View Full Version : Eaten anything Strange? Game or Not.

03-28-2019, 02:11 PM
Seems several have eaten Guinea Foul. What is the strangest or just different animal (or not) that you have eaten. And give a review.

I'll start by saying that I've eaten Peacock. My neighbor had one in her yard so she put a little food out and after a couple of days after listening it's screams, she asked if I could remove it. I told her it would involve killing it she started to tense and I figured she was going to change her mind. I quickly added that I would eat the big bird.

I made a stir fry so I diced the breast meat in small cubes. It smelled good, taste not bad, but you couldn't chew it. It was like eating erasers. Out of respect I ate or should I say swallowed the portion I had dished up.

Coyote in the burn barrel was kinda strong. I was trying to move it to the top of the barrel to get more wood under it for cremation and a portion of the hind quarter ripped open. Seemed done. I suppose it taste like dog. Must be an acquired taste.

Before Y2K a friend BBQ'd a Felis Catus said it was the other white meat.

03-28-2019, 02:20 PM
Maybe not really weird but I’ve eaten several rattlesnakes I’ve killed. Stir fried and BBQ’d as tacos. It tastes much like dry chicken to me. It’s good but it’s a lot of work with so many little rib bones.

A bit more bizarre, I ate a raw crawdad I caught. When I was in my 20’s I always wanted to be able to survive hostile environment sorta stuff, live off the land. So I figured it might be something I’d eat. Rubbery and nearly tasteless. I used a lighter to semi cook another. A little more chewy but still nearly tasteless. Drank the water they were in too. VERY minerally. It was spring water in granite. It was similar to when you were a kid and put your tongue on a 9 volt battery.

I’ve been a little curious about coyote, fox, wolf, bobcat, and mountain lion as my father was stationed in South Korea and Japan and ate dog and cat. Said it was good. Also been wanting to eat a porcupine as a survival show had a scene and they felt it was like pulled pork. Same thing with bear, which I’d try also. Raccoon? I draw the line at possum though. I hate them!

03-28-2019, 02:33 PM
I have eaten fox, loved it. In high school our bio teacher did a section on survival... if you ate it you got extra credit... so fried grasshoppers (very taste!), coon, possum (never again), cat (good) and crawfish (love them!). He drove a bus, most critters were fresh road kill. I cooked a ground hog once in the crock pot, reminded me of black bear, did not like it. I always tell my girls, if you shoot it... you must be willing to eat it! Oh, btw fresh earth worms are not bad if you don't look. Ate a big fuzzy spider that was making the oldest scream when she was about 5. Told her I could feel it walking around in me... she puked... was so funny!

Winger Ed.
03-28-2019, 02:36 PM
My Grandfather used to say raccoon was delicacy. I've not had it though.
Awhile back, I trapped one on the front porch that was eating all the cat's food.
The wife said, "No, we're not going to eat it". So I relocated it.

I do fix carp once in awhile. Trim off everything that isn't white,
pressure cook it a hour & half, and it reminds ya of canned salmon.
Anyone that is repelled by their diet shouldn't ever eat catfish.
They're attracted to the most foul mess you can imagine, and by comparison- carp are darn picky eaters.

03-28-2019, 02:47 PM
Smoked carp with the mudline removed is excellent. Been to a couple of Powwow's that had racoon, dog and coyote. At wild game feeds had mountain lion and bobcat.

03-28-2019, 03:02 PM
I went camping with a friend of mine and his 2 boys around 40 years ago.
The boys had BB guns and we were on a large island on a river and they came back to camp with a bunch of birds they shot. Among them were a robin and a woodpecker ! He had told them not to shoot any birds other than English sparrows or black birds which there are plenty of.
For punishment they were shown how to skin and gut the birds and they cooked the breasts on

a stick hanging over the campfire. Both of the kids ate them and actually enjoyed them I think.
I know the both of them still now and both have families , both have 2 boys each also and there boys have heard the story many times.
Even though they didn't feel much in the way of punishment from having to eat the birds I think they got the message.


03-28-2019, 03:23 PM
[QUOTE=mattw;4611913]I have eaten fox, loved it. In high school our bio teacher did a section on survival... if you ate it you got extra credit... so fried grasshoppers (very taste!), coon, possum (never again), cat (good) and crawfish (love them!). He drove a bus, most critters were fresh road kill. I cooked a ground hog once in the crock pot, reminded me of black bear, did not like it. I always tell my girls, if you shoot it... you must be willing to eat it! Oh, btw fresh earth worms are not bad if you don't look. Ate a big fuzzy spider that was making the oldest scream when she was about 5. Told her I could feel it walking around in me... she puked... was so funny![/QUOTE

Never had any groundhog, but my father swears young groundhog is fine eating.

03-28-2019, 03:37 PM
I showed up to our deer lease late one Fri night. The guys told me they had kept dinner warm for me. I opened the oven to find a hollowed out baked armadillo. Closed the oven and went to bed.
I've had grilled raccoon and was really surprised how good it was.

03-28-2019, 03:38 PM
Out of all the game things I’ve eaten possum is at the top of the list for the worst! Never again! Texture wise, emu wasn’t bad but the flavor not so good. I’d rather eat a sneaker. Rattle snake, gator, muskrat, mighty tasty.

03-28-2019, 03:49 PM
I've eaten a couple copperheads. First one I roasted over a fire and ate plane and then on bread with mayo. Other I cooked the same way and had as pulled pork. It was rubbery left over but was pretty good when fresh. One of them, after I skinned it gutted and washed it, I put it in a ziploc bag. We were at moms house. I look over to the counter and it was writhing around in the bag!

I've had black bear and it as real good. It was like a course beef. I'd love to live in bear country where I could take one every year.

Ive had turtle sausage and it was good. I've heard several people say mountain lion was the king if wild game. We got bobcats here but I've not hunted or trapped them yet.

03-28-2019, 04:12 PM
Woodchuck is not bad. Have cooked 3 or 4 of them. I usually freeze them for a later date, but one day, I shot one and it went right into the pot.

03-28-2019, 04:25 PM
have eaten racoon possum water moccasin.i grew up poor and my mother could make a meal out of pretty much anything pretty darn tasty to. I also used to eat at Vietnamese restaurants so there really is no telling.

Winger Ed.
03-28-2019, 04:29 PM
I also used to eat at Vietnamese restaurants so there really is no telling.

On Okinawa, we called that 'mystery meat'.

03-28-2019, 04:35 PM
Termites and Meal Worms are mighty good raw or toasted. Tastes like creamy pistachio nuts. Grass hoppers with added crunch.

03-28-2019, 04:41 PM
I’ve eaten lynx and it is quite good. It’s the only furbearer I trapped that I ever attempted to eat. Nice white meat. Always cooked it in cubes with onions salt and pepper and a little flour to make a sauce. My dogs wouldn’t even eat marten carcasses.

03-28-2019, 04:43 PM
Snake I suppose, grilled over a fire. Can’t get into the insects.

03-28-2019, 04:51 PM
Pickled (i think) squid and octopus at a restaurant in Venice.


03-28-2019, 05:11 PM
Pickled (i think) squid and octopus at a restaurant in Venice.


It’s called pulpo. Use to get pulpo salad all the time from a seafood market on Long Island. Along with eel, both smoked and fried!

03-28-2019, 05:18 PM
Well down here in Louisiana we’ll just about eat anything, snakes, alligators, coon, but I drew the line when it came to possum or Bussard, or armadillo.

03-28-2019, 05:43 PM
oh boy where to start, a buddy and i have eaten or tried to eat anything we could whether is swims runs or flies. oh and slithers, he wont eat snake but wood grubs and night crawlers are fair game. we put worms and night crawlers in corn meal over night so they can replace the dirt inside with corn meal, then fry them in bacon grease. kinda like an inside out corn dog. but the weirdest thing we have eaten i think is eggplant, dont taste nothin like eggs!!!

03-28-2019, 06:18 PM
Black birds, either shush-k-bob or in pot pie are good

Jack Rabbits not so good, and have BOILS, YUK!!


03-28-2019, 06:21 PM
Weirdest thing, I tried tofo once, that was enough. No taste, kinda like avacodoes. I sat in the creek while smallmouth fishing. Wondered what crawfish was like, so I sat and pealed and ate a half dozen or so. Actually thought they were pretty good, spring fed creek. Ate a squid once, but that was over a bet and beer, wasn’t memorable. Coon, possum( to greezy), rattle snake(yum!), ground hog( Young are good old ones make tough gravey). Tripe, chittlins, brains and eggs, squirrel brains, toungue, snapping turtle, frog legs, gizzards, ox tail, pig ears,and pig feet are all favorites. Haggis is wonderful, but not many know how to do it up right, only had it in Scotland that was good. Smoked, well most anything is good! Actually I will try anything except turnips, they are just the inediable root of turnip greens. Bugs aren’t a big desire, but in the right circumstance I’m in. Almost anything can be good when cooked(prepared) by someone knowledgeable, or Cajun.

Texas by God
03-28-2019, 06:21 PM
I eat two or three red ants a year just to keep my metabolism proper. You have to eat them quick.

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03-28-2019, 06:25 PM
Now don't belittle a good carp. Skinned, gutted, scored, dusted with a bit of pancake flour with a bit of cornmeal then fried in a bit of grease, ummmm good.

Winger Ed.
03-28-2019, 06:26 PM
I was going to try chitterlins once.

I was cooking them as per my buddy from Mississippi said,,,,,,,
About half way through, they stunk so bad, the wife threw me and the pot out of the kitchen.

03-28-2019, 06:50 PM
A good friend’s dad always loved to cook for a “exotic feast” cookout. He had been a butcher and all around country boy growing up. One time we walked out to the cook shed, wife didn’t allow chittlins cooked in the house, he had a can of niblets corn open. He had us sit down and help him stuff a few kernels into random pieces before he dipped them in the breading. Was an interesting feed that night, buddy’s girlfriend was the first to find the corn. The reaction was .. predictable! Somewhere in there was a piece that had one end seared against the burner, looked gust like the “exit end” of that plumbing! Who ever got it didn’t notice cause I know that would have been memorable. This was in 1977 and I still laugh every time I think of it! Never let the cook in the scotch when there is a chance for fun :bigsmyl2:

03-28-2019, 07:08 PM
I used to bow fish a LOT and as such, ate a lot of carp and buffalo. Both are good cooked certain ways, especially smoked. As stated, you haveto cut off the mud line. Worst thing about them is all the Y bones. I ate Gar too, it tastes pretty good, but they're a PITA to clean.

