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10-24-2008, 08:03 AM
On Tue I had an appointment at the VA hospital there in Columbia, MO. I left home plenty early so I would have some extra time. I swung by Graf and Son's to see what they had going on since they moved into their new building. The prices they had on powder and primers were as good as any I had seen advertised on the web.

As I was looking at their casting supplies, I noticed they had nose punches on sale for the lyman and RCBS lube/sizers for $1.99 ea. I found a couple I didn't have and snagged them up. I also bought a 309-150-RF double cavity mould, and a couple of plastic ammo boxes, as a fella can never have too many of those.

When I got home that night, it was after dark and I still had to put the chickens up for the night, let the guardian dogs out. A friend of mine showed up about the time I got all of that done, as he had just finished delivering a load of dirt I had sold. When he left, I hadn't eaten all day so I needed to do that and then it was time to put the kids to bed, so I just forgot about cleaning up the mould and doing some casting.

Wed. morning I cleaned up the mould and was all ready to start casting with it, then remembered I had a physical therapy appointment. I put it back in the box and took off to town. Spent all day in town running errands afterwords, and then had to go to a friends shop that eve, to do some work on an implement tire and help him some. I got home after midnight.

Come Thurs morning I was sill waiting to try out my new mould. I figured it is suppose to rain all day so I will get some casting done. It stopped raining at 7a.m. which meant that I had lots of outside farm work to do. I started looking forward to the evening when I would help the wife put the kids to bed and have time to try out my new mould. I hung out in the chat room for a while until bed time came for the kiddies. The wife and I put them to bed, and then I sat waiting to run any of them back to bed that thought they needed to get up. All the while just thinking that in less than an hour I would be pouring hot lead into my new mould.

The time came. I went into my work room, plugged in the pot, and put that lovely new mould on top of the pot to warm up. While everything was coming up to temp, I got my sprue box ready, my boolit box ready, with a couple layers of old T-shirts in the bottom, and I was ready to cast. I reached for the mould and was just about ready to pour that first silver stream when I heard my wife's voice in the distance, "Joe.... Hey are you going to go to bed?"

I then felt her shake my arm and say, "Hey are you going to go to bed, or are you going to sleep in the chair all night?"

So... you guessed it. I am STILL WAITING to try out my new mould.

Best wishes from the Boer Ranch,


10-24-2008, 08:14 AM
Sounds like a typical week when you want to do something . :)


10-24-2008, 08:49 AM
and here I though it was going to be a happy ending... :)

10-24-2008, 11:14 AM
At least I now know that I am not the only person that dreams of casting. And I thought there was something wrong with me.



10-24-2008, 12:49 PM
How many could you have cast while you were writing the description of why you're still waiting to try it out? :kidding:

10-25-2008, 07:57 AM
Yesterday eve, I finally got to try out my new mould. I only casted up about 100 or so, just to see what they looked like. Once again I am impressed with the quality of finish work on the Lee mould. The boolits fall out on their own when the mould is open. This makes the last 2 Lee moulds I have purchased that have worked flawlessly with no Leeminting.

Best Wishes from the Boer Ranch,
