View Full Version : Any model railroaders here

05-02-2019, 11:55 AM
Hello all
Have a question. A box of n scale stuff followed me home.It's been 40 yrs since i messed with this stuff. Was just really wondering what it's going for in todays market. Got a bachmann 2-8-0,0-6-0 swicher,a few rolling stock,track ,roadbed, building,swicths, etc. But i really don't know what it goes for anymore.
Any foresight would be helpfel
Thanks kevin

05-02-2019, 12:29 PM
Been out of the game as well I have a similar pile of O gauge (not O27) components that I need to do something with real soon.

No idea what any of it worth in todays market.

05-02-2019, 12:37 PM
Found this. Based on reported sales from previous year.

05-02-2019, 12:57 PM
I've about three boxes of Atlas Track, rolling stock, engines of all makes, buildings. Haven't touched it in almost 50yrs.
No place for a layout, no $$$.
Guess it'll sit in it's boxes until I die.
And My Wife will do her Happy dance, because all my useless (to her) is gonna be gone.

05-02-2019, 01:10 PM
Ok, long story short: had some really nice HO Gauge locos, cars, track, buildings etc. and sold it for a fraction of what it was worth just to clean out some stuff. Almost 95% of it was new in the box and was a screaming deal for the guy who bought it. Brands were Athern, Round House, Atlas, Campbell etc. If you are in a market that will bear the price, and you have high end stuff it will sell. My current collection is N Guage and takes up less room. BUT it is a personal thing. Do a google for 'model railroad', there is some amazing stuff out there; especially the PA steamers club.
Also, check out the schedule and places for the model train shows.
John Allen's layout was awe inspiring!

05-02-2019, 07:55 PM
Most of it isn't worth much anymore. The popularity of Digital Command Control has really beat up the market of older trains as well as old collections being sold as collector die & kids having lost interest in the hobby. When was the last time you saw a kid playing with trains? lol. I have O & O27 sets as well as some HO and plan on working with my son to get my old board running again. I built an HO board for my nephew about 10 or 12yrs ago, it was short lived and his friends used it more then he did. The N scale stuff is holding it's own some, as older people are still using them and it wasn't produced in the quantities of 0, 027 & HO eBay is a real time gauge on the price of things.

05-03-2019, 12:56 PM
I guess being an old fart and having ridden on steamers, diesels and electrics I find trains interesting and always wanted to do a nice layout. I reluctantly sold my American Flyer that I had received as a Christmas gift when a youngster only to find out later (at train shows) there was an abundance of track and other stuff available for it. Lionel is always sought after but the detailed stuff is in the HO and N guage. Google train show and explore the hits, local shows or displays don't advertise much and any town that has railroad influence seems to have more than a few 'old farts' looking for train stuff, both model and full size. I only wish I could afford to purchase some of the laser cut model buildings, the detail is amazing.
Someone out there is looking for N guage to start a layout or add to an existing one!

05-03-2019, 01:07 PM
I am heavy into R. R. POSTCARDS. 30+ yrs. a couple thousand. played with S-GAUGE, 50+ yrs ago. every thing gone. every thing is fun when you are young!.

05-03-2019, 08:47 PM
Been collecting O gauge Lionel and Atlas scale for 50 years or so and am now in the process of downsizing. It includes tearing down a 40 year old layout that had three levels and would handle six large trains at the same time. Kids loved them when growing up. Good news is that my oldest son is keeping them all and plans a layout in the future. There are four very large boxes of Plasticville buildings. Layout was 20 ft X 12 ft. Had a lot of fun with the boys and the trains. Great memories.

05-04-2019, 11:00 AM
Growing up, my dad set up a pretty nice one-level layout in the house. It was pretty dang huge and my mother wasn't exactly pleased about it. But we kids loved it and Dad seemed to get a lot of enjoyment out of it. Probably more than us kids did. Back then, we were too dirt poor to buy any of the prefab buildings or anything so my father had to make everything by hand. It looked okay.

Over the years, as we grew older, we all kind of lost interest in it, including Dad. Other things came along and caught our interest. I have no idea what happened to everything. Probably lost in a move or sold by my dad to someone else. Couldn't get rid of the memories, though.

Fast forward to about a year ago and I find that my buddy in another state is building a layout. Things have changed immensely now, including digital controls and switches, better motors for the locomotives.... The works.

Still something I love seeing.