I have eaten a possum. I would eat a possum a long time before I'd eat a coon, coons are so nasty smelling and looking I just couldn't imagine.

03-28-2019, 07:12 PM
I was going to try chitterlins once.

I was cooking them as per my buddy from Mississippi said,,,,,,,
About half way through, they stunk so bad, the wife threw me and the pot out of the kitchen.

There's a little town in S.C. near where I grew up that has an annual chitlin festival where they cook and sell and eat a few dumptrck loads of them. Never had a desire to try them, but they are popular in certain circles.

Here ya go; http://www.chitlinstrut.com/

03-28-2019, 07:21 PM
Best advice I can give after eating a lot of critters is this. If you're gonna eat a male bob cat, neuter him a couple of years before you butcher him. Otherwise it tastes like eau de litter box.

03-28-2019, 07:44 PM
Best advice I can give after eating a lot of critters is this. If you're gonna eat a male bob cat, neuter him a couple of years before you butcher him. Otherwise it tastes like eau de litter box.

Same goes for a bore hog cut em at least a month before ya bucther em. If wild and And caught alive corn feed also if he’s getting cooked anyplace other than a barbecue.

Winger Ed.
03-28-2019, 07:44 PM
. Never had a desire to try them, but they are popular in certain circles.

Whenever my Grandfather wanted to sneak off, and go hang out with his buddies, he'd tell my Grandmother,
"Hey, they're having a big chittlin supper down at the lodge hall, you want to go"?

The answer was always the same, "No,,,,, you go on ahead, and have a good time".

country gent
03-28-2019, 08:04 PM
An old neighbor used to fix all the "oddities" and have the boys form the neighborhood over. Pidgeon's, coon, possum, muskrat, most game animals, turtles ( always snappers never the soft shell), wood chucks, carp, sheephead and other fish. Was always a good meal and good evening. I learned to clean turtles from him. Was an old farmer and he had learned to supplement the diet on the farm with other animals from the farm and area.

03-28-2019, 08:19 PM
Forgot, rooster fries and mountain oysters! True sweet meats, as long as they are cooked fully. We used to have a managers meeting that always started with 3 or 4 trays of rooster fries, miss that restaurant.

03-28-2019, 08:33 PM
I grew up eating pigs feet, oxtail, so they were not strange to me. That is why I didn't mention them before. Lol

03-28-2019, 09:10 PM
We had head cheese or "souse" made from the head and pigs feet pickled, Jack Rabbit Texas Chili (no beans or tomatoes) when as a little girl my Mother's job was to "rid" the guts so they could be used to make link sausage. When she got about 12 years old she got up from her work and stated that she was finished ridding guts and went in the house to the old treadle Singer sewing machine and sewed up some feed sack cloth the right size for the sausage links and it worked very well.
As for eating strange critters, my opinion of carp changes depending on the water they came from. Around Wichita Falls Texas, the water is gyppy. Can't drink the water! Even black bass are affected somewhat. My Dad canned 12 1/2 gallons jars of carp once and didn't get it right I suppose. It was the middle of July and we were sitting around in the shade with our arms held out away from our bodies and not expending any effort because it was too hot to do anything at all. Temps was 112 degrees. All of a sudden we heard an explosion , then another and another in quick sucession until all 12 of the jars were gone. They were sitting on a shelf in the back of our garage with no sheet rock on the sides. Went all over the car ( windows open) and pieces of glass stuck in the near side of all the 2x4s on each side all the way to the back of the garage. Of course I drew the short straw to clean up the mess. Sheuueeee I was about 10.
His recipe for fixing carp was to get a pine board and put the carp on it and pack red clay all around the carp about a 1/2 inch thick and stand it up close to the fire. When the clay dried and began to ooze some juices out of the mud, you take the board and bang it on something hard until the clay and the fish comes off, then eat the board. LOL
Trapped a bobcat, skinned it and was cutting up a hindquarter in 1 inch squares to make bait for my traps. It was really white with no smell, so I fried a piece of it and it was good. Raccoon is top notch (depending on what they are eating I think) Had a taste of possum as a kid and never again. Hunting buddy killed a porkypine in N.M.and had small pieces cooked in the skillet when we got into camp. That was the worst thing I have had in my mouth. I quit right here. Could go on and on but.....

03-28-2019, 09:31 PM
Jack rabbits really do much better with half an hour in a pressure cooker.
Really gets that meat falling off the bone tender.

Had a friend who was becoming quite the artist with pressure cooked jacks. Winter time with 3 feet of snow they'd come to the roads where there was any brush or browse to eat.

Other than that snapping turtle was one of my stranger ones. Made good soup but its a lot of work to get the meat out.

Snipe and woodcock are good. Long story but we were stuck in a little ford ranger, no jack, no tools. So the one guy had an uncle some 15 miles away, he started walking. The other guy was trying to kill about a zillion mosquito's with 3 cans of off brand repellent. He got sick as a dog breathing that ****.

I filled an empty beer bottle with melted ice from the cooler, walked over to the edge of the woods with my Ruger 10/22 and built a fire and made camp. At sundown I saw birds flying into a mud puddle just a bit past the one we were stuck in and got a snipe and a woodcock.

Skinned and roasted over coals they tasted mighty fine. Salt would have been nice.

All part of the young and stupid stuff many of us lived through.

03-28-2019, 09:35 PM
On Okinawa, we called that 'mystery meat'.

Yuppers. We used to get the “chicken legs“ that looked just like the rabbit legs on steroids. Never anything but legs. Dog tastes like a cross between turkey and dark chicken meat.
Loved the teriyaki monkey as well.
Barbecued rats in the Philippines, tastes like beef. Shark—fishy, rattlesnake—white chicken. Tried crow, but the big cyst in the leg put me off.

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03-28-2019, 09:36 PM
Funny how a pressure cooker and some spices can make seemingly inediable critters “pretty dang good”. Funny thing, there is a shaker full of “slap yo mama” in my little pack that stays in my truck. Even better than straight salt:bigsmyl2:

03-28-2019, 09:43 PM
Anything’s edible with Tabasco! Even Marine Corps chow hall grub!

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03-28-2019, 09:46 PM
Ooh, just remembered, my pet goat [emoji238] Billy! Made a much better pet than dinner [emoji1638].

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03-28-2019, 09:51 PM
Anything’s edible with Tabasco! Even Marine Corps chow hall grub!

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LMAO! Yep! Every chow hall I was in had it right on the table, & even in the field, someone had a bottle. Tabasco or Louisiana Hot Sauce. ( "Crystals" L.H.Sauce was popular back then , IIRC.)

Semper Fi!

country gent
03-28-2019, 09:51 PM
Every year before Christmas some would get together and buy a big smoked carp for every one. To them it was a special delicacy and was very good. (I believe they were Hungarian immigrant).

03-28-2019, 09:52 PM
We never ate the Jackrabbits, we took. They were just for target practice, My DAD said if you can hit a running Jack you can hit anything.
We'd lay them out on the sagebrush and come back to skin them out later. By that times all the fleas had left and the ants hadn't climbed up the sagebrush. Boiled them up for Dog food.

Only exotic game I every ate was Mtn Lion. After I chased him behind the dogs for half a day, I figured I was do something extra besides the head & hide.

Oh' to have the legs and lungs that I had in High School.

Winger Ed.
03-28-2019, 11:38 PM
Ooh, just remembered, my pet goat [emoji238] Billy! Made a much better pet than dinner .

Reminds me of the story about a salesman at a farmer's door:

As he's talking to the farmer, a 3 legged hog runs past through the house.
Salesman, "Did you see that? A three legged hog just ran by behind you".

Farmer, "Let me tell you about that hog. He's a family pet. He even saved our lives awhile back.
A crook broke into the house, and that hog cornered him, squealed until we woke up and called the Sheriff.
One time there was a fire, and he went around and got us all up and out of the house".

Salesman, "Yes Sir, but why does he only have three legs"?

Farmer, "A hog that special, it just wouldn't be right to eat him all at once".

03-29-2019, 03:25 AM
Termites- on a survival course, long ago.

03-29-2019, 01:00 PM
Reminds me of the story about a salesman at a farmer's door:

As he's talking to the farmer, a 3 legged hog runs past through the house.
Salesman, "Did you see that? A three legged hog just ran by behind you".

Farmer, "Let me tell you about that hog. He's a family pet. He even saved our lives awhile back.
A crook broke into the house, and that hog cornered him, squealed until we woke up and called the Sheriff.
One time there was a fire, and he went around and got us all up and out of the house".

Salesman, "Yes Sir, but why does he only have three legs"?

Farmer, "A hog that special, it just wouldn't be right to eat him all at once".

Now that is funny! :-D

03-29-2019, 01:14 PM
I had a wilderness survival course in high school. During this course I ate a big fat Packrat for dinner, and fire roasted Prickly Pears for dessert. The pears were good, but I had to force the other down...Yuck.

03-29-2019, 01:34 PM
Rattle Snake, cut up like Catfish steaks, battered and deep fried. Taste a little like fried fish. Possum, baked with carrots and potatoes. A little greasy, pretty pleasant tasting. Coon, BBQ'ed. A little tough. Roasted Goat, stringy and a little tough. Pleasant enough taste. Crawfish, Alligator, Squid, Carp, Drum, Buffalo. The Carp was pickled and pressed into a burger. Pretty gamey.

Der Gebirgsjager
03-29-2019, 02:23 PM
Read through the entire thread and never saw porcupines mentioned except at the very beginning. Growing up, my dad had a cattle ranch in the middle of a national forest. Porcupines were not uncommon, and were unprotected as they like to eat the tops out of young pine trees and kill them, so the USFS encouraged shooting them. My mom would roast them, and they tasted a lot like roast beef. I participated in eating several of them, and a couple of times guests who had heard about them requested them.

Another "delicacy" that I ate several times were bullfrog legs. Great sport to go out in a row boat at night and spotlight them among the cattails, then stab them with a long handled gig. You've got to soak them overnight in very salty water or the legs will jump right out of the frying pan.
They tasted kind of fishy.

Those days are long gone, and now I try to sneak up on beef rib steaks hiding in the Styrofoam trays at the supermarket.

