View Full Version : Just down, but not out. Prayers please

04-23-2019, 02:31 PM
I don't even know where to start. Been almost two years now and I have accomplished all of I said I was going to do. Funny thing life on this cursed rock, and I should have taken Isiah to heart about warning that even the wife can and will betray you. Colorado is gone into a cesspool and no going back. Life here is good, but lonely with no family or friends. My child and I are treated like we have leprosy and are only spoken to when someone needs something. Nothing new for me, but painful to see my child treated with disregard. We both had birthdays, mine on Easter Sunday and 55 now, but I am still astonished that what I knew was blatantly revealed so brazenly.. Noone cares. This is NOT a pity writing because life is hard anyway. I am a fighter and a warrior so I have no regard for those that use me. It's just hard to explain to a young child why she got only 2 cards and daddy got only 3. Why only a couple people call more out of formality than sincerity. My child is highly intelligent, called twice exceptional Adhd, just like her dad. She is a child, but asks questions like, why don't people like her and only one child came to her birthday and noone but her sister (my child) and her niece (my granddaughter) called or sent a gift. I can't answer her and for her, a child with a heart for the Lord, questions why the world is so cold an mean, why God allows what goes on with death and violence... Well I at times have no good answer. Just that the world is in sin and of sin and it was caused by the fall. Easter Sunday was my birthday, I said it again for a reason, and the church had done something that is can't forget, the one we attend. The wife is distant again and it seems more like I am existing to support her only. So my child and I goto church, I stand by the door as she goes in, I assume to see the few church friends she knows, and after church she asked me a question. "daddy, why did you stand by the door and not sit with me?" I said that I thought she was with her little friends, but she corrected me. "no, I sat by myself and waited for you, noone wanted to sit by me".

Prayers please. My faith doesn't falter, but I am very concerned that my child will walk off the path. My honor and integrity control my walk and therefore I am secure, but I am distressed to see her struggle and become adversaries with me because her mother enables and counters me in front of her all the time. I do shift work and at times I wish I was an electrician again. But God has other plans and who am I to question the Lord Jesus Christ and what his will is.

04-23-2019, 02:41 PM
Hang in there bud, you & your daughter will soon find the path He intended for both of you. Most churches I know have support groups not just for spiritual healing but also for individual or family needs & well-being...you may just need to reach out sometimes & be open to what fellowship has to offer.
Keeping you both in our prayers...

04-23-2019, 02:49 PM
Will pray for your family situation .

04-23-2019, 02:50 PM
Feel for ya! I have 2 wonderful daughters, one of which suffers the same plus bi-polar. She does make a few friends, but they disappoint her often. I am concerned for her future, not as a risk to herself but will likely not have the happiest life. She has a very good outlook for her life from her position and I think she fully understands the challenges that face her. She is also now my best shooting buddy.

Prayers sent your way...

square butte
04-23-2019, 03:44 PM
Prayers for Daughter , You and Family. Rejection and abandonment seem to be issues most of us experience here in this earthly life.

04-23-2019, 04:33 PM
Remember the words of Christ Jesus, "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you."

Prayers for your situation and the Lord's care and protection for you and your daughter.

04-23-2019, 07:17 PM
I guess that I should clarify, I hoped that I did not sound vain or butt hurt. Truth is that I am very callous and in the field I work I am very black and white. Integrity, honor, ethics and morals is what I live by and there is no gray area except what is allowed by grace from God. Cards and presents I gave up on most folks pretty much since my best friend died 5 winters ago. I hate vanity and arrogance, I am guilty of both since I am not without sin. I had hoped that my love for my wife was mutual, but oh well. My greatest gift is my child and we get along well.

Truth is that I was just getting **** off my chest and feel safe here. Been on this site a long time and visit here daily. Don't post much because I usually don't have much to say.

Thank you all for the prayers, I do know that the Lord hears them.

04-23-2019, 09:09 PM
I'm glad that you shared your burdens with us.

Life sucks and then you die. Fair amount of truth to that one.
But no one tells you that getting old sucks worse. However I think it is better than the alternative.

Try to find the joy, if in nothing else, your daughter.

Positive attitude helps, but when your in the hole and its raining brown smelly stuff on your head it is hard to find positive. But keep trying, in the long run it can make a difference.

The 3 P's are always helpful. Patience, persistence, and perseverance.

Hang in there, praying for you. Share as needed.

04-23-2019, 10:20 PM
Prayers sent

04-23-2019, 11:11 PM
My prayers are going up for you and your daughter, and more will be sent!

04-24-2019, 05:59 AM
Keep your eye and mind upon things above where moth and rust do not corrupt, We are praying for you all and know all things are for Gods glory and our good.

Preacher Jim
04-24-2019, 06:02 AM
Bull I had lost track of you. You will be in my prayers, your daughter is seeing the world for what it is. If you are not perfect to their eyes they reject you. I will especially pray for her. The Lord said he is all things to those who need. Be there with your daughter and guide her my friend. Know The Lord is always with you and her because he promised to never leave or forsake us.

Wayne Smith
04-24-2019, 07:35 AM
Bull, remind yourself and your daughter - when we are with God we are never alone, those without God are always alone. More than likely you will find that there are several like you in the Church, but no one notices them because they are quiet. When we don't share our burdens others don't know how to pray for us. Our pastors are literally begging for prayer requests on Sunday. They want to know what is going on in their parishioners.

04-24-2019, 09:31 AM
Prayers sent for you and yours. As adults we can pretty much take what comes and roll with what comes. But to see a child suffer is heart breaking and the hardest burden i can imagine. I truly hope everything works out.

Pine Baron
04-24-2019, 09:43 AM
Bullfrog, my brother, I've been on the path you're on, and it sucks. Ghosthawk, as usual, gives good advice "The 3 P's are always helpful. Patience, persistence, and perseverance." I would add a few words, if I may; Spend as much time with your daughter as possible. Get involved with Girl Scouts, 4H, Cheerleading, etc. where ever her interests take her and you. Stay positive, love unconditionally, stay generous and giving. It will make a difference, I promise.
May God bless you and be with you and your precious daughter, in Jesus name. Amen.

04-24-2019, 09:56 AM
^^^^^ That is some good advice
Praying for you and your daughter
Life is hard enough even under the best circumstances
Sorry to hear this