View Full Version : Consensus Powder and Primer availability. Should we worry?

10-19-2008, 02:03 PM
In all honesty do many of you feel that there is a real not imagined reason to feel that the reloading components mentioned will be hard if not imposable to purchase in the next 4 years and down the road?

Or is this just a bunch of hoopla?

10-19-2008, 02:45 PM
I'm having trouble getting them now :(
I could not find WLP Primers, W231 or HP-38 anywhere, even drove to Sportsmans and Cabelas, I got the last of the HP-38 that cabelas had and niether new when they would ever get any :confused:
Sportsmans said they ordered them over 2 Months ago.

10-19-2008, 03:04 PM
All depends if O'Bama gets elected. Then I would say stock up now. I have no problem purchasing Wolf primers from Powder Valley $90/5000 and they are always in stock and since I have switched to them I have never had a problem and they always go bang. 231 and HP-38 are readily available at any show I go to. If you want to order over the internet I also use Tony at www.tntreloading.com

10-19-2008, 03:30 PM
I live south of tulsa about 25 miles. Dongs sporting goods always has what i want, Lash's also has a good stock of both. Both places are pricey. I retired a year ago,and i stocked up on primers,and some powder. I drove to winfield Kansas and bought primers and powder from Powder Valley. I worked into Springfield Mo.I worked on the railroad,and would haul my powder and primers home on a frieght train. Some of the engineers that i worked with that were not reloaders would raise thier eyebrows when i would tell them what i had brought with me! I would drive over to Ash Grove Mo. and buy some supplys from Arms and Ammo. Good people to deal with, a little higher on some of thier merchandise. Arms and Ammo Are on line.Boer rancher do you buy from them. Bill

10-19-2008, 04:46 PM
I'm no fan of the Obama/Biden ticket, but it's hard to imagine supplies getting tougher to come by than about two years ago, at the peak of the Iraq war. Primers were out of stock at a lot of places, surplus powder practically went away, and 7.62x39 and .223 ammo was tough to find. Lead prices got outrageous. Bullet prices soared. Lead shot doubled in price.

I think we're headed for legal trouble (another AWB), but supplies...probably more accessible.

10-19-2008, 07:41 PM
I still have some WSP and WSR primers from the great primer shortage rumor of the Klinton years and the first AWB and Denver's ban. These were recent found in "storage" in case all the stores were closed.

I was younger then, had an attitude and was full of pi$$ and vinegar. I certainly had a lot more money still being single. These were the Winchester primers in the old white boxes, and marked 57$ per sleeve of 5000 at gun shows in the Denver Merchandise Mart.

I'll probably stock up some but won't lay in 10's of 1000's like last time. Sheesh!!
Fortunately proper storage has left them as good as the day they were purchased.
I find no deterioration at all.


10-19-2008, 08:11 PM
All depends if O'Bama gets elected.


10-19-2008, 08:35 PM
I think they will be available we will all just pay a lot more for them. Ammunition taxes will probably make our hobby real popular soon.

10-19-2008, 08:52 PM
I think leadeye is right on the money....TAXES will get ridiculous on guns & ammo, and even components may be affected. Remember when Schumer & co. were trying to push "tracable" powder?

Think I'll make a phone call tomorrow....

10-19-2008, 09:03 PM
Good points made one and all. And to all of them there is an if but if that if OBlama makes it things I feel will start to get expensive fast or made out of unoptainium. So maybe it is better to purchase some now just to have on hand for the just in case thing.

I do not shoot a bunch. Just mainly trying out new rounds and new BOOLITS and powder charges along with some hunting. Okay I shoot a few rounds with my excuse of trying new things lol. But I figure if I have roughly 5 to 10,000 primers for each that I need I think I should be covered. :)

Down South
10-19-2008, 09:44 PM
I've been stocking up a little along the way. I've been able to build a decent stash so far. One or two more orders and I should be setting well. I don't know what affect Obama being elected might have but if it is bad I'll have a good stock.

