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10-22-2008, 04:26 PM
To illustrate this and the 3 other adjustments. Simple is fine. Thanks;
joe b.
It takes a few shots for you and the gun to settle down. After firing those few shots, fire a few, three is a good number, shots at a clean target. If those shots aren't hitting the target where you're aiming; then it's time to adjust the sights.

Move the rear sight in the direction that you want the bullets to move on the target.
If your shots hit low on the target, you want the bullets to hit higher-to move UP.

If you want the bullets to go UP, move the rear sight UP.
If you want the bullets to go DOWN, move the rear sight DOWN.
If you want the bullets to go LEFT, move the rear sight LEFT.
If you want the bullets to go RIGHT, move the rear sight RIGHT.

Here's why.
Imagine a rifle in a vice, an adjustable vice.
A rifle is in the vice with the sights aimed at the center of the Bullseye. A shot is fired, and hits LOW on the target.
Following the rules above, the rear sight is moved UP.
Now the sights are aimed, are looking, LOW.
The vice is adjusted such that the rifle bore goes UP, so that the sights are aimed HIGHER, at the center of the Bullseye.
Now a shot will hit HIGHER on the target.

10-22-2008, 05:13 PM
Easier said, by just "chase your sights"


Cap'n Morgan
10-23-2008, 12:45 PM
I always tell people to "think big" and visualize:

Imagine you're moving the rear (or front) sight a whole foot up (or to the left, right or down)!

Now imagine you align the sights at the target. Where is the barrel pointing?

Simple, eh?