03-29-2019, 03:53 PM
Tried porcupine but it smelled like turpentine, prairie dogs taste like rabbit but are very tough. Horse is very good, very much like elk in flavor. Frog legs are excellent.

Arkansas Paul
03-29-2019, 04:11 PM
I've had BBQ coon. It was slow cooked in a crock pot, so was fairly tender.
Was still a bit stringy.
It was edible, but I imagine you could put an old shoe in the crock pot, pour BBQ sauce on it and it would at lease be palatable.

03-29-2019, 04:55 PM
Well, being an Alaskan, we have a ton of wierdo foods from all over the state.. I have eaten..

1. Musk ox. Really good sheep like in texture
2. Polar Bear... yikes tasted like salty blood.. and stinks to cook..
3. Seal a variety of ways.. I like GOOD quality seal oil with dried fish. But that is it. Flippers yikes.
4. beluga whale... ehhh no.. dont like it pickled, dont like it raw, dont like the chewy texture
5 herring eggs, considered a delicious treat, but has little flavor to me.. like grits kinda only more fishy.. most around here eat it with kelp and whole salmon heads calling it fish head soup. I eat it to be polite but do t fix it for myself.
6 Salmon eggs raw and smoked.. no and no... wayyyyy to salty and fishy
7 Brown Bear, nasty except when made into brown bear bacon..
8 Black Bear, yummy in the spring and a primary food source for us. Bear bacon burgers YUM.
9 Amanita Mascaria mushrooms. Pretty good if you know how to remove the part that makes you loopy, then sick. All in preparation, and a really tasty good, big, meaty mushroom.
10 Hooligan... pretty good fried hard and crunchy, otherwise mushy and way way oily.

I will have to think about that for a while more, but that is my top 10 un-usual

03-29-2019, 05:07 PM
Oh... shot a coyote once, when I was still in the hospital business. Determined not to waste the chicken killer, shot it in the head while it was wagging it’s tail.. I skinned it, striped the whole thing and made Yote Jerky.. I carried the first few pieces around in my shirt pocket for hours trying to get up the nerve to take a bite.. offered it to several nurses at the hospital in the Mat-su valley, and they didn’t even blink when I offered and told them what it was, said it was good and like most other jerky.. but I couldn’t get over the tail waging dog thing. I did finally take a bite, and it was like any other wild game jerky.. did I ever to it again.. Nope... I also turned down dog dinner when I was in manilla my Philip good friend kept telling me “oh, but is a good dog” when he saw it running down the side of the road, but I couldn’t do it. I have tried to justify it over the years biblicaly, with Peter in the New Testament being told by God that the foods on the sheet were ok, but I do have my limits... I struggle with walking on water also...

03-29-2019, 06:15 PM
Oh... shot a coyote once, when I was still in the hospital business. Determined not to waste the chicken killer, shot it in the head while it was wagging it’s tail.. I skinned it, striped the whole thing and made Yote Jerky.. I carried the first few pieces around in my shirt pocket for hours trying to get up the nerve to take a bite.. offered it to several nurses at the hospital in the Mat-su valley, and they didn’t even blink when I offered and told them what it was, said it was good and like most other jerky.. but I couldn’t get over the tail waging dog thing. I did finally take a bite, and it was like any other wild game jerky.. did I ever to it again.. Nope... I also turned down dog dinner when I was in manilla my Philip good friend kept telling me “oh, but is a good dog” when he saw it running down the side of the road, but I couldn’t do it. I have tried to justify it over the years biblicaly, with Peter in the New Testament being told by God that the foods on the sheet were ok, but I do have my limits... I struggle with walking on water also...
Oh ye of little faith.LOL

03-29-2019, 06:59 PM
Oh... shot a coyote once, when I was still in the hospital business. Determined not to waste the chicken killer, shot it in the head while it was wagging it’s tail.. I skinned it, striped the whole thing and made Yote Jerky.. I carried the first few pieces around in my shirt pocket for hours trying to get up the nerve to take a bite.. offered it to several nurses at the hospital in the Mat-su valley, and they didn’t even blink when I offered and told them what it was, said it was good and like most other jerky.. but I couldn’t get over the tail waging dog thing. I did finally take a bite, and it was like any other wild game jerky.. did I ever to it again.. Nope... I also turned down dog dinner when I was in manilla my Philip good friend kept telling me “oh, but is a good dog” when he saw it running down the side of the road, but I couldn’t do it. I have tried to justify it over the years biblicaly, with Peter in the New Testament being told by God that the foods on the sheet were ok, but I do have my limits... I struggle with walking on water also...


03-29-2019, 07:06 PM
Fruit Bat cooked in coconut milk. Used to shoot them with my 20 gauge in Guam.

MT Gianni
03-29-2019, 08:18 PM
It’s called pulpo. Use to get pulpo salad all the time from a seafood market on Long Island. Along with eel, both smoked and fried!

Calamari is squid, Pulpo is octopus. I forget what the Greeks call them but there tasty by whatever name.
Taramasalata is Carp roe in as heavy a garlic sauce as you can imagine. The roe still comes through hard. Like Lutefisk, once is plenty.
Had a friend that ate rockchuck on a bet, woodchuck might be fine but the amount of ticks and fleas on a rockchuck would make me pass.

03-29-2019, 08:22 PM
Sea urchin sashimi at a sushi place. Like chewing on a cold, mushy tongue. Never again. Really like sushi, but some things should not be made into food.

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03-29-2019, 09:09 PM
Sea Urchin is my favorite sushi. Its big business on the West Coast.

03-29-2019, 09:30 PM
Yeah had it at the sushi house in Alameda, CA. Apparently a good seller just not for me, the ONLY food I I have genuinely not liked. I eat most everything and like it.... Just not urchin haha

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Tom W.
03-30-2019, 01:10 AM
I've had alligator, turtle, squid, which I prefer deep fried, octopus, snails on a cruise ship once along with I can't remember. The menu said " Didja ever want to try but we're just afraid to eat" so I had to. Rattlesnake wasn't so great, shark was good. Raw cochinas (?) The little colored clams on the beach.. very sweet and nutty. Oysters, clams, a piece of raw crappie once, C-rats and MRE's. And some things that cannot be mentioned......;)

03-30-2019, 07:05 AM
1. kangaroo when in Australia, I think it was back strap. should have ask it to be cooked with a bit of butter, salt and pepper. Did not get a true taste because of the sauce they cooked it in. Not bad.

2. When I Thailand I ate grass hoppers not bad the front half was like popcorn in texture but the back half kind soft mussy yuck. A local told how they get the grasshopper after rice field is crop dusted they go pick them up. oops.

3. Whale while in Japan to me it was like mutton.

4. Natto is a Japanese food made from fermented soybeans. As I remember it you mix the natto with rice raw egg and some soy sauce. I have no taste for raw eggs but not to bad with rice and soy sauce.

4. Who knows while in the Philippines the street vender would sell meat on a stick that was called monkey meat. The vender would tell you it was chicken, pork or beef. A shipmate who grew up in Subic Bay told me that it was what ever he could catch. I always enjoyed the food from the street venders always good.

03-30-2019, 09:03 AM
Black birds, either shush-k-bob or in pot pie are good

Jack Rabbits not so good, and have BOILS, YUK!!


Nice clean jackrabbit marinated in teriyaki and barbecued is about the closest to beef of anything I have eaten. Very lean though.


03-30-2019, 09:22 AM
It wasn't me, but my dad. He grew up on a farm in NE Oklahoma, south of Tulsa. On weekends he would walk into Glenpool, which was a few miles away, but would get home late at night hungry. One night he got back home, and looked to see what was in the oven. There was a critter of some description that was roasted, and looked pretty good; he thought maybe rabbit. He tore off a leg and ate it. Next morning he found out his mom had been rendering a skunk down for it's fat, which they used for some type of medicine.

You never know with dad if it was just a tall tale, but it's such a good story I had to repeat it.


03-30-2019, 09:33 AM
I eat crow several times after getting my foot out of my mouth.

03-30-2019, 09:56 AM
I eat crow several times after getting my foot out of my mouth.

Boy me tooooo!!

03-30-2019, 10:15 AM
Good morning
Up in the mountain villages I visit weekly they have a simple rule, "if it dies they eat it".
So I guess I have had cat once (not so good), dog numerous times (good), guinee pigs (cuyi), and all the other farm animals. BBQ donkey is great.
Plus scorpions raw. The grey ones down here have no flavor. Cut off the stinger, hold it by the tail and start chewing as you lower it into your mouth. You for sure want to be chewing before those pinchers get to your tongue.
I do not eat the spiders though. The kids do but not me.
Mike in Peru

03-30-2019, 02:06 PM
Beaver chili.

03-30-2019, 04:26 PM
I have tried many things but have my limitations

03-30-2019, 05:26 PM
I really like broccoli and brussels sprouts too.

03-30-2019, 08:38 PM
Beaver chili.

There ya go. Save a tree. Eat a beaver! It's not too bad unless it's been dining on pine trees.

I don't see owl listed here, Yes, I've eaten it... Tasted kinda like turkey. It was a looong time ago and I think the statute of limitations is up.

"I really like broccoli and brussels sprouts too. " I do too but I think the worst thing I've ever eaten at Thanksgiving was when my sister cooked brussel's sprouts with a heavy dose of ginger.

03-30-2019, 08:50 PM
Owl would be about like chicken hawk.

03-30-2019, 09:19 PM
Just went to a game feed tonight and walked in the door. Gator gumbo was my favorite.

03-30-2019, 09:43 PM
Wow, some of the things mentioned is Russian roulette! Want to see an interesting show, hunt down "Monsters Inside Me ",NEVER eat anything from fresh water raw, ever! Or you run a high risk of acquiring a fluke, amoeba, or worm you may not be able to pronounce the name of! That said.

Nearly anything once or twice, but cooked. Lots of frog legs, Lots of BBQ goat, rabbit (tame and wild), squirrels, turtles (a favorite), Lots of yellow carp, buffalo fish, and jumping carp, ducks and geese, gar fish, love crawfish, beaver, muskrat, raccoons. There are secrets to prep most of these, like if you don't remove the glands from a coon before cooking it, it will taste like a wet dog smells! There's glands under a squirrels front legs that, when removed, make them taste better as well. The worst thing I've ever put in my mouth animal wise, was a huge fresh water drum!

I guess the strangest I eat on a regular basis is kombucha, and Vegemite, yum yum!