10-19-2008, 09:54 PM
Think the handwriting is on the wall.
Any method the antigunners can use to deter/eliminate ALL shooting /gun sports will come to pass........if 'boma gets elected.
It's better to be prepared that to be found "wanting".
Just my $0.02 worth[smilie=1:

10-19-2008, 10:09 PM
Think the handwriting is on the wall.
Any method the antigunners can use to deter/eliminate ALL shooting /gun sports will come to pass........if 'boma gets elected.
It's better to be prepared that to be found "wanting".
Just my $0.02 worth[smilie=1:

Thanks to a well engineered, three bumper "8 ball in the corner pocket" game winner engineered by a bunch of pro 2nd Amendment lawyers, we have an excellent "get out of jail free" card in the form of DC vs. Heller. Even though the court may get stacked the other way during a liberal presidency, the Supremes generally don't reverse recent court decisions, even when, politically, they'd like to. Any major legislative initiative that interferes with the purpose of the 2nd Amendment is going to be vigorously challenged.

The NRA, Gun Owners of America, JPFO and many other 2nd Amendment groups are now hitting with the equivalent of an aluminum bat. Unbreakable, and routine flyballs become home runs.

It was a masterstroke to get that case through the federal court system so quickly and successfully. It's an umbrella we will need many times in the next eight years.

Heavy lead
10-19-2008, 10:19 PM
I'm thinking about adopting a 5% rule for myself. For example when I have sold things here, I have also ran a benifit auction as well. I always roundup at Midway and other places that offer. What I will do is if I purchase a firearm or related item (big ticket) I will do my best to send 5% to the NRA or another 2nd ammendment group. We need to pull together and all do what we can.
DISCLAIMER: I'm not suggesting anyone else do this. I feel though this is the best way for myself to help.
As far as loading up on supplies, if I cut down on my shooting, if the jello pudding really hits the fan, I've got enough bullets, primers, lead, brass, and lube to last me 30 years for hunting and defensive purposes. Truthfully, I'm not worried, I actually think componants will continue to go down, commodities are going to slide downword in the next year. I think the market will dictate this IMO.

Heavy lead
10-19-2008, 10:22 PM
Wait...that doesn't mean what I think it does?

If so, it has no place here.

+1 Please guys, let's show some class here, and responsibility.

10-20-2008, 01:36 AM
You really think that the price of components will go down with the price of commodities lol. No they will keep it the same and just make more profit. I have never seen the price go down lol.

Just like Gas the whosale for gas is $1.67. Around here before everything went nuts at our local Wally World Gas station gas would run $O.40 above whosale. Now it is $O.78 above whosale. And people wonder why people like EXXON each Quarter is bringing in record profits. :(

And by the way these are from OBlamas own books.

From Dreams of My Father:'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'

From Dreams of My Father : 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.'

From Dreams of My Father:'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.'

From Dreams of My Father:'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa , that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself , the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.'

And FINALLY the Most Damning one of ALL of them!!!
From Audacity of Hope:'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

Heavy lead
10-20-2008, 09:26 AM
Must be sad being this negative, prices have gone down and continue to go down, and will continue, yet you still complain. Left is bad, right is bad, middle is bad.

10-20-2008, 11:05 AM
Must be sad being this negative, prices have gone down and continue to go down, and will continue, yet you still complain. Left is bad, right is bad, middle is bad.

I'm curious; What has gone down ?

Loaded ammo:
Has over doubled in the last 1.5 years, I bought my G-23 less than a year ago and the ammo for it went up from 14.88 per 100 to 29.98
Two years ago I bought a 17HMR, Ammo was $7.0, it is now $12-$14 and rising.
Except for Sportsmans Warehouse which has stayed about the same, the places around here have gone up over 25% in the last year.
Have doubled in less than 1.5 years.
Has doubled in the last year.

On the average componant prices have gone up 20% every quarter.

Gas has almost Trippled in the last year.
Yippy it went down a whole 30 cents in the last couple of weeks, even though the price of a barrel of oil has dramaticly dropped to $70 a barrel we are still paying the $140 a barrel price at the Pump.

Only the Left is bad, the Middle is confused and the Right will always be Right.

10-20-2008, 11:25 AM
There have been reports that George is sending it all to Iraq. Apparently he wants Saddam's successor to be well supplied for the next skirmish....

10-20-2008, 11:53 AM
You really think that the price of components will go down with the price of commodities lol. No they will keep it the same and just make more profit. I have never seen the price go down lol.

