View Full Version : Made It to the Range Today

04-11-2019, 03:01 PM
Made it to the range today. It has been sunny and in the 60's all week. Today woke up to snow on the ground and left for the range and it was 36 outside with a strong wind. I needed to go check out the barrel for my Rock Island 1911 in 45 ACP DougGuy worked on for me. When I sent it out I was having trouble cambering my cast 200gr RF. I will say that the dozen that I loaded for testing chambered wonderfully. I had some that I even set a little longer on the OAL and it ate them also. A big shot out to the fine work that he did on this. As for my shooting, at 10 yrds they stayed in a nice circle that I could cover with a 2 inch dot. This gun is new to me so I have alot of work getting a good load down and getting use to it. With my eyes as they are I am tickled that it shot as good as it did. Crony had them running about 750 ft/sec. Cold day but a good day. Once again thanks DougGuy for the fine work.

04-11-2019, 03:36 PM
Thanks for sharing the range report & the reference to D.Guy!

We have been getting the stuff you are talking about for weather & it is to continue for a couple more days. Not the type of weather I voluntarily go out into , and particularly for shooting, so I stay inside, hang out in the forum here for a while, then go do somethings like work on cleaning my reloading area, etc., when I would much prefer to go out & shoot what I have already loaded up. I wish we had more range reports as they help pass the time until I can get out again in some better weather... ;)

So, reading about yours, and others adventures will have to suffice for me, now, but I want to assure ya I am glad to read about it/them!

Thanks again & look forward to the next trip!

04-11-2019, 03:40 PM
I had the same problem with my Canik TP9 SFX and DougGuy did a fine job on that gun at a very fair price. I finally managed to shoot at my range about a week ago after winter long break and it felt good too. Hopefully I can go out this weekend again. We even had few days in the 70s so spring is def in the air :)