04-03-2019, 10:44 PM
I forgot my younger days. The local pub use to put live minnows in beer. I broke the record on the most taps one night with swallowing a live minnow in it. Think it was 33 if I remember correctly. I’ve have since given up both drinking and consuming minnows. :drinks:

I’ve had bbq coon when I was a kid and crock potted a crow last year. Lava worms, batterfried gar, fried crickets and grasshoppers, scorpion suckers, and swallowed a few worms,minnows, and bugs on a dare. I’m sure I’ve ate a few other nasty things I’ve forgot about...and you wonder why I’m still single. I can still remember drinking all day after bear hunting and going back to camp drunk as a skunk. Me and my buddy grabbed the ribs that had been laying in the ground since cut out of a blackie that morning. We brushed off a few fly eggs, washed them, and threw em on the grille. I had horrible farts that night and some loooooose stools ...and my buddy...he got food poisoning. The dumb stuff we do...and you wonder why I don’t drink anymore.

Crazy Carl
04-05-2019, 01:02 AM
I was raised by grandparents who were farm kids during the Depression & there wasn't much that was off-limits for the dinner table. Frog legs & fresh morels were always a favorite & we caught tons of mudbugs seining the creek for bait for our bank lines. Tons of catfish caught in our ponds & both squirrel & rabbit were regularly on the menu.

Uncle's Rod & Gun Club always put on a wild game feed every year between Thanksgiving & Christmas. Raccoon was always a favorite, along with bear & pheasant.

Also eaten snapping turtle, rattlesnake, alligator, ostrich & emu. Gazelle & stir-fried grasshoppers in Africa. Would like to have sampled more of them African critters. Never tried mountain lion, bobcat or groundhog, though they're on the list should the opportunity arise.

Not positive I've eaten dog, but Tijuana had a suspicious lack of stray dogs & those street vendor tacos were absolutely delicious. Wouldn't mind trying horse, but most here in the US freak out at the thought of cookin' up Trigger. Not many critters I won't try, though opossum & armadillo are off the list- too ugly & I'm just not interested in contracting Mycobacterium leprae.

MT Gianni
04-05-2019, 07:24 PM
Carl, Horse is dark, rich and stringy. I compare it to Antelope as the muscle groups have similar fibers. I guess I never considered it strange to eat it.

04-14-2019, 08:27 AM
According to my great uncle, who ate anything he could get out of the woods, you don't eat possum straight out of the woods. He would agitate them till they "sulled up" place a stick in their mouth, and tie it shut. Carry them back home and feed them corn for 30 days before slaughter to "clean them out". I saw him do it. I never got the chance to try one. That was in the '60's. I had jackrabbit one time when one of my party collected one while pheasant hunting in SD. Cooked in a crock pot all night, NASTY! Dark, almost black meat, very strong taste and mushy texture. I see why they aren't listed as a game animal.

04-14-2019, 10:08 PM
I'm surprised it took 4 pages for someone to say they have eaten beaver, lol. While a chicken isn't strange or exotic, I did take my chances eating an Iraqi chicken in 2003. You wouldn't believe how good it was after eating MREs for about 40 straight days.

Thanks, Dinny

Ozark mike
04-15-2019, 12:35 AM
Yuppers. We used to get the “chicken legs“ that looked just like the rabbit legs on steroids. Never anything but legs. Dog tastes like a cross between turkey and dark chicken meat.
Loved the teriyaki monkey as well.
Barbecued rats in the Philippines, tastes like beef. Shark—fishy, rattlesnake—white chicken. Tried crow, but the big cyst in the leg put me off.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

There was a dog farm just south of osan air Base in Korea between that and the kimchi I decided not to eat off base just no telling what they will feed you

Stephen Cohen
04-15-2019, 02:08 AM
I unknowingly ate dog once and had this strange need to sit in the middle of the road and, well you get the picture. After some of the things you guys have eaten, MREs would be a blessing I think. Regards Stephen

04-15-2019, 06:59 AM
We grew up poor until I was about 11. Mom would buy ox-tail and cows tongue that I can remember. The cow tongue was tender and not too bad but I can't say I would eat it today. The ox-tail made great tasting soup and you could pull some of the meat off the bone....an acquired taste. I did love the Government meat in the 5lb can my uncle used to get for us. He would trade some pork or beef for a tin of the beef and then give it to mom. It was great stuff tender and no fat or anything. Living in the city we never got to try the critters but were lucky enough when it came to wild rabbits and pheasants when in season. My mom would cook rabbit with chicken and cream of mushroom soup.

04-15-2019, 07:46 AM
After read this whole post ,for what I eat is Beaver,coon,possum, snapping turtle and there liver, muskrat ,beaver tail,rattlesnake,grasshoppers, crickets,ants,cow udder ,squid,octopus, carp,redhorse , white sucker quill back,buffalo fish, eel,snail ,quahog, fresh water mussels,crayfish, acorns white ones are better then the red. This just think off hand for now.Also eat ground hog .

04-15-2019, 07:59 AM
Anything strange yes Every time I set down for dinner unless I'm doing the cooking.

04-15-2019, 08:36 AM
Not strange to me and others here but, we had deer heart and bear chops for dinner last night...dale

04-15-2019, 12:16 PM

Stephen Cohen
04-15-2019, 05:30 PM
Anything strange yes Every time I set down for dinner unless I'm doing the cooking.

You crack me up Sir, Your either a brave man or your wife is not looking over your shoulder. Regards Stephen

04-15-2019, 07:05 PM
:lol: I really don`t recall eating anything strange.I do like octopus and squid.Fried versions.My Father mentioned eating Manatee(Sea Cow)and said it was pretty good.There was a tree hugger present,and heard that.She had a hissy fit.Was going to report him for killing one.I said go ahead.Just hope whoever you call has a great long distance system,as my Father had died in 1994.Plus the eating of the fore mentioned animal occured before the war,the FIRST WW that is,you ain`t got a leg to stand on.Got real red faced and then shut her idiot mouth.HeHeHe.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

04-16-2019, 09:20 AM
You crack me up Sir, Your either a brave man or your wife is not looking over your shoulder. Regards Stephen

She knows who is the better cook plus she is setting right here.

05-15-2019, 11:26 PM
Gonna try dogfish(bowfin) this year. After all these years of growing up on the river for decades upon decades I would just remove them from society so they wouldn’t eat baby ducks after I catch them. This year its game on, slimey dogfish fillets it is!

Never tried frying up row (egg sacks) yet so it’s also on my list this year. I’ll have the pepto Bismo and TP handy.lol

Texas by God
05-15-2019, 11:31 PM
I eat Vetch this time every year. Love it.

05-15-2019, 11:42 PM
I've eaten fried rattlesnake. It was good. Roast raccoon, also good as long as you avoid the fat. Alligator, many times. I guess that's strange to some people. Deer heart and liver, also probably strange to some. And several other things that some might consider strange, such as ostrich jerky.

05-16-2019, 12:30 AM
Gonna try dogfish(bowfin) this year. After all these years of growing up on the river for decades upon decades I would just remove them from society so they wouldn’t eat baby ducks after I catch them. This year its game on, slimey dogfish fillets it is!

Never tried frying up row (egg sacks) yet so it’s also on my list this year. I’ll have the pepto Bismo and TP handy.lol

Bowfin is like eat catfish but not as strong .I think you will be better off to scale them first before you fillet them because it will be mushy to do it with our the skin on. But is good . Looking forward to get more this year when the water on the Mississippi River is down that I can take my canoe on the back waters.

05-16-2019, 12:46 PM
They are like mosquitos in back of the house. I can catch them non stop...every couple minutes on live bait when its in the 90's or above. The meat is mushy and feels greasy like lard. I watched some youtube videos of the meat getting firm after cooking so I'm going to sack up and try it.

cosmoline one
05-16-2019, 01:08 PM
Up here in NY , squirrels are considered strange???so its all in the perception.
I can say things Ive had to overcome hesitation to eat:
Pigs feet, gizzards/chicken hearts,blood sausage,tripe

05-16-2019, 06:04 PM
I ate fruit bat in the Seychelles.

05-16-2019, 06:15 PM
This thread makes me hungry! All in the perceptions of the diners.

05-18-2019, 09:13 AM
The calamari in Tn is not so good, the calamari in Alaska, was to die for! Seal tasted good but set heavy on my stomach. Moose heart stew was yummy, as is Caribou. Bullfrog, rabbit, sheep, rhea(South American ostrich)tasted like a sweet beef, goat(chevron), I love Beluga whale vs bowhead whale, but both are good if fixed right. Sheefish rocks! I love duck, and eel!

05-18-2019, 09:56 AM
I have accidentally swallowed flying insects before, does that count?

Also I was tricked into eating rattle snake at a barbeque.

And I like to frequent Chinese restaurants so it is likely I have eaten the odd house cat and dog or three.

Besides that I pretty stick with the basic four food groups: Cows, pigs, chickens and elk


05-18-2019, 01:07 PM
They are like mosquitos in back of the house. I can catch them non stop...every couple minutes on live bait when its in the 90's or above. The meat is mushy and feels greasy like lard. I watched some youtube videos of the meat getting firm after cooking so I'm going to sack up and try it.

That is why I stated to descale them and then fillet the Bowfin. I done some up and seen that it wold be best with the skin. Yes the meat dose firm up after cooking .Like I stated it almost like catfish . Looking forward to get more this year. I did watch some You tube on them .

05-18-2019, 03:35 PM
On Okinawa, we called that 'mystery meat'.

We called it "Chow" can't really say what was in it,safer to not ask.
I still eat racoon two or three times a year. About the time I start filling feeders on the lease give them a little time to find the corn and start feeding on it.

05-18-2019, 06:45 PM
Caught a dogfish today! My dad lost another one or I’d have two to try. I filleted it and surprisingly the meat was not mushy for once. I’m guessing because of the cold water? It’s maybe in low 50’s if I had to guess. Anyways, the meat smells like what I left in the toilet this morning. Absolutely stinks like I took a digger. 99% of the fillets from catfish I catch behind the house smell the same. I’m not giving up yet and am going to try something new with them. I am currently soaking the fillets in a vinegar and salt brine like I do my venison and will switch over to milk in the morning or so and after a couple hours I’ll give it a sniff test. After that I’m freezing it for at least 24 hours to kill any bacteria the vinegar didn’t get. I’ll thaw it out after a couple days and pan fry it and give my opinion.

