View Full Version : Miracles again - examples

05-08-2019, 06:22 PM
As Christians, we are supposed to believe in miracles. Otherwise, we place limits on what we BELIEVE God can do, and that's kind'a like the tail wagging the dog! So I'd like this to be a thread of examples of miracles, or even possible miracles, that you've experienced in your own lives. I'll start with my own best example that I witnessed.

My wife's grandfather was in the hospital and they'd called the family in because they didn't expect him to make it. He had internal bleeding they couldn't get stopped. The docs had done all they could and expressed same to family, and told them all they could do now was pray. They did. The preacher of the little country/community church many of them attended was there. He was pretty old then, and his hair was solid white. He was not a well educated man, but nobody could exceed his commitment to the Lord, and I enjoyed listening to him preach. After he'd led a family prayer, everyone divided up into their little groups to talk. This is when the preacher took Auby, my FIL aside, and told him that he knew a passage in the Bible that if he read it in the presence of one who was bleeding, it would stop the bleeding. Auby seemed to obviously think "Why not at least try it." After all, his own father's life was on the line.

So the Auby got the nurses to leave the room for a minute so that only "Doc" and the preacher were in the room together and the door locked. We could see the preacher reading the passage with obvious emotion and a whole lot of faith. He came out, after praying with Doc a minute, and very confidently said, "OK, I think he'll be OK now." About 20 minutes later one of the nurses went in to check on Doc, and she came out and got another nurse to fetch Doc's doctor. She seemed obviously concerned, and I think most feared the worst for Doc. But when the doc came back and entered the room and closed the door, he fiddled with the tubes and equipment a bit, and kept reading it's results, and after a while, he came out with a bit of an incredulous look on his face, and said the bleeding had stopped, and it looked like Doc might make it after all. Auby told the doc what the preacher had done. The doc asked the preacher if it was true, and he verified it all. The doc then looked very studious, and not entirely incredulous, along with being somewhat amused that when all his knowledge and talent had failed, a simple country preacher without a whole lot of education, had accomplished what he could not. He obviously took the matter seriously, and Doc did indeed get better, and went home to live yet a while longer.

This to me demonstrates the Power of God in action. I am convinced that miracles occur all around us, but we are too dim and too steeped in today's world's nihlistic cynicism to recognize them for what they are. Yes, we pray for many things, and when we get our prayers' answers, they often CAN be explained rationalistically. BUT, sometimes, there's no real or seemingly valid rationalistic explanation for why a prayer is answered, and Doc's case is, I think, one of those. Yeah, the meds could have suddenly kicked in for some unknown reason, but that really doesn't stand a true test of validity. The doc was very experienced, and he couldn't explain it, and he KNEW all that had been done, and knew it didn't occur that bleeding would stop so suddenly and completely.

So there's one of my best examples of a miracle in real life. Now let's hear yours. And please don't be bashful about it, if you will. Who knows? A story of a miracle you observed may be the final "nail" to tack down another's belief and faith. So let's hear 'em.

Wayne Smith
05-09-2019, 08:24 AM
God continually told the Israelis to "remember what I have done for you". We need to do the same thing - keep a record of God's action in our lives.

My most obvious one is that our practice (Psychology) in New Hampshire ended and we were looking to re-locate. The APA Monitor is the professional newspaper. I answered an add and contacted my current employer and got the job and moved here (Hampton Roads, VA). Two years later I was at lunch with my boss and he asked how I heard of the job up in New Hampshire. I told him it was his add in the Monitor. His mouth literally dropped open in amazement and he said "Wayne, I haven't advertised in the Monitor in the past five years!" I know the add was there because two of us answered it.

05-09-2019, 08:37 AM
My father was in his late 60's, had just retired from farming 540 acres of land. Yearly checkup revealed a problem in his right lung. Turned out to be cancer, a mass the size of a grapefruit. The local doctors were consulting with Mayo, wanted to try something new, chemo before surgery. See if they could shrink the tumer, save more of his lung.

Day one of chemo he was not handling it well, Day 2 he was sick as a dog.
Now in those days I was hugely involved in a WWII online flight sim. We had a big squadron of guys who flew weekly. I don't ask for much for myself, but I put out a prayer call for dad. Day 3 he perked up and ate, breezed through the chemo, the surgery. Lived for another 24 years. Up until the last 4 he remained active, strong, healthy and happy.

Miracle enough for me.

