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View Full Version : How do you control the MOLES

05-20-2019, 10:27 PM
Whats worked for you?

This is what I use except the neighbor hates me


05-20-2019, 10:41 PM
My son uses those in Florida, they work. My GF has a spayed feral kitty that lives in the shed, she feeds it and gives it a good bed, and the kitty has rid the yard of moles and hunts in the neighbors yard too.

Winger Ed.
05-20-2019, 10:45 PM
What happened to the explosive ones?
There used to be one that exploded in their tunnel, or released a poison gas.

We never had moles, but I'd seen another kind of trap that when it went along and hit the trap,
a spring loaded spear shot down and nailed it.

05-20-2019, 11:09 PM
When we had moles and gophers in Michigan, I had just gotten a Miniature Schnauzer. That little guy was bred for it. I didn't teach him a thing. He was downright nasty with them. Terriers snatch them up and shake them to death. That pupper plus a Marlin 60 with CCI Quiets got twenty of them in a month or two.

lefty o
05-20-2019, 11:29 PM
ive been slowing them down with the gas. tried the ultrasonic, but the suckers tunnel right up next to it.

05-20-2019, 11:33 PM
I wish i knew what to do. Have an above ground pool and they keep digging under it only about a foot or so in but enough to mess up the liner.tried ultra sonic no go hate to use poison have three dogs.

05-21-2019, 12:08 AM
The moles are after the grubb worms. Control the grubb worms and the moles will leave. There are several companies that make pellets that will kill grubb worms.

05-21-2019, 06:55 AM
The moles are after the grubb worms. Control the grubb worms and the moles will leave. There are several companies that make pellets that will kill grubb worms.

This is correct as far as I am concerned & what I use mostly is the pellets to kill the grubs. You can get pellets that you put in a run, if ya want to kill the moles directly. as well. I have some of both & they worked for me.

I will try to remember later to bring the names of the stuff here, if anyone is interested.

05-21-2019, 08:22 AM
I've had good luck with the "Tom Cat" grubs that you put in the tunnel and pinch the hole back up to close. Make sure you wear rubber gloves to keep your sent off them. They are a little pricey but it is the only thing that works for me.

05-21-2019, 09:01 AM
I have an old lawn mower that I pipe the exaust into one of their tunnels, seems to work fine

05-21-2019, 09:20 AM
The newer mole poisons are a neurotoxin and not as easy to reverse the effects of as the older blood thinner types. We use grub killer, Milky spore granuals (kills grubs when dormant but pretty expensive), traps, the occasional pitch fork if I see a tunnel moving and still get tons of mole activity as they are always looking for new sources of food and eat other stuff like earth worms which we have plenty of. They're mostly coming in from the fields to the side and behind us but travel all over the yard before going back. Up until about 5 years ago the poison was keeping them at bay until my daughters wiener dog decided those pellets were tasty also. As soon as he came in the house and puked blackness up I suspected what was going on and the little dug holes where the pellets had been inserted into the tunnels confirmed it. Vet was able to pump his stomach and save him, but only because we acted quickly. We still have dogs so I also don't want to use poison again and so far have been lucky that they haven't ripped a hole in our above ground pool liner like they did to our neighbors. Our soil is very sandy or more accurately our sand is dirt colored for the top foot so it's easy digging for them and flooding the tunnels doesn't work like it will in clay.

05-21-2019, 09:24 AM
I use the poison pellets. Took a couple of years, but now the moles are gone.

05-21-2019, 09:52 AM
Whats worked for you?

This is what I use except the neighbor hates me


Judging from your avatar I would say the answer is obvious.

We have a standard schnauzer that will dig a small "sniff" hole to decide which way the mole is. Then dig another hole to sniff for direction. Within 3 or 4 small holes Mr. Mole is between two holes with a dog that has been bred for around 700 years as a farm dog with a strong drive to kill vermin. As soon as the mole makes a noise or movement a brief frantic dig to expose the back which is grabbed with the front teeth, yanked from the tunnel, tossed in the air, caught on the fly and crunched three times. Sounds like someone stepped on a bag of Doritos. Happy sound. Shaking may or may not be applied, but the Standard doesn't have any terrier in them. The mini's were bred with terriers to bring the size down and the mini's tend to have a more terrier like temperament.

Those spike traps always wanted to recoil back up as much as driving the spikes down. So I ran a 1/4 threaded rod about 10 inches long into one leg of the wicket frame. Rod is right at where ground level should be when trap is set. Put a rock or brick on the rod so the whole force of the spring goes to driving spikes down into tunnel. This more than doubled the effectiveness of those spike traps. That and using a straight bladed shovel to chop the dirt up where the trap was set so it wasn't rock hard.

At one time I go to the high point in the yard and pour ammonia and bleach into a small hole I made in the tunnel, yields chlorine gas which is heavier than air and would run down the tunnel. Not sure if it did any good by it certainly felt good to do it to those little paving stone wrecking critters.