05-19-2019, 10:37 AM
Just dumped my salt vinegar brine after letting it sit overnight. The meat now smells of strong vinegar. I washed it and am now soaking it in milk with some ice added in the fridge for the day. I’m sure the milk will neutralize the vinegar...stay tuned. When I cleaned off the fillets I could see the original look before I started my soak of the clear/pink color when I bent the meat in the deep cracks. The outer 1/2” layer is a bright white so I’m guess the middle was never penetrated by my brine soak.

05-19-2019, 06:54 PM
I just tried it...it was surprisingly good! It tasted like hushpuppies. The meat had a faint smell of vinigar before I cooked it that disappeared after cooking. It gave it a lemony taste. I coated it with an egg and beer batter shore lunch and pan fried for 4 minutes. I recevied a thumbs up from two people who tried it as well.

05-20-2019, 06:39 PM
Great report
Thank You


05-20-2019, 10:24 PM
That's the one I watched to get me to try it.

05-20-2019, 10:43 PM
Not strange to me and others here but, we had deer heart and bear chops for dinner last night...dale

That's a fine meal.

05-20-2019, 11:09 PM
Anything’s edible with Tabasco! Even Marine Corps chow hall grub!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Lots and lots of Tabasco.....

05-22-2019, 09:34 PM
Bucket list number two completed. I made sunfish row. I removed a few egg sacks about an hour ago, rolled them in shore lunch, and pan fried them for a minute or two. They really had no taste other than the taste of the shore lunch beer batter mix. The bigger egg sack had a grainy texture.

06-16-2019, 12:58 PM
I'm in Louisiana kind of hard to define weird here if it swims, walks, crawls or flies it gets ate. It all seems normal after a while.

06-16-2019, 05:12 PM
For me it was sea cucumber. didn't know if it was a plant or animal until the next day when I saw one in a fish tank outside a restaurant.

06-17-2019, 09:50 PM
If God made it of meat, then it’s food! And a good Cajun cook can make any of it taste GOOD!

06-17-2019, 09:55 PM
An old Ozarker once described eating bobcat as, "the more I chewed, the bigger it got!"

06-17-2019, 11:08 PM
I used to get salt and pepper frog legs from the local Chinese buffet, I miss them.
Hmm... things most people think of as odd, woodchuck, crow and porcupine.

06-18-2019, 07:08 AM
I'm wondering how you southern folk like the pythons and other large snakes that have infested florida and other states.

06-18-2019, 07:55 AM
I've had alligator, frogs, groundhog, opossum, crickets, grasshoppers, ants, snakes, crows, ostrich, and....I'm pretty sure Dog. ( I spent two weeks in China).


06-18-2019, 09:56 AM
Tried dogfish number two yesterday. The frozen one. The meat was mushy when I thawed it. I soaked it in milk for a day and it literally felt like dissolved slime no matter how many times I patted it on a paper towel. I pan fried it in shore lunch batter. The batter ended up extremely dark brown from the pan being too hot. It the texture and taste reminded me of perfectly cooked scallops. Might try one more fresh filleted fish so the meat is firm and see how it tastes as well.

06-18-2019, 10:40 AM
Tried dogfish number two yesterday. The frozen one. The meat was mushy when I thawed it. I soaked it in milk for a day and it literally felt like dissolved slime no matter how many times I patted it on a paper towel. I pan fried it in shore lunch batter. The batter ended up extremely dark brown from the pan being too hot. It the texture and taste reminded me of perfectly cooked scallops. Might try one more fresh filleted fish so the meat is firm and see how it tastes as well.

When you froze it did you put water in the bag with the fish. It helps with keep the fish like as you caught it. I do it with all the fish I catch and then freeze. I had try Creek Chugs and it was like eating bluegills or yellow perch. I have had eel in the past . I ate some dogfish last year it was more like catfish to me ,we fried it in the frying pan.

06-18-2019, 08:39 PM
It was froze in a Solid block of ice

06-19-2019, 09:02 AM
I've eaten a lot of crow in my life:-)

06-19-2019, 11:22 AM
I'm wondering how you southern folk like the pythons and other large snakes that have infested florida and other states.

Not other states; just Florida where they complain about them while protecting them from hunters.
Of course Alabama does the same with hogs on the WMAs, but once they wander off the WMA they get shot. Same thing would probably happen with a big old Burmese python.

06-19-2019, 11:37 AM
I'm in Louisiana kind of hard to define weird here if it swims, walks, crawls or flies it gets ate. It all seems normal after a while.

Sound like what I eat and you right it is hard to define weird ,when it is something you normal eat.

06-19-2019, 05:08 PM
:lol:If you want to see just how big those snakes in Fl are,check out a series called"Guardians of the `Glades".The biggest one that he has caught so far is 17`6".
In my home county in Fl,it seems like at least once a month there is a biggie gets sliced and diced my one of the county employees running one of the bush hogs.Oh yeah.A Python the size of the one he caught could run upwards of 200 lbs.They also have Anacondas too.And Boas too.Fun,fun,fun,Lotsa good eats there.
Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.

06-19-2019, 05:25 PM
Probably couldn’t get one of those steaks in my iron! Rattle snake is good, glad they don’t get 200#!

06-19-2019, 08:05 PM
yes, rattlesnake is good, similar texture to fresh caught frog legs.

06-28-2019, 05:12 PM
I drank a glass bottled Coke from the 2001 Christmas set, last week, does this count?

06-28-2019, 07:28 PM
I've eaten some odd stuff both in and out of the military. Everything from Iguana to live termites.

06-28-2019, 07:31 PM
Lots and lots of Tabasco.....

One of the first things you learn is to always carry a small bottle of Tobasco with you. Enough of that and even powdered eggs and fried spam tastes good

Texas by God
07-01-2019, 01:23 PM
Bull Nettle seeds are delicious. Picking them is tricky!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

07-01-2019, 06:14 PM
I drank a glass bottled Coke from the 2001 Christmas set, last week, does this count?

Betcha it tasted like flat syrup.

07-01-2019, 06:17 PM
I just got medieval on a couple carp yesterday with my spear. I'll be smoking them next week. I was going to try and be brave and pan fry some but I'm going to pass.

07-04-2019, 05:14 PM
When I was stationed in Iceland with the US Air Force, I ate horse meat, sheep heads and whale meat. All were actually pretty good tasting.

07-09-2019, 09:00 AM
I just got medieval on a couple carp yesterday with my spear. I'll be smoking them next week. I was going to try and be brave and pan fry some but I'm going to pass.

I eat smoke carp .I buy it at the fish market north of me. also I bake them also.

07-16-2019, 12:43 AM
Wow! some really weird stuff here. My wife grew up in Bolivia and she and her sisters would hunt wild guinea pigs with pellet guns. When they went to the jungle they ate lots of stuff that they had no idea what it was and probably would prefer to keep it that way.

I grew up in the suburbs of Philly, but my family had a farm up state. all I wanted to do was hunt and rule no 1 was if you kill it you eat it. So all the 'normal' stuff...venison, squirrel, rabbit and domestics to include the hearts, liver, gizzards and tongue. Groundhog was vermin, but ate that once. Snapping turtle from the pond. I can't believe no one else has mentioned it yet. Squab. I just called em barn pigeons. Grandma made em into a farm style pot pie like she did with the squirrels.

Hmmmm. Stingray. there are different types. Some are outstanding, almost like grouper. Some are more like rubber bands.

07-16-2019, 09:38 AM
Long time ago.... Black Crowned Night Heron's and Robins were prepared . They are protected now .
Crow , Pileated Woodpecker , Armadillo , Nutria , Coon , Alligator , Frogs , Turtle , Crawfish , Alligator Gar Fish . Have all made a tasty meal when prepared correctly ... even the crows !

In Louisiana if it flies , swims or runs it stands a good chance of being eaten. Cajun's can usually make anything taste good . We take good eating very seriously !

07-16-2019, 10:09 AM
Wow! some really weird stuff here. My wife grew up in Bolivia and she and her sisters would hunt wild guinea pigs with pellet guns. When they went to the jungle they ate lots of stuff that they had no idea what it was and probably would prefer to keep it that way.

I grew up in the suburbs of Philly, but my family had a farm up state. all I wanted to do was hunt and rule no 1 was if you kill it you eat it. So all the 'normal' stuff...venison, squirrel, rabbit and domestics to include the hearts, liver, gizzards and tongue. Groundhog was vermin, but ate that once. Snapping turtle from the pond. I can't believe no one else has mentioned it yet. Squab. I just called em barn pigeons. Grandma made em into a farm style pot pie like she did with the squirrels.

Hmmmm. Stingray. there are different types. Some are outstanding, almost like grouper. Some are more like rubber bands.

I eat snapping turtle and forgot to write , also ate stingray also. and sand shark.

country gent
07-16-2019, 03:35 PM
Mom would take sheep head and sort of fillet them getting most of those fine bones then run them thru a blender meat grinder and make fish patties. Between the grinder and cooking the remaining fine bones softened and could be ate. I have smoked carp, catfish, froglegs, crappie, white bass and the real delicacy was smoked bluegills.
I have found with some fish there is a certain size that's better eating, bigger gets a stronger taste or tougher. Carp are one.

07-16-2019, 04:10 PM
For all the sheephead also know as fresh water drum ,I get then fillet them they do not have the fine bone like white suckers or any of that rough fish It is normal fillets I found.

07-16-2019, 05:00 PM
Oh yeah. When I little and my Grandpa was still dairy farming. Our neighbor from across the street who had been a teenager in France during WW2 came with us to the farm one time and wanted the steers brain and tail when we butchered a steer. Grandpa said too late I already head shot it with the .22.

Then she wanted quarts of raw milk...She put it in mason jars on the window sill and then drank it after it went bad.
They didn't waste anything during the war.

