
I needed a head of romaine to get me by until garden lettuce kicks in... most of them were turning to slime inside the bag, one had black mold growing on it... changed my mind and grabbed a bag of slaw mix...

Great value cheese is gross to begin with, mold will not improve it! For cheddar I buy Cabot extra sharp white cheddar, big 2 pound block I split in 3 pieces. Vac bag 2 of them and into the freezer until needed.

06-05-2019, 04:06 PM
We buy some great value items, including the cheese. Kroger cheese is about the best to me. GV brand hashbrown patties are the best I've tried though.

06-05-2019, 09:16 PM
Pride in your job or even just doing a good job doesn't exist everywhere.

There's a lot of truth in this. Many aren't taught to take pride in their work anymore. On the other side of the coin are corporations killing the pride. More for less is the new mantra. I've been wondering for a while why we all feel so overwhelmed at work, and then I've been reading that this is the new normal. They say millions of jobs disappeared after the recession and never came back. Companies seem to believe that employees are more efficient when they're overwhelmed.

I was talking to a colleague who is at a much higher corporate level than myself. He has over 30 years with the company and is literally doing the work that 3 or 4 were doing a few years ago. He's completely overwhelmed and just getting by. He says it has killed the pride he used to take in his work and he misses a lot of stuff now that he never would have in the past.

I know that's a whole different level than what you're talking about though. A young person starting out at Walmart has no excuse to not at least try to take some pride and do it right. Sometimes I just want to tell them to take out the earbuds, put away the cell phone, and pay attention to their job!

06-08-2019, 08:37 AM
Just about everywhere you go, stores only care about moving product or units. Most employees don't know a thing about what they handle. Ask a question and they got to pull out the "smart phone" to even know what your talking about. Start talking details and you see the glazed, far away look in their eyes.

06-08-2019, 08:50 AM
Fooled me. I thought you were going to say you went in for milk and came out with a new gun!

A little mold on cheese dose not mean the end of the world. A lot of cheese makers look for it to improve the taste of there cheese. That’s what most cheeses are all about. Milk colonized by bacteria and molds, that help give it the taste we enjoy and help preserve them

The whole reason man started to make cheese, was to preserve the milk so it could be consumed later.

06-11-2019, 10:13 PM
I hate to pick on people but most of the employees at retail stores are working for low wages with little benefits. Generally they are at the bottom of the barrel of the job pool. Many are young and inexperienced. Also from my experience they are always given more tasks than they can accomplish in a shift. Turnover is common.
So the customer is faced with this and customer service is a thing of the past in big box stores.

06-12-2019, 02:22 AM
Part of the reason for the lack of pride is the young folks have been brainwashed into thinking they deserve $15 an hour for a minimum wage job. The other reason might include the corporate way of thinking that the product doesn't need to be rotated because the turn around is so fast. This accounts for the moldy cheese the defective lettuce the half rotten cucumbers and the list goes on. We the older generation were taught that doing a job correctly was important and we had pride in what we did.

kevin c
06-12-2019, 03:04 AM
Pride in a job well done is rarer even at a professional level. Greater responsibility but ironically less control, heavier work load, restricted resources, management that considers the individual replaceable regardless of experience and unique qualifications. Paying lip service only to critical quality issues. All reasons I retired early. I did not want to stop caring and doing a good job out of exhaustion or frustration.

But, hey, this is a long way from cheese that shouldn't be blue ;^p