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05-22-2019, 03:10 AM
Any plans for Memorial Day????

Looks like we might be having dinner at the range after shooting.
Hotdogs, chili, potato salad, anything else people bring.
We used to do "movies at the range", but we're getting old, so haven't done it for a while.

05-22-2019, 05:14 AM
Memorial Day is the 25th Anniversary of my better looking, better half walking down the aisle with me. We will be spending it in St. John with my 2 boys. Leaving my work phone and laptop at the house and will enjoy the snorkeling and time in the sun for a full week.

05-22-2019, 08:44 AM
The first "Decoration Day" was on May 30, 1868. It was established by an Order issued by Gen. John A. Logan, Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic.

Personally, I plan on attending services held on the town square in our small town and take some time to remember and pay my respects to the men and women who have paid the ultimate price in the service of our country. I'll also be remembering the WWI, WWII, Korean War, Viet Nam and Middle East Veterans that I know or have known but who have long since passed.

Unfortunately, Memorial Day (Decoration Day) has become "just another holiday" for many - especially the younger generation but I won't limit it to just them. Just attend a Memorial Day observance and watch those who are too busy hiding private conversations to shut up and show respect to the ceremony o or those who do not stand and put their hand over their heart when the color guard passes - or who don[t even know the words to the National Anthem.

For me - I plan on taking an hour out of my life (which is miniscul compared to the sacrifices made by so many men and women) and attend the service up town. I'm sure I will be saying a prayer or two myself, especially for those friends of mine who went to Nam and lost their lives - they have never been forgotten and I think of them often.

Whatever you folks do and however you spend your day - please take a few minutes and contemplate on those men and women who "paid the price" in all of our wars so that we have the freedoms we do . . . and say a little prayer for them and give thanks for what they have provided for all of us who are lucky enough to know what freedom is.

05-22-2019, 09:32 AM
We will spend time at our local American Legion post as they honor the fallen in our small town cemetery. Then we will stay for the pot luck that members of the community put together for the event.

My Dad was Air Force, he was not overseas. He trained mid-range bomber pilots and navigators leading up to and during Korea. To many flights to count from Chanute AFB to Alaska and back. Crew after crew for 6 years.

05-22-2019, 12:32 PM
I'll be in Texas or Oklahoma shooting Prairie Dogs. One of our annual trips. The date carries over to the days before we retired where you could get a long weekend without taking vacation. Now we just keep using the same date although we have extended the trip.

In a lot of places Memorial Day is the unofficial day to get the boat out, hit the lake or open the swimming pool. But we should all remember the ones who sacrificed so much so that we are free to do these things.