07-16-2019, 11:03 PM
I made smoked fish spread and noodle salad out the carp today! Good stuff. I also caught a pair of 12/15 lb snapping turtles since yesterday was our opener and am letting them sit in some fresh water for a few days until they crap out all the river slime and dead shad they’ve been eating off the bottom before I dress them. You know when the go...the water turns grey and you can’t see the turtles.lol...and it smells like dead shad. You should have seen the stuff they passed today, nasty! Batter fried turtle and turtle stew here I come! I use to catch and sell them in the 70’s and then I got a paper route and slowed down on them a little. My neighbors owned a bar and would make soup out of some of my turtles and give it out free as long as you were drinking.lol. I also made some picked bass and norther pike last week! Another week of picking and it’s good to go. Someone mentioned shark, I caught a 7’ mako a few years ago. I cut it up into steaks. Blacked mako is the bomb! I still have the jaws. I caught a 7’ sandbar shark and a couple of grey reef sharks along with a moray eel and some other fish off the shore in Maui a few years ago on a couple trips there but let all go. Guess most fish over there have some kind of poison on them that not curable if you eat it. Think it’s called ciguatera poisoning. Bad stuff from what I’ve read. I wasn’t taking a chance.

07-17-2019, 03:15 AM
Actually wasnt flat yet and tasted pretty good.

07-17-2019, 01:34 PM
2 hours into my smoke this morning...





One let loose...


Oh,yeah, I’ve drank mouths full of river water by accident. You wonder why it’s murky? Lol

07-17-2019, 01:56 PM
I have ate some fresh water mussel in the past ,problem with them is it taste like pond water .Those are some good eating snappers .Been some time i had some.

07-17-2019, 02:27 PM
I’m with ya trapper. Fresh water clams taste like the bottom of the river. The only bad part is it takes a lot longer to clean a turtle than a deer.

07-17-2019, 02:48 PM
I’m with ya trapper. Fresh water clams taste like the bottom of the river. The only bad part is it takes a lot longer to clean a turtle than a deer.

You are so right about clean a turtle. But it pays off in the end . I had made a bowl out of one the shell of a turtle years ago .

07-17-2019, 06:27 PM
7 hours later...



07-17-2019, 08:49 PM
Man, that looks GOOD!!

07-17-2019, 09:26 PM
Yup! Bear, Alligator and sea turtle.

07-18-2019, 10:48 AM
7 hours later...



That is look like some good eating there .

07-18-2019, 10:23 PM
I remember eating a cockroach once; not deliberately but by accident.

Back when I was in my early twenties. I couldn't afford to pay rent on anything other than a roach infested old house in the poor part of town. One would think I'd be used to it since that's generally the types of housing we lived in when I was growing up but I had no choice at the time.

It was the kind of place where you'd walk into the kitchen at night and turn on the light and it would be a free for all of Every-Roach-For-Himself scattering in every direction imaginable. If you had to go to the bathroom at night when you turned on the light you'd find roaches feasting on the residual toothpaste that was on your tooth brush if you hadn't taken steps to properly cover them after usage.

On this particular day I decided to make myself a cheese crisp sandwich so I turned on the oven, let it heat up and then I placed my bread with the cheese in the center of the oven tray. Didn't think anything more about it till after a couple of minutes when I went back and took my golden crusted cheese sandwich out of the oven. There must have been one or more roaches that had taken refuge in the outer edges of the cheese layer of my cheese sandwich to escape the heat of the oven.

Not knowing this, I let the cheese cool off a bit then I took a bite. It tasted damn good. When I went to take that second bite I noticed a small brown spot in the cheese part of my sandwich. At first I thought it was just a burn spot in the cheese but upon closer inspection it turned out to be a half of a cockroach. With that first bite I had just haplessly consumed the other half of that cockroach and possibly one or more others. After realizing what I'd just done it grossed me out to the point of what could best be described as "Projectile Vomiting."

That was over thirty years ago and to this day I don't eat cheese sandwiches or cheese crisps anymore. It's just to traumatic for me.


07-20-2019, 06:12 AM
What you wrote Hollow Point remind me of the room the navy had me live in on base about the cockroaches .When you come in the evening in the room and turn on the lights that is what they did run in what ever way they could. I did had one as a pet also. live for bout month.

07-20-2019, 10:47 AM
...I never had chicken feet soup

07-20-2019, 10:50 AM
I once heard a college professor state that if humanity was ever wiped out by nuclear war there would be few if any survivors. If there were any survivors it would most likely include roaches; and if any humans happened to survive, after their food stashes ran out, guess what they'd be eating???


07-20-2019, 11:15 AM
I once heard a college professor state that if humanity was ever wiped out by nuclear war there would be few if any survivors. If there were any survivors it would most likely include roaches; and if any humans happened to survive, after their food stashes ran out, guess what they'd be eating???


I was told that also years ago and also would be eating rats too.

07-20-2019, 11:18 AM

Think of what it stepping in...I didn’t make this. Found the pic elsewhere.

07-20-2019, 12:04 PM
What is strange...everything from snake to alligator to possum stew. Coyote tastes like what comes from the posterior of a cow though with a tangy overlay of smokey wet dog in a hot car. I did draw the line at skunk though.

07-20-2019, 12:05 PM
Cockroach remedy: Use boric acid powder sprinkled along as you would blackpowder under a door or anywhere there is moisture (as under a sink leak.) The roaches walk in the powder then try to get it off with their mouth parts, and it kills them. A trade name "Roach Proof" is only Boric Acid . We used this for decades at the NM Boys Ranch. By the way as to proper spelling and such their --there--loose --- lose. One of them is "Rio Grande River", which is in reality saying "River Grande River" or in English it is Grand River.

07-20-2019, 12:21 PM
What is strange...everything from snake to alligator to possum stew. Coyote tastes like what comes from the posterior of a cow though with a tangy overlay of smokey wet dog in a hot car. I did draw the line at skunk though.

That kind of brings up another item I had eaten on rare occasions when I was growing up. Cow-Tongue. I think my mom bought it cause it was cheap and it was all we could afford. I didn't mind it at first but I started working on a small ranch when I was in the sixth grade and not long after that I began to loose count of all the times I witnessed the cattle on that ranch reach all the way back with their tongues and lick their own anus.

I lost my taste for Cow-Tongue after that. Besides, I was never really comfortable tasting food that tastes you back.


07-20-2019, 05:01 PM
Hollow Point this "tasting food that tastes you back." reminds me of the guy in the cafe asking the waitress what she recommended and she said the corned beef cow tongue was really good..... The guy answered with "Don't even want anything that comes out of something's mouth, just give me two eggs... over easy.

07-20-2019, 07:48 PM
I love beef tongue! Same with chicken foot soup, just normal eats when I was growing up. Never thought it to be strange food, oh well. Guess you guys don’t eat chittlins or tripe?

Texas by God
07-20-2019, 08:48 PM
I love Lengua, Tripas, Menudo, and all kinds of organ based dishes. I would eat chicken feet without blinking. I don’t consider it strange but I had barbecued goat at our family reunion just hours ago in the upper hill country. I also love Polk salad( boiled twice to kill the toxin) simmered with pork belly. Mom used to can Carp and Buffalo and made “salmon” patties- they were good enough for 5 hungry kids!

07-20-2019, 10:30 PM
All sounds like regular food to me. I love Polk salad too, with eggs,, yum!I do remember learning , when I went to college, that I ate “soul food”. And all along I just never even thought about it. Speaking of strange food, I I tried tofu once, Yuck , that stuff ain’t food!

Funny think, my 25 year old son is “friends” with a girl that eats the same as me! Sushi, tripe, anchovies and likes hot stuff too. Shoot, even if they don’t hit it off my daughter and I found a drinking/eating buddy!

07-20-2019, 11:11 PM
245513 Had a camel burger today and it was pretty tasty. I think if you didn't know what it was that you wouldn't notice it wasn't beef.:razz:

07-20-2019, 11:56 PM

Think of what it stepping in...I didn’t make this. Found the pic elsewhere.

How can that possibly be any different than ham hocks?

Texas by God
07-21-2019, 08:20 AM
Are Camel burgers the special on Wednesday??(rimshot)

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07-21-2019, 12:41 PM
When I was growing up my dad and uncles used to chain-smoke Camels but we never ate them.


07-21-2019, 01:37 PM
While stationed in Panama I had Capybara, Agouti,Paca,Tapeti,Howler monkey, iguana, a big Boa we caught because we got tired of C-rats ands things I can't remember the names of. The locals hunted these critters smoked/cooked which was done on the spot with improvised smokers. Good eating. Funny thing is they wanted the C-Rats in trade. In S Korea I was served a piping hot bowl of soup and dug in. The soup was good, the meat in it was ok and then my spoon came up and hanging off of it was a huge hunk skin. I looked at it and realized that was dog skin. This was in the early 1980's before they hosted the Olympics. I didn't finish my soup.

Texas by God
07-21-2019, 03:09 PM
Dog soup? That sounds ruff![emoji16]
Ok, I quit.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

07-21-2019, 06:16 PM

07-21-2019, 08:08 PM
Had a boy that "ran away" from the boys ranch one time about 20 miles South along the Rio Grande and found a man baling some alfalfa hay and offered to help him. Okay this went on about a week until one evening as they were eating supper the boy asked the man what was the meat they were eating. The man answered " wuff - wuff. " and grinned. The boy came back to the ranch next day.

07-21-2019, 08:23 PM
My hometown is called Gonzalez Catan, it is approximately 30 kms from downtown Buenos Aires. There is a restaurant where the owner takes his game meat and offers it to the diners. You can eat ñandú, wild boar etc ... if anyone wants to use the translator, I leave a note of the newspaper


Even though I like to hunt and eat, I never went, hahahaha
I'm going to have to go with some friend

I do not know if in the USA they eat the intestine of the cows, today I cooked in the BBQ three kilos for my friends of the range

07-24-2019, 12:07 AM
245513 Had a camel burger today and it was pretty tasty. I think if you didn't know what it was that you wouldn't notice it wasn't beef.:razz:

I had camel shoulder once... slow smoked like pork shoulder. Fatty, and reminded me of a cross between lamb/goat & pork. Tasted fine!!

07-24-2019, 08:59 AM
My hometown is called Gonzalez Catan, it is approximately 30 kms from downtown Buenos Aires. There is a restaurant where the owner takes his game meat and offers it to the diners. You can eat ñandú, wild boar etc ... if anyone wants to use the translator, I leave a note of the newspaper


Even though I like to hunt and eat, I never went, hahahaha
I'm going to have to go with some friend

I do not know if in the USA they eat the intestine of the cows, today I cooked in the BBQ three kilos for my friends of the range

In the USA they use the intestine of pigs to stuff for all things from hotdogs to sausages and what have you. I do not about cow. The only reason I know about pig is you can buy the cases to make your own product also have work in a meat packing house as maintenance and seen that you lucky any part of that hog be trash and seen about salt the cases (intestines) after was clean and wash. to be ship after.