Lead shot prices have come down from a peak of about $45/bag to about $29/bag. Primer prices have come down. Wolf primers peaked at around $100/5000, are now in the $85/5000 range.*

It will take a while for the reduced energy and commodity costs to ripple through the supply chain, but I expect bullet and brass prices to go down soon, too. It's hard to deny the free market. At the higher prices, less volume is being sold. I know I am not buying ammo and components at the higher prices. I know others who aren't, either. Sooner or later, with production costs softening, one of the major makers will say "Our volume is way down, we need to cut prices to pick up more business." Trust the market. It works.

*these are all Grafs FFL/dealer prices I am referring to

Heavy lead
10-20-2008, 12:19 PM
I'm curious; What has gone down ?

Loaded ammo:
Has over doubled in the last 1.5 years, I bought my G-23 less than a year ago and the ammo for it went up from 14.88 per 100 to 29.98
Two years ago I bought a 17HMR, Ammo was $7.0, it is now $12-$14 and rising.
Except for Sportsmans Warehouse which has stayed about the same, the places around here have gone up over 25% in the last year.
Have doubled in less than 1.5 years.
Has doubled in the last year.

On the average componant prices have gone up 20% every quarter.

Gas has almost Trippled in the last year.
Yippy it went down a whole 30 cents in the last couple of weeks, even though the price of a barrel of oil has dramaticly dropped to $70 a barrel we are still paying the $140 a barrel price at the Pump.

Only the Left is bad, the Middle is confused and the Right will always be Right.

I like your last quote, I agree, the Right will always be correct. Gas around here is close to $1.50 off it's high, not perfect, not where I would like it, but it is correcting. Prices never correct down fast, but they never correct up as fast as it seems. I have noticed primers in particular coming down ever so slightly, not the floor dropping out, but going down. Commodities are still high, but will go down, gold too. Just wait and see.
For example, few of the complaints that I have heard have addressed any of the things that have had price corrections in the last couple of years. You can buy pickups for 10 to 15k less than you could the same vehicle 6 years ago for example.

10-25-2008, 04:02 PM
I'm not Boerrancher but I do shop at Arms and Ammo, and suspect I will be up there next week. I'm waiting for a item they ordered to come in. They are about 25 miles NE of me. Agree about the prices some good some not.
SW Missouri near beautiful Freistatt

10-28-2008, 09:58 AM
[QUOTE=sig2009;414000]All depends if O'Bama gets elected. Then I would say stock up now. /QUOTE]

I don't think Obama being elected will have any effect. The Republicans are taking such a beating on the economy, unemployment, the wars, the record deficits, etc. that about the only thing they have left to sell is fear. I really don't buy into all the "Obama is going to take your guns" panic being broadcast. OTOH, international demand will, I fear, keep driving the price of lead, copper, brass, tin, etc. up, resulting in higher prices. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq might also result in some shortages. I am trying to stock up as I can afford to 'cause I know the prices aint going down.


10-28-2008, 11:04 AM
Here's the rub.

I think gunnies, by nature- are people who tend to play things far more conservatively than the rest of the population. Meaning - we are the group of people who always hedge our bets. the 'just in case' crowd.

if we want to stock up or not for whatever reason, there are those among us who probably already took it to the enth degree, and screwed up the supply chain for the rest of us.

lets be honest, its hard to make an economic model on occasional panic buying. I know I'm not stocking up. there is just no free cash floating around to do so. I spent what I had free on a recent pistol acquisition.

mike in co
10-28-2008, 11:07 AM
[QUOTE=sig2009;414000]All depends if O'Bama gets elected. Then I would say stock up now. /QUOTE]

I don't think Obama being elected will have any effect. The Republicans are taking such a beating on the economy, unemployment, the wars, the record deficits, etc. that about the only thing they have left to sell is fear. I really don't buy into all the "Obama is going to take your guns" panic being broadcast. OTOH, international demand will, I fear, keep driving the price of lead, copper, brass, tin, etc. up, resulting in higher prices. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq might also result in some shortages. I am trying to stock up as I can afford to 'cause I know the prices aint going down.

not only does obadmomma want your guns, if you have one you go to jail if you try to use it to defend yourself, and leneancy for the criminal. don't listen to us, go read his past. its black and white(pun intended).

as far as prices, i have said it before. the metals market drove the ammo/componet prices up, the use overseas did not help any thing. the good news is the metals market is way down, but who knows how long it will take to "trickle down".
lead at 0.11/lb
cartridge brass at 0.60/lb
down from 30/35 cents on lead
and 2.25/2.30 for the brass.

