View Full Version : Light vs Dark

04-26-2019, 01:10 PM
I usually get up around 4 in the mornings , no point to it . I have always considered it a 'mild' form of self inflected insanity . In the by gone days of yesteryear before computers and the internet I always took the newspaper. Being not very smart and a low academic achiever my only small saving grace was the fact that I loved to read . I'd be out in the front yard in my underwear about 4;30 in the morning with a flashlight trying to find where the evil/tormenting newspaper guy carelessly pitched the paper . Reading the paper was an addiction .

Now a days I just do my reading on the net , got to be pretty selective what you believe there . Most 'news' is geared to appeal to specific groups as to what they want to believe to be . Not really news but just more biased opinion presented in a dramatic or factual way to deceive . Well heck , I'm just rambling now , need to get back to my initial thought .

Got up yesterday morning and it was raining . Made a pot of coffee , fed the spoiled house dogs and clicked on the Chapel . Started to post a thank you for today and was thinking , typed out about half what was on my mind and BAM ! Lightning hit not far away , power went out and I was sitting in the dark . We live a little ways from town and lose power several times a year so we keep candles , flashlights and such .
Had to feel my way around in pitch black to find the Bic lighter and a candle . As I went through the process of fumbling around working by feel trying to get enough light to be able to function it came to me .
Mention of GOD's light is repeated many times in our bible . It is promoted/sought by many . Light is crucial and necessary in our daily lives , without it we are in darkness . Living in his light seems hard for some . I suppose they think it's too restrictive or confining to conform to GOD's word and law . We have all strayed from his light and usually it doesn't work out too well but he always takes us back through his unbelievable grace and love for us . We believe and have faith in a merciful GOD , he is constant , he forgives , he is true , he is our light . When things start getting dark it's time to consider drawing closer to that light .

04-26-2019, 01:31 PM
You posted this so the power must be back on. I am glad you're ok

04-26-2019, 03:40 PM
I know exactly what you mean i live on road that is only thing on this line with few houses so when power goes out we are usual last to get power back. its gotten a little better lately i think they upgraded something since they built more houses on road. But we lost power for as much as 10 days so had to get small generator to keep from losing freezer and ice box.

04-26-2019, 09:05 PM
Have you ever noticed how the darkness gobbles up the light, shine a strong beam across a dark body of water and it don't seem to go far, but, from the darkness the light reaches out to incredible distances! I've been told the light from a birthday candle can be seen from over a mile away! Perhaps there's an analogy here?

04-27-2019, 08:12 AM
Amen I can relate and know how it is to be chastened by my heavenly Father.