05-09-2019, 09:41 AM
There have been so many. Not sure I can even write about the one God is prompting me to share without having an emotional breakdown.. this one involved my baby son, when he was 6 months old. He was born happy and healthy, then at 6 months old, he had a terrible seasure. My wife though he had died in her arms as he was turning blue and had stopped breathing. She jumped in the Jeep and hauled butt down to the hospital where I worked as one of the leadership team, and I have everything ready. Were able to get him stabilized, and within a day or 2 nothing was found, no causes for the seizure or liver issues, and he was pretty much back to normal. Our doc said that they would be discharging in the am. I remember sitting there with him in my arms rocking him all alone just the 2 of us, and then he slowly started to tense up more and more like a spring almost. His head rolled back and he started seizing. It was just me in the room. I was fully trained in what to do and the training kicked in. I hollered for some help and the doc, being right outside came in and was able to observe the AFocal full blown seizure. Lasted over 4 min in my arms like that with the doctor watching and listen for heart and breathing, and then the seizure was over and he went completely limp and stopped breathing, started turning blue. I seemed to be watching my tiny son Die. Doc and med staff took him from my arms, and were able to get him started again,. And med staff started discussing his case, and I walked out of the room and completely had an emotional breakdown. I was fine during the seizure and so on, calm and collected, but when it was done for the moment, I just checkedout in tears.

In our hospital in Livingston, montana, we had a rule... nobody dies here unless there is NO other way. When ever a patient was deemed terminal, we transferred them to Billings deaconess hospital about 2 hours away. Later that same day, those same people that I worked with, and loved walked up to me and told me they needed to transfer my son Matthew to Billings. I steadied myself and my wife. Doctors believed he had 2 massive strokes, and that there was large chance he would die with the next seizure. They had no clues as to why they were occurring. But his enzyme levels indicated that there would be more siezures. They loaded him up in the ambulance, and my wife, and I was to follow in the truck for the long ride to Billings. As we were about 100 miles out in the middle of nowhere drivingabout 90mph I was in tears begging God to take My life and not Matthews if that would work as a sacrifice. I told I’m I would just pick the very next telephone pole if Matthew could live.. strange what desperation will do to your thinking. I remember turning all through the radio and there was just no reception for miles. Just me alone in my sadness and desperation, and then, there was a radio station. I fine tuned it through my tears and it was one of those preacher stations, and he was speaking about healing. It was as if he was talking directly to me about my situation. About Jesus stripes and healing. I felt a peace that was beyond explanation. I just felt that there was direct intervention in my situation, and that God had this.

We made it to Billings, Matthew was fine and discharged after 48 hours of observations. There was no explanation for his siezures, and the strokes, but no lasting effects. He is autistic in a mild way. But we have learned to manage that and he lives a wonderful life of service, helping the elderly folks in our village, and just about everybody else. He is well loved in our church and community. He is now 22 years old. The Name Matthew means, Gift from God. How could I have known when I named him that it would be a double gift.


05-09-2019, 10:06 AM
Thank you .

Pine Baron
05-09-2019, 12:12 PM
Marcopolo, you're testimony brought me to tears, as I've been in that "take me instead" moment also.
Miracles? Too many too say. Seriously, everyday I wake up and both feet hit the ground is miracle enough for me.
All Glory goes to God.

05-09-2019, 09:20 PM
Maybe you were why the big guy prompted me to share that one.... I got more.. lots more...

05-09-2019, 09:27 PM
I suspect many of us do. I'm not ready to share another yet, but I will in time.

Bless you Marco.

05-09-2019, 10:16 PM
First one many will not consider a miracle but i have no other explanation.
Met my future wife in college. About 6 months into the relationship we went to her parents home for the first time.
Couple hours into the visit they were discussing the family and i asked what happened to the twins. My wife had NEVER mentioned them. The room got silent. Wife looked stunned and asked what did i say so i repeated it
She asks how i knew about them. I said the pictures are on the wall in the hallway ( the hallway i had only walked down once..as we entered the house). Mother started crying and wife says they are not pictures of the twins in the hall. I said yes they are as i walked to the hall i pointed to the exact spot where pictures HAD been years ago but had been removed years ago. They had died shortly after birth of spina bifida .
Mother opened up about them . something she had bottled up for years

05-10-2019, 12:10 AM
Tomorrow, while on the long boat ride to Ketchikan, I will add another one... too tired and gotta get up at 3am

05-10-2019, 07:48 AM
Amen and praise God for all He has and continues to do.