07-24-2019, 10:14 AM
Forgot when I was a kid I’d always get cool treats from Santa in my stocking...fried lava worms, fried grasshoppers, fried crickets, chocolate covered ants, and scorpion suckers...I ate them all.

07-24-2019, 12:21 PM
When I was growing up my dad and uncles used to chain-smoke Camels but we never ate them.


A recent survey has shown that in excess of 90% of the men that have tried Camels, went back to women...…....

07-27-2019, 06:46 PM
A great big can of Libby's
( remember the song... "If it says Libby's, Libby's , Libby's on the label, label , label you will like it , like it , like it on your table, table , table " ? )

Libby's Potted Meat Food Product and a sleeve of Saltine Crackers ....
Might be better than Spam Spread (Potted Spam) !

Cajuns eat anything...and like it !

MT Gianni
07-28-2019, 06:55 PM
My hometown is called Gonzalez Catan, it is approximately 30 kms from downtown Buenos Aires.

I do not know if in the USA they eat the intestine of the cows, today I cooked in the BBQ three kilos for my friends of the range
They do not grill the middle intestine layer like you get at an asado. We claim to not eat mondongo either but I suspect both of those make up much of cheaper hot dogs.

For the uninitiated, you turn the intestine inside out, rinse heavily, soak the outer layer off with lye then invert it and clean off that layer. In North America that is used as casing, the Argentine way leaves the muscle and some fat on it and it's grilled. With Salsaparilla it is good stuff.

07-28-2019, 08:32 PM
Sounds like something I need to try! We have chitterlings around here, that would be small intestines of a hog. Excellent fried, I don’t much care for them boiled. SWMBO does not allow cooking them in (near) the house, and most recipes include beer. Beer is for the chef:bigsmyl2:

07-31-2019, 02:27 AM
When you froze it did you put water in the bag with the fish. It helps with keep the fish like as you caught it. I do it with all the fish I catch and then freeze. I had try Creek Chugs and it was like eating bluegills or yellow perch. I have had eel in the past . I ate some dogfish last year it was more like catfish to me ,we fried it in the frying pan.

It was froze in a Solid block of ice

I thawed and cooked 5 pounds of 10-15 count shrimp today that had been in the freezer for at least 2 years. It was commercially packed in a heavy plastic bag and frozen completely encased in ice. There was no hint of freezer burn and the taste was no different from fresh shrimp. Since we're relocating to the Houston area in the coming weeks there will be no need to keep seafood stored for any length of time in the future.

There was this taco stand in Carlsbad, NM. My grandmother wouldn't eat tacos from any place but this one taco stand. The tacos were good but they had to close after the health department found cats in the fridge. No telling how many I ate.

I lived in South Louisiana for about 8 years so turtle soup (popular at better restaurants), boudain and gator were standard fare. Courtbouillon (pronounced coo-be-yahn) can have anything found in the swamp or ocean that day so no telling what you're eating but it's always good. Stingray is sometimes sold in 'economy" restaurants as scallops but it has a gritty texture. The taste is pretty well the same as real scallops. Not bad but I prefer the real deal.

A Vietnamese lady at the marina where I kept my boat in Oxnard, CA was an awesome chef but I have to give her the nod for the strangest food I've eaten. She stuffed squid mantles with a mixture of rice and seafood. It was hard to get past the fins at the front of the mantle and the rubbery texture. I love a good calamari salad but this had no resemblance to calamari. The texture was more like rice stuffed inner tubes.

08-03-2019, 06:13 AM
Being a fan of trying whatever is on offer......
had Scorpions, Kangaroo, Snake, Camel, Goat, Donkey, Horse, assorted grubs and insects (which tasted Ok except for the water beetles), lizard (tasted like crackling), frog, snails of varying sorts, sea cucumber and a bunch of molluscs I didn't recognize.
Various unusual ice cream like millet, egg, cherry blossom and wasabi.....
Turtle, sea urchin, crocodile, emu, chicken feet, eel, embryonic eggs, quail, pigeon and....
whole Squid & octopus (except the beak), mantis, Water Buffalo..........
probably elephant. Lots of circumstantial but not sure on that one.
Kids stopped me at dog and whale :-(

08-13-2019, 09:15 PM
We grew up poor too, and my mother would cook anything my brother and i would bring home, killed with our bb guns. Many rabbits, doves, robins, and ate raccoon and opossum and nothing better than squirrel gravy. Love deer, but the wife wont eat any of this stuff so.......

08-15-2019, 10:21 AM
Weirdest thing, I tried tofo once, that was enough. No taste, kinda like avacodoes. I sat in the creek while smallmouth fishing. Wondered what crawfish was like, so I sat and pealed and ate a half dozen or so. Actually thought they were pretty good, spring fed creek. Ate a squid once, but that was over a bet and beer, wasn’t memorable. Coon, possum( to greezy), rattle snake(yum!), ground hog( Young are good old ones make tough gravey). Tripe, chittlins, brains and eggs, squirrel brains, toungue, snapping turtle, frog legs, gizzards, ox tail, pig ears,and pig feet are all favorites. Haggis is wonderful, but not many know how to do it up right, only had it in Scotland that was good. Smoked, well most anything is good! Actually I will try anything except turnips, they are just the inediable root of turnip greens. Bugs aren’t a big desire, but in the right circumstance I’m in. Almost anything can be good when cooked(prepared) by someone knowledgeable, or Cajun.

eating raw freshwater crawfish is a really good way to get some parasites....some deadly

08-15-2019, 10:25 AM
I normal cook the crawfish ,I would not eat raw for the reason The GrimReaper stated. It dose not take much to cook them also.

08-15-2019, 02:21 PM
Yes, I know that now. At the time I did not. I grew up on spring water, caught salamanders and crawfish in the springhouse to fish with. Never really thought about it... maybe what makes spring water sa desirable is what was swimming in it:bigsmyl2: or not

08-15-2019, 03:14 PM
Do not eat bear,coon, or hog jerky that has not been heated over 160 degrees F. Possibility of Trichinosis (sp) Here is what my Dad told me. When he was a little boy he told me that he found a "glass snake" up next to the barn. He hit the snake lightly with a stick and it broke apart. He went around the corner and watched a while, then the snake hooked back up and started along the path. He ran quickly and hit the snake again with the stick and it broke up again. He said this time he picked up a piece of the snake and threw it away, went back and hid and watched......... Then he said the snake began to get itself back together again and was missing one piece...... He said the glass snake just looked around and joined himself up with a corn cob and went on it's way. Then my Dad had a good laugh... He really was a good story teller. Never ate a glass snake.. One soft shelled turtle once when my oldest was 9 and he was very interested in the cleaning of the turtle. I cut the heart loose and put it where my son could observer the heart still beating. Fried up the meat and had lunch. We all thought it to be very good. Went in the kitchen and found the heart was still beating.... Made us feel a little something wrong in our stomach. We ate Greater Sand Hill crane in N. Mex. and found that if the breast meat was laid on a table and beaten with a meat tenderizer it would get much bigger around as it became thinner. Then cut it to smaller sizes and fry. Very tasty that way. Not so much just sliced and fried. Very tough. It gets a little alarming as the flock of cranes fly over and the shots ring out, then 18 lb birds begin to fall all around you hitting the ground with a loud thump. Sure wouldn't want to get hit by one.

Charlie Horse
08-18-2019, 10:01 AM
Sparrows are very good.
A friend once simmered a beaver for several hours then added a bag of frozen veggies. I was going to try it just to be polite. I ended up eating about 3 plates full. It was the best pot roast I've ever had.

Charlie Horse
08-18-2019, 10:03 AM
We grew up poor too, and my mother would cook anything my brother and i would bring home, killed with our bb guns. Many rabbits, doves, robins, and ate raccoon and opossum and nothing better than squirrel gravy. Love deer, but the wife wont eat any of this stuff so.......

Is possum any good? I would like to try it but never got up the motivation.

08-18-2019, 10:40 AM
Possum is good. Very fatty also. It is almost like eating pork. I skin them and then cut apart and trim as much the fat off also any glands and then put on a rack that way the grease will drain out when put in the oven . Or boil it then put in the oven and then debone it and use what ever way you like.There will still be alot of fat and grease, some say how grease a coon is .Possum have more.

Crazy Carl
12-26-2020, 01:06 AM
Sparrows are very good.
A friend once simmered a beaver for several hours then added a bag of frozen veggies. I was going to try it just to be polite. I ended up eating about 3 plates full. It was the best pot roast I've ever had.

NCSU student group puts on a wild foods feed every year, though I just discovered it this past year. Great food. The beaver barbacoa was like really rich stew meat, almost like bison. The black bear Bourgogne was incredible.

There were several venison & feral hog recipes, along with raccoon, pheasant, dove, duck, etc. The shocker to me was the nutria. It was grilled on skewers over charcoal & was OMG good. My new favorite game meat by far. Bobcat was good, but fried & over cooked like gas station fried chicken. I've since had it for supper at a friend's place & much better. Think lean pork, texture wise. I completely didn't spot the tables with the competition entry dishes, so I missed out on moose & some some sort of blackened nutria dish.

I'm 3 for 3 now, on loving every rodent I've eaten so far. Has me eyeballing the groundhog down the road & the wife says she don't care if I hunt & eat capybara during the course of an Argentine vacation. Lol!

12-26-2020, 07:54 AM
Had some pelican that was about like old goose.

12-26-2020, 07:55 PM
Missionary was this a Peruvian pelican? Different? Had a good friend who for several years went to the Dakotas to hunt sand hill cranes that were legal there. They were pretty good. Snow geese are hard to make trasty, except maybe for the cats.

John Boy
12-26-2020, 08:27 PM
Roasted rattle snake tastes like chicken

12-26-2020, 08:38 PM
Christmas dinner in 1988 when stationed in Panama was peccary.

12-26-2020, 08:48 PM
Yep Peruvian Pelican..... unless it flew in from somewhere else.

12-26-2020, 11:18 PM
In my younger days, I worked for a consulting forester who got us a timber cruising gig in Brazil. Just before dark, one of the locals would put out a single barrel shotgun as a 'set gun' with a tripwire on a game trail. Between midnight and 2 AM some creature would trip the gun and be laying there at first light for dressing. Usually it was a tapir, which taste good cooked over an open fire.

