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View Full Version : Slugging and sizing die questions

05-10-2019, 12:38 AM
I am casting COWW sweetened to 2% tin. Not sure if I will powder coat or cake lube. I want to purchase the NOE push thru sizing setup but not sure what size dies to order.. I removed the cylinder from my stainless steel Ruger Security Six 357 Mag. with a 2 ¾ inch barrel and slugged each cylinder. The smallest cylinder measures 0.3575” and the largest cylinder measures 0.3585. I have not slugged the barrel based upon the posts I have read I understand that is not necessary. What size die should I order ??

2nd question - I also want to slug a S&W 29-2 44 Mag. With a 4 inch barrel and a S&W 24-3 44 Spl. With a 3 inch barrel But I have been advised not to remove the cartridge ejector rod and extractor star on these models of S & W pistols. What is the safest way to slug these cylinders without damage to the extractor when I attempt to push an oversize slug from the rear of the cylinders past the extractors? All my slugs were cast from stick on wheel weights. I appreciate all the great advise I have been able to glean from the extremely intelligent and knowledgeable casters on this is forum. Thanks in advance for your advise.

05-10-2019, 02:24 PM
For the 357 Mag., I would go with .358", not too small (just .0005" smaller than tightest) nor too big (just .0005" larger than the biggest throat). I've not had any problems slugging m S&W 629 cylinders, I just used balls about .010" larger than expected throat diameter and supported cylinder on the face with rod extending below. My slugs/balls were not so big as to hit the ejector star.

I usually use "case slugs" for my handgun slugging and they are big enough but not so big as to cause any trouble (no ejector interference). I pour a soft alloy into some cases for the gun and when cool, remove slugs from case with an impact bullet puller. Correct size and tapered for easy start...

I bought plug/pin gauges for my 44s and got a very accurate measurement of the throats, .430", .431", and .432"... https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS776US776&ei=b8HVXOTJBNL5-gSOlb3gDw&q=individual+pin+gauges&oq=individual+pin+gauges&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l2j0i30.18146.27406..28567...0.0..0.91.1923 .25......0....1..gws-wiz.......33i10.DhNqnzCRRKw