View Full Version : For thought and meditation

04-10-2019, 06:42 AM
our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. ROMANS 6:6
Co-Crucifixion. Have you made the following decision about sin—that it must be completely killed in you? It takes a long time to come to the point of making this complete and effective decision about sin. It is, however, the greatest moment in your life once you decide that sin must die in you– not simply be restrained, suppressed, or counteracted, but crucified— just as Jesus Christ died for the sin of the world. No one can bring anyone else to this decision. We may be mentally and spiritually convinced, but what we need to do is actually make the decision that Paul urged us to do in this passage.
Pull yourself up, take some time alone with God, and make this important decision, saying, “Lord, identify me with Your death until I know that sin is dead in me.” Make the moral decision that sin in you must be put to death.
This was not some divine future expectation on the part of Paul, but was a very radical and definite experience in his life. Are you prepared to let the Spirit of God search you until you know what the level and nature of sin is in your life— to see the very things that struggle against God’s Spirit in you? If so, will you then agree with God’s verdict on the nature of sin— that it should be identified with the death of Jesus? You cannot “reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin” (Romans 6:11) unless you have radically dealt with the issue of your will before God.
Have you entered into the glorious privilege of being crucified with Christ, until all that remains in your flesh and blood is His life? “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me…” (Galatians 2:20).

04-10-2019, 08:27 AM
Amen and thanks for a great start of the day.

04-10-2019, 08:29 AM
It's true most struggle with sin..I am guilty . Only last fall I clung to my problems and tried to control it . I wouldn't give it to him though he was holding me up through out that time but I wouldn't let go till the last . Realizing by looking back I finally gave him that burden seeing him working in my life . My life was bettered by his love for me at the end . He had been with me all along .

I asked for his forgiveness many times in my weakness and failing to let go my troubles and depend on him . I was honestly amazed at that weakness when he has always carried me looking back . I'm 66 years old , yea it takes a while to give it up but I'm workin on it .