Neighbor had an old mower with the muffler replaces by a piece of pipe with a length of flexible conduit clamped on it. Would put the conduit into wood chuck burrows after covering the other exits and run the engine to kill them with poison exhaust gasses. They played hobb with out building foundations. He did mole tunnels with that same device sometimes.

Youngest dog is still in the excavate the whole length of any mole tunnel found so.... some work to do before she is ready to take her place as a true mole management and extermination service. Now she is more of a schnauzer snout excavation service and why the lawn tractor should really have springs and shocks.

I think maybe cats are better mole and vole hunters but don't think any strays will settle in the yard with the two dogs. And our old cats were always indoors. They put cameras on cat collars and found they spend about 80% of their time trying to kill something. Even nap where they might get a chance to kill something. I think dogs do it for fun but if they don't find rodents won't take to killing beetles because they just have to kill something.

PS. the rod so a rock could be used to hold down the spike traps worked even better when we lived on sandy soil. The sand just wouldn't hold the trap down using the frame legs as stakes.

Mal Paso
05-21-2019, 10:00 AM
I have an old lawn mower that I pipe the exaust into one of their tunnels, seems to work fine

Unleaded doesn't do the job very well.

Local Sheriff found a car near a creek with a hose from the tailpipe through a window and no one inside. Checking the area, he found a red faced fellow all wet from the creek. He had tried to kill himself but there wasn't enough carbon monoxide and the interior of the car got so hot he couldn't stand it any more and jumped in the creek.

We have lots of hawks here and I cut the grasses short and let them have first crack. The critters come up for air on a schedule the hawks seem to know.

05-21-2019, 11:24 AM
Cats, lot's of CATS!!!!!

05-21-2019, 11:33 AM
I've had the critters for years and tried everything on the market. Still have them. One day I was thinking about them and, being a mining engineer, realized that they were just little miners mining bugs. Now I have a real good relationship with my little mining brothers. But a good stick of dynamite might work too. [smilie=l:

legend 550
05-21-2019, 06:09 PM
Spray the lawn twice a year with Castor oil. Won't kill them but they will leave your yard.

05-22-2019, 06:00 PM
Judging from your avatar I would say the answer is obvious.

We have a standard schnauzer that will dig a small "sniff" hole to decide which way the mole is. Then dig another hole to sniff for direction. Within 3 or 4 small holes Mr. Mole is between two holes with a dog that has been bred for around 700 years as a farm dog with a strong drive to kill vermin. As soon as the mole makes a noise or movement a brief frantic dig to expose the back which is grabbed with the front teeth, yanked from the tunnel, tossed in the air, caught on the fly and crunched three times. Sounds like someone stepped on a bag of Doritos. Happy sound. Shaking may or may not be applied, but the Standard doesn't have any terrier in them. The mini's were bred with terriers to bring the size down and the mini's tend to have a more terrier like temperament.

Those spike traps always wanted to recoil back up as much as driving the spikes down. So I ran a 1/4 threaded rod about 10 inches long into one leg of the wicket frame. Rod is right at where ground level should be when trap is set. Put a rock or brick on the rod so the whole force of the spring goes to driving spikes down into tunnel. This more than doubled the effectiveness of those spike traps. That and using a straight bladed shovel to chop the dirt up where the trap was set so it wasn't rock hard.

At one time I go to the high point in the yard and pour ammonia and bleach into a small hole I made in the tunnel, yields chlorine gas which is heavier than air and would run down the tunnel. Not sure if it did any good by it certainly felt good to do it to those little paving stone wrecking critters.

Neighbor had an old mower with the muffler replaces by a piece of pipe with a length of flexible conduit clamped on it. Would put the conduit into wood chuck burrows after covering the other exits and run the engine to kill them with poison exhaust gasses. They played hobb with out building foundations. He did mole tunnels with that same device sometimes.

Youngest dog is still in the excavate the whole length of any mole tunnel found so.... some work to do before she is ready to take her place as a true mole management and extermination service. Now she is more of a schnauzer snout excavation service and why the lawn tractor should really have springs and shocks.

I think maybe cats are better mole and vole hunters but don't think any strays will settle in the yard with the two dogs. And our old cats were always indoors. They put cameras on cat collars and found they spend about 80% of their time trying to kill something. Even nap where they might get a chance to kill something. I think dogs do it for fun but if they don't find rodents won't take to killing beetles because they just have to kill something.

PS. the rod so a rock could be used to hold down the spike traps worked even better when we lived on sandy soil. The sand just wouldn't hold the trap down using the frame legs as stakes.

We have 2 Miniature Schnauzer 4 and almost 2. The older dog could care less. Now the young dog finds a hole and starts digging and comes out a muddy mess especially her face. She has had no joy yet. The wife is none too happy and in the tub, she goes. I told her it's their natural instincts and tells me that's disgusting

05-22-2019, 10:02 PM
WV109323 nailed it. I once went nuts trying to get rid of the moles till a friend that worked at a garden center told me to get rid of the grubs. Can't remember what I used but it did the trick.

