View Full Version : What is wrong with people these days????

03-29-2019, 02:05 AM
We had a sad thing happen here.
An ancient Hawaiian ruins was desecrated here.
The summer home of King Kamehameha has had a cross and a heart carved into one of it's walls.
It's like vandalizing a grave or national monument.
How would it be if someone carved a heart on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
We all suspect tourist.
But there is nothing that can be done.
Even if someone is caught, nothing would happen to them anyway.
What is wrong with people these days????
Makes me sick..............As it should everyone.

03-29-2019, 03:21 AM
Vandalism isn't anything new or unusual on the Earth, this isn't anything any different than what's happened through the history of humanity.
That said, I don't excuse this kind of behavior, nor should any one of us.

03-29-2019, 09:07 AM
I am sorry to hear this. It is a shame that some people have no regard for other people. And must destroy things for no reason. I agree it is sick.

03-29-2019, 09:50 AM
Vandals don't learn history, morals, or respect in schools anymore. They only care about themselves. And these are the ones the democrats want to have voting at 16?

03-29-2019, 08:53 PM
Absolutely no respect. Sorry to hear of this vandalism.

03-29-2019, 08:58 PM
I just got back from the Bahamas last night talk about vandalism. I went to a cemetary to just look around, grave markers broken ,crypts with hole broken in the side full of beer bottles. The island is one big mess. People don't respect anything anymore. Sad

big bore 99
03-29-2019, 09:20 PM
Fools names and fools faces always appear in public places.

03-29-2019, 09:25 PM
For anyone doubting the state of a portion of humanity, check out https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/

03-29-2019, 10:05 PM
What I don't understand is the graffeti on railroad cars? Why spray paint(probably stolen) on a railroad you will never see again or who sees it don't know you.

smoked turkey
03-29-2019, 10:12 PM
I totally agree that many people seem to be heartless when it comes to others. We have turned into a me, myself, and I society. I am sorry for their lack of respect, and disregard for anything sacred. They are ruining it for others who would have enjoyed seeing the artifact and now it is defaced and probably will be reconfigured to keep a similar thing from happening again. Sad.

Texas by God
03-29-2019, 10:23 PM
The original Vandals were a robbing, raping, and murdering lot- the name carried on to label defacers. Stupid lives on.

03-29-2019, 11:01 PM
Here in the south a lot of the old graves were built out of bricks and topped off with a roof using bricks and/or a concrete slab sort of a mini mausoleum. When I first moved down here one of them was probably abandoned when the surviving family members passed on. Stuffed full of beer bottles and other trash. Teenagers have been arrested for kicking over grave markers and headstones. In one case the grave was opened and contents looted. What really bothers me is that it seems to be the norm regarding vandalism what ever the item that was vandalized. Lately it is quite often home burglaries when the home owners are away or home invasions. Lawn mowers, riding lawn tractors, 4 wheelers, trailers are just a few items targeted by theives. Within the last few months and elderly couple were murdered and the home ripped off. What they didn't know (theives) was that they were friends with the local sheriff and well liked in the community. And they were found out and arrested. I would not want to be in their shoes. Hope they share a cell with bubba. Frank

Land Owner
03-30-2019, 06:12 AM
If possible, please don't target all tourists for the defacing acts of a few. Most likely kids and could be local kids too. Wouldn't that be a buzz kill...

In the high desert of Upspallata, Argentina, South America there are Aztec petroglyphs on stone that are at least 1,500 years old. You can still get up close to and used to be able to touch them.

The State has posted a guard there, one that is paid in donations by visitors - and we tipped him VERY WELL - whose mission it is to keep the idiots from defacing the petroglyphs. Someone tried to blow them up. Others have scribbled on and over them. Others just touch them into antiquity.

Moisture and acids of the human hand are sufficient to degrade these ancient markings, which we were told used to be significantly more pronounced. At their current rate of decomposition (natural sloughing of rock by expansion and contraction) made more pronounced by touching and defacing ("SG" in photo), those National Treasures will completely disappear in our lifetime - to be rendered to photographs of what once was. Tragic...


Wayne Smith
03-30-2019, 01:24 PM
What's wrong with people today? The very same thing that was wrong with those who left graffiti in Herculaneum and Pompey - and not recently either. Selfish human nature.