I DO NOT TRUST THE GOVERNMENT. I'M buying components wholesale. they will not outlaw it, they will tax and fee it to death.

mike in co

11-01-2008, 10:10 AM
I know that the metal markets are down!! Some of the nickel, copper etc. mines in my area are shutting down. The price for the raw material is going way down again!

Tom Herman
11-01-2008, 01:39 PM
Hi Y'all,

Powder and primer availability is OK here in SW WA state. Sportsman's warehouse in Olympia is once again well stocked. Powder there seems to be about 1/2-2/3 the price of other places, so I stock up as I can.
Federal primers are running about $27/M.
I still have some primers from before the Klinton AWB, and they all go "boom" just nicely!
I'm loading all the brass I can get my hands on, and staying well ahead of anticipated needs on both primers and powder.
The thing that might keep us reloaders going longer is that the emphasis will be on banning ammunition, and the idiots will hopefully forget about reloading for a while.
When they catch on that people are rolling their own, that's when life will get interesting. But hopefully most of us will have a lifetime's worth of primers and powder safely stashed away by that time should it happen.
Bottom line: Work to make yourself self-sufficient, and prepare for the worst. But hope for a good outcome to the election.

Happy Shootin'! -Tom

11-01-2008, 07:08 PM
What about the people who shoot in a "legitimate" Sport. Like Trap, all the Olympic disciplines, etc.etc.? I used to shoot and reload about 15.000-20.000 rounds Trap.

11-01-2008, 07:29 PM
Lead is on the way out. The recent EPA regs will stop all lead production in the US. Lead in WW is being phased out now. Lead is the DDT of the Greenies cause of the moment. It will go the way of Alar and nuclear generators, and true science. Just heard that the Glacier melt in Alaska lost ground to a growth of ice this year, reversing a 200 year trend. Gee, I didn't know SUV's had been around that long. DALE

11-01-2008, 08:10 PM
Availability doesn't seem to be a problem. It's the gosh darn prices that are constantly climbing.
One wonders why prices won't stabilize.


11-02-2008, 11:17 PM
The thing is Obama will have the power with cooperation of all the dems and greens in our country to REGULATE the crap out of industries and business including firearms manufactures and sales, in the name of health, clean air, and clean water. Add global warming.

Business owners will have to give up and fold. That's how they get to us.

If you can make your own, roll your own, and grow your own you will do well. If not well good luck.. :roll:

11-05-2008, 02:55 PM
Now What ? :(

Where is a good place to purchase Powder from. Here in San Antonio it has been pretty dry for the last 2 months unless you only wish to purchase in 1 pound cans. And they are very few. :(

11-05-2008, 11:24 PM
Metals markets have been in turmoil, has been dropping dramatically lately which has resulted in some reductions in ammo costs. But be sure all those folks who want to ban guns have found ammo an easier target and the ideas of 500% taxes on ammo with the proceeds to go the health care are going to resurface as the Gubermint screws up our health care system even more thant they already have.
That is not to discuss the desires of Brady and the like who want licensing, storage requirements with frequent inspections, and inventory limits - all the while mandating traceable ammo. No, I would not be worried about prices as much as I am concerned about supply and restrictions!!!

11-06-2008, 11:47 PM
Obama wanted to increase the excise tax on guns,ammo and componets by 500%. The $11 tax out of $100 we spend would jump up to $55. Sounds like a hell of a price increase to me.

11-07-2008, 01:58 AM
Now What ? :(

Where is a good place to purchase Powder from. Here in San Antonio it has been pretty dry for the last 2 months unless you only wish to purchase in 1 pound cans. And they are very few. :(

................Powder Valley! http://www.powdervalleyinc.com/


11-07-2008, 02:12 AM
Buckshot Thank You that is where I purchased some powder Wed. :)

11-07-2008, 10:31 AM
Has anyone, besides me, checked rifle primers at Midway, lately? As of this morning: Large Rifle Primers - all brands except Remington and MagTech - "Out of Stock - No Backorder." Small Rifle Primers - ALL brands - "Out of Stock - No Backorder."

Didn't bother to look at Pistol Primers 'cause I've got a pretty fair supply laid back.


11-07-2008, 03:39 PM
Brunoshooters.com is showing a special on Fed 205M's for 29.95 per K.