View Full Version : 3 Digit REX C100 PID Controllers - Frequent?

04-19-2019, 12:08 PM
Hey all, I am setting up a Berme rex c100 PID this coming week. Been all over this forum, the beer guys and the expresso guys and Youtube about these.. Noticing occasional comments about certain REX C100 clones that read out only 3 digits and wont unlock the autotune.. Would like to get an idea: how often do we run into these, and has anyone "jailbreaked" one yet? I even bought the cheapest one on Ebay I could find just to see if i get one, and could unlock it..
Anyone get one? And could you unlock its menus further than the SL1-4?

Mike W1
04-22-2019, 09:14 PM
Wish I could help you but I rather doubt it. Helped a guy sometime back with one of those Bermei units and we gave up and returned it. The correct model of the RKC's built in Japan work just fine. I've done some reading on those clones and if they work it's because the operator knows a LOT more about setting them up than most of us on here ever will. Apparently there's features in there that might be used in one model and not the next one. As an example the instructions say the RKC units I use can be set for F or C. I can get to that point but this particular model WILL NOT change. Something in the mfg. process that a parameter change can't do. It's like it's just not there to be changed.

Sorry I couldn't help but that's my best, not too informed, guess. I'd return the dang thing.

04-25-2019, 10:11 AM
Thanks, Mike - I got lucky .. The 2 units I ordered (1 amazon, 1 ebay) both are BERM (thats right no E on end) SSR, 110v capable units with 3 digit readout and GOOD instructions.. Here's the instructions: REX— C900. C700. C400 .C100.C10 www.vallder.com
PDFhttps://www.vallder.com › images › rex-c...

Its setup and running, getting +/- 4 deg C... On my SS pot wrapped in Kaowool on top of 10$ walmart hot plate! Might try manual tuning a little to see if I can improve

Mike W1
04-25-2019, 12:47 PM
Glad it's working. Took a look at the download and that's a wiring diagram. Unless I missed something there not an instruction sheet at all. The model number on the sheet doesn't show the same model number as their ad either. I did mispell what I'd seen on ebay, they show Berme and I don't see either spelling on the link. Maybe another clone of a clone?

04-25-2019, 02:16 PM
Sorry about that - Vallder C100. Exact same instructions as what came with my BERM C100 (yep no E - clone of clone) .... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.vallder.com/images/product_details_images/rex-c100/REX-C100FK02-V-EN.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj_nLnJ7OvhAhWwc98KHZP8AbwQFjAAegQIBhAC&usg=AOvVaw3yN70oHSheN0Y-RWJo9K7u

04-25-2019, 02:22 PM
Appears to work well, autotuned yesterday, this morn went from 26 deg C to 350 in under 20 min - no overshoot, but slowed the heatup from 250 to 350 C - integral may be too high..