05-22-2019, 10:06 PM
What I use successfully


05-23-2019, 05:13 AM
We have 2 Miniature Schnauzer 4 and almost 2. The older dog could care less. Now the young dog finds a hole and starts digging and comes out a muddy mess especially her face. She has had no joy yet. The wife is none too happy and in the tub, she goes. I told her it's their natural instincts and tells me that's disgusting Well yes face and beard full of wonderful smelly dirt is their natural state, and yes it can be a bit disgusting. Especially if the smell reminds them and they suddenly decide they just have to get back out and check that hole again. So they stick their face in yours to get your attention. I just brush them out and am glad they are a wire haired dog with a coat that doesn't hold dirt.

I wouldn't be surprised if when she has joy she won't share it. Seems the breed is big on "hiding" things like toys, chews, and dead things. Our older one kept a dead squirrel stashed in snow banks for a couple of months. We would look out and see her trotting across the yard with it and by the time we would get out there it was stashed again. Our younger one "buries" stuff in the closet floor or drags papers out of the trash to bury stuff behind the office trash can. We have been told it is just something the breed does.

05-23-2019, 02:13 PM
My Dad had moles all in his yard. Tried the mole traps , no work, tried mole poison , no work either ... on the third trip to the hardware store/lawn and garden center ... the owner looks around to make sure no one is watching , reaches under the counter and comes out with a box of aluminum cylinders .
" You're not going to believe this , but if you drive one of these in the ground put a battery in it and space them out according to the direction ....the moles just disappear, in a week they are gone.
If they come back...repeat the treatment... I swear this works better than anything...but it just sounds like some kind of gimmick... No one buys them until they have tried the trap and poison... after that they are willing to try anything..even a screwy Ultrasonic Mole Repeller !"
These were before the solar powered ones so you used a C cell battery...or two .. but as crazy as it sounds ...the moles left his yard and never came back .

05-23-2019, 03:34 PM
As already posted, moles are after grubs. Kill the grubs and the moles move on.

If for any reason you don't want to put insecticides in your yard try juicy fruit.
Seriously small pieces of juicy fruit gum in or near the holes. They eat it and can't digest it and die. Sounds crazy but it works. My Grandmother was never wrong.

05-23-2019, 08:29 PM
As already posted, moles are after grubs. Kill the grubs and the moles move on.

If for any reason you don't want to put insecticides in your yard try juicy fruit.
Seriously small pieces of juicy fruit gum in or near the holes. They eat it and can't digest it and die. Sounds crazy but it works. My Grandmother was never wrong.

I have done that with other critters, but never moles. "Streaky" ( like chipmunks) & pocket gophers, IIRC.
Interesting. I have a couple runs out in my yard & if it will ever stop raining long enough, I was going to put out that grub killer that has been mentioned, using a lawn spreader or something, but I have a pack of Juicy Fruit around here & I may just poke some holes in the ground & throw some in & see.

Thanks for the reminder!

06-08-2019, 01:56 PM
What I use successfully


Had a couple get active...not no more!




Rick Hodges
06-08-2019, 02:22 PM
I know it has been said before, get rid of the grubs and the moles leave. Check with the local county extension office to find the best time to kill them. There is a window to apply grub-X and similar products, usually in the spring, and it depends on your location.

06-08-2019, 02:59 PM
I just put out a jar of molasses and a sign that says this will be you tomorrow
they seem to leave quickly :)

Silvercreek Farmer
06-08-2019, 07:08 PM
I just look at them as free aeration! Voles are the devils that eat my plants and trees!

06-08-2019, 07:17 PM
I use a Hav-A-Hart trap...the small one....I was after the squirrels one time and had them setup outside my back window in the yard. but I kept finding the bait gone and the traps unsprung.....So I actually waited and watched. A mole came up through the side holes took the bait then left through a side hole again. So now...I get the bright idea...lets get rid of the moles. What I did was set a mouse trap inside the Hav-A-Hart and leave the H-a-H sprung. I caught my share of moles that way.


06-08-2019, 07:20 PM
Cats and coyotes keep us mole free.

06-08-2019, 11:31 PM
I know it has been said before, get rid of the grubs and the moles leave. Check with the local county extension office to find the best time to kill them. There is a window to apply grub-X and similar products, usually in the spring, and it depends on your location.

...they love the earthworms were I live. Hang out in the woods and then explore the yard.

06-09-2019, 05:27 AM
Had a couple get active...not no more!




I use these as well as the older plunger spike traps. These scissors type traps are much more efficient, easier to set, and just plane work! Even my daughter is able to catch them with the scissors traps. One good thing about moles is that they don't reproduce like rats, mice, and voles. If you kill off a few you see a huge reduction in tunneling.

06-09-2019, 06:35 AM
M80's or a 1/4 stick of dynamite generally does the job at a slight cost of having to deal with holes in the yard.

06-09-2019, 05:48 PM
Had a couple get active...not no more!




Looks just like " Morocco Mole "