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04-22-2019, 07:56 PM
IIRC there is someone here that writes western type books. Recluse does the spy thriller, but looking for westerns. Freind's wife is in surgery and will need time to recover - he needs some reading material. I sent him a link for the dog kindle by recluse for light humor.

Winger Ed.
04-22-2019, 10:09 PM
Look for authors Zane Gray or Louis LaMoore.

Pure classics.

04-23-2019, 12:22 AM
Walking Drum, The Last of the Breed, Sackett's land, Knights of the Range, Shadow on the Trail, Drift Fence, West of the Pecos, Below the Salt, The Silver Calice, Scaramouce, Jubal Sackett
He'll end up with more than he can finish.

04-23-2019, 02:00 AM
William Johnstone write great western series, I’m rereading the Last Mountain Man series, Robert Vaughan Hawke series is good, Loren Estleman’s westerns are thought provoking, Larry McMurtry Lonesome Dove is a classic, although not western, William Kent Krueger’s Cork O’Conner series will suck you in, just start with the first book & work your way up. Also in the mix are Robert Compton & Robert Randisi, sorry for all of the suggestions, got carried away!

04-23-2019, 02:15 AM
The Virginian by Owen Wister.

Last of the Mohicans by James (Fenimore?) Cooper.

Three Musketeers by Alexander Dumas.

04-23-2019, 09:45 AM
He is reading the Johnstone book now. She was in surgery from 2 to 7:30, got up at 3 this morning to read - guess that didn't work. We left @ 4:30. Breast cancer and reconstructive surgery. Off to visit Mom this morning across town.

04-23-2019, 01:44 PM
For something more contemporary, he might like Bill Crider's series about a modern sheriff (Dan Rhodes) in a rural Texas county. Lots of humor, interesting characters, and better than average plot lines.


04-23-2019, 07:13 PM
Elmore Leonard.......not very well known because his mysteries were big but his early career was westerns. I think he was the best. Another for more "contemporary sheriff" is the Longmire series.

04-23-2019, 08:32 PM
Elmore Leonard wrote some entertaining stuff as did Louis Lamour, though I never really thought either was a great writer. Lamour was an interesting dude, and in my opinion, Last of the Breed really stands out among his works, very good book.

Want a really good western, try Alan Lemay's book The Searchers or his other book which is a reverse plot called The Unforgiven. The movie made from The Searchers was great, The Unforgiven not so much.

Another of note is Walter VanTilburg Clark. The Oxbow Incident is excellent and Track of the Cat is even better.

Not the traditional western writer, but I'm a big fan of Cormac McCarthy, read The Border Trilogy, All the Pretty Horses, The Crossing and City on the Plains, excellent reading.