In the 70s, my uncle was the school superintendent in Gillette, AR. Their fund raiser every year was a 'coon supper'. It was well attended and raised a lot of money for an otherwise impoverished school district.

12-27-2020, 03:02 AM
1. kangaroo when in Australia, I think it was back strap. should have ask it to be cooked with a bit of butter, salt and pepper. Did not get a true taste because of the sauce they cooked it in. Not bad.

2. When I Thailand I ate grass hoppers not bad the front half was like popcorn in texture but the back half kind soft mussy yuck. A local told how they get the grasshopper after rice field is crop dusted they go pick them up. oops.

3. Whale while in Japan to me it was like mutton.

4. Natto is a Japanese food made from fermented soybeans. As I remember it you mix the natto with rice raw egg and some soy sauce. I have no taste for raw eggs but not to bad with rice and soy sauce.

4. Who knows while in the Philippines the street vender would sell meat on a stick that was called monkey meat. The vender would tell you it was chicken, pork or beef. A shipmate who grew up in Subic Bay told me that it was what ever he could catch. I always enjoyed the food from the street venders always good.

Street vendor in Olongapo was selling bbq shish-kabobs on a stick, 6 for a dollar. I enjoyed them. Girlfriend was freaking out. Asked me what I was eating. Said beef. She said you see cows in Philippines? Gave it some thought. Sure, 2; pulling carts. Behind the vendor was a 55 gallon steel drum full of rat tails. I finished my snack. Tastes like beef!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-27-2020, 06:41 AM
Country rats (corn fed) eat grains and have a descent flavor Have not yet been desperate enough to try a city rat... as best I know.
But in the city if it dies someone will eat it.

12-27-2020, 07:46 AM
Beaver is very good , mix it with low grade grounded beef you will find it alot better . I made up a mix of beaver and deer trimmings ground and make a mix for a meat loft . Will make that today and also cook some in to burgers . I eat different wild life I catch ,just like fish. There is still some I have not try yet because I have the others that I normal eat. Muskrat is good it is lean like beaver. just trim the fat. as for beaver tail soup you better off just use the beaver trimmings that way you get more meat the fat and that is what the tail is mainly is . I use some of the tails to make beaver tail oil for trapping .

12-27-2020, 09:48 AM
Cod tongues, deep fried.

12-27-2020, 01:48 PM
On a hunting trip in Panama with my wife's uncle, we lived off of iguana and parrot. Iguana was good and tastes like - you guessed it - chicken. Parrot had a beefy taste and was tough as nails. We also shot spider monkey and kinkajou but didn't eat them.

12-27-2020, 02:07 PM
Cat. I have a friend who says Cougar is the best venison he's ever eaten. Also, when we lived in Alaska King Mountain Lodge had a wild game feed every winter. A favorite was Lynx. Most of the meat was supplied by trappers. I have also eaten Porcupine in a stew. Very fatty but good if the bulk of the fat is boiled off.

12-27-2020, 02:23 PM
Sheep balls, bland and spongey.

12-27-2020, 06:50 PM
Coon, ground hog, turtle, frog legs - just to name a few. This country boy can survive, but possum will not be on the menu.

12-27-2020, 07:27 PM
What no crow or buzzard ?

12-27-2020, 07:47 PM
My Grandma Erickson would be sad but I gotta say, her lutefisk. She was a master at lefse though.

12-27-2020, 08:00 PM
My in law sort of ran the pizza booth at the knob creek machine gun shoot. Her son brought in a giant bear haunch. They got.it.to fit in a monster grill and began cooking it early morning. By seven or so the aroma was breathtaking. My seven year old daughter came and five year old cousin brought her over and asked if she knew what was in the grill which was smoking all the way around the lid. Slowly she lifted the lid and they both looked and said Winnie the Poo. My daughter didn't blink an eye. Does he taste good? About eight people showed up for a try which turned into a meal. Best I ever tasted out of a grill

12-27-2020, 10:28 PM
When I lived in Alaska I visited friends in Noatak. There I tried stinky flipper - fermented walrus foot. Slathered in seal oil it wasn’t.....terrible, but if I have to eat stink meat I prefer muktuk. 😝


12-28-2020, 12:20 AM
I have had armadillo and gator, Florida specialties. Anyone eat puff balls or wood sorrel? If things get tough I will be going after the local Nutria.


12-28-2020, 12:37 AM
Fruit bat in the South Pacific, and lots of raw fish, fish head soup...

Cuy in Ecuador, not a favorite of mine...


Crazy Carl
12-28-2020, 02:15 AM
I have had armadillo and gator, Florida specialties. Anyone eat puff balls or wood sorrel? If things get tough I will be going after the local Nutria.


Don't wait for hard times, dude. Those jokers are TASTY.

12-31-2020, 07:59 PM
I've eaten mountain Oysters, Turkey fries, and other things. The one thing I will always remember was stingray wings, barbecued. Dad and friends would go seining in the Gulf back when it was legal. 1950's. Sometimes they would come back with a bunch. Dad brought home 2 35 gallon trashcans with 2 stingrays about 3+ feet across. He knew a barbecue place that would barbecue your meat for so much a lb. We had it for supper. Next day, at school, 3rd grade, doing fine. Teacher ran out of stuff to do, just before lunch. Brilliant idea! We had to give impromptu speech on what we had for supper the night before. I gave mine, got called down, threatened with all sorts of things. Told her, "That's what we had." She said she would call my mother at lunch, if I was lying, bad stuff to follow. Never heard another word. After school, Mom asked why Mrs. Mcdonald called and asked what we had for supper the nite before. Told her the story, she laughed till she cried.

12-31-2020, 09:43 PM
spent a lot of time in Asia, grew up eating stuff that would make a goat puke. Have eaten calf balls right of the branding heater, head cheese, blood pudding, dog, monkey, snake, worms, bugs, bats, bird spittle and more intestines that I care to think about. can't decide on what is weird

01-01-2021, 03:11 PM
. Anyone eat puff balls or wood sorrel?
I love puffballs fried in butter. If they are white inside and moist, they are just right. If not white inside, don't eat them, different species and poisonous.

I like ground hog, too. My Airedale loves to dig them out and kill them.

I took a trip to Vietnam a few years ago to ride motorcycles from Hanoi to Ho Chi Mihn City and ate a lot of "different" things on that trip. I didn't ask what the mystery meat was very often.

Gator 45/70
01-01-2021, 03:40 PM
Nutria's,Red meat kinda dry but okay in a gumbo

01-10-2021, 11:37 AM
Yeah I’m not a fan of possum either, but I use to eat coon like crazy when I hunted with the hounds, some BBQ sauce and some veggies in a crock pot was amazing!

I’ve also eaten dog, cat, ground squirrel,minnows crawdads, frog eggs, ant larva, crickets(in tacos)grasshoppers, a woodpecker (shotone with a BB gun when I was a boy and was the rule) eel, squid, sea cucumber, turtles, frogs, fish eyes, just about everything. I’m not picky I just don’t like tomatoes and chocolate

Coon, ground hog, turtle, frog legs - just to name a few. This country boy can survive, but possum will not be on the menu.

01-10-2021, 05:16 PM
I am going to have to admit, some of my first wife's cooking. That was not a contributing factor in the demise of the marriage, but she could have used some cooking lessons on some things. She still gets points for the first Thanksgiving dinner we shared, but never learned to properly fry chicken, she was from the east coast and my kin from Oklahoma and Texas. My grandma did the best southern fried rattlesnake over a Coleman stove I ever ate.

My cousin wanted biscuits to go with the snake so he popped a can of biscuits and pan fried them. His dad was from Louisiana and that's what they did sometimes. They were good, but I preferred making scratch biscuits and baked them in a Dutch Oven by the campfire. The mother of the lady I was dating at the time said 'marry that boy.' She was a nice lady, but she had the nerve to ask 'where did you find the Bisquick?' Sacrilege I say! I have used it, but that was before I learned to make biscuits with sourdough starter. I told her, 'nope, scratch' and so she wanted the recipe.

Milsurp Junkie
01-10-2021, 08:07 PM
Fcvan, i would like the recipe for sourdough biscuits. Did you bring the starter camping?

Sig sig and bolut are the two weirdest things i have eaten that i know about. I am culinarily adventurous, and i dont always ask what kind of meat i am eating

01-10-2021, 08:14 PM
Nothing exotic here, snapping turtle my uncle and dad cooked up back in the 60's, canned smoked oysters and that's about the extent...except for all the deer I've eaten..

01-11-2021, 02:39 AM
Fcvan, i would like the recipe for sourdough biscuits. Did you bring the starter camping?

Yes, I brought some starter with, in a mason jar, in case kids wanted pancakes and I knew I was making biscuits.

Simple recipe, small packet of dry yeast per instructions, equal parts unbleached flour and water (1/4 cup for me), room temperature, check every day. The last time I had to do a re-start, it blew up in 2 hours.

I generally keep mine in the fridge and check it every week. Bring starter to room temp, pull half your starter and and add back a a similar amount of flour and water to your starter and to your intended product, such as biscuits, and wait for a reaction. Some folks don't bake much bread, but do make pancakes and waffles, cornbread and biscuits.

Sure, some folks also use baking powder, some Bisquick, I like the tangy sourdough flavor the starter adds. Come to think of it, I need to make the grand kids some Papa Waffles, 4 of my 7 grand kids live within a mile. Ise your basic biscuit recipe with the starter. I don't have Great Grandma's cook book but was handed down her poorly spelled but hand written recipe. She was born in 1888 in Oklahoma, parents were sooners. My parents were dustbowl kids as their parents left TX and OK. Yup, they went to Central Valley, CA.

As a historical note, wheat was ground by hand, and the natural yeasts in the air weren't ruined by commercial processing. Several thousand years ago, a large number of people had to move out before their bread could rise naturally and could not maintain their starter. Once a year, those people celebrate a remembrance by eating unleavened bread, I think you know the story.

As an interesting note, San Francisco Sourdough bread became famous because of it's flavor. Back in the day, local wheat with local natural yeast from the air, old style mill stone grinding. Voila! Anyway, I went to lunch in SF with a US Attorney as I was there for a Deposition and he was assigned to my case. For lunch, we went to a large chain store type famous for it's bread. I chuckled when I read a sign on the door 'San Francisco Style Sourdough Bread.' I commented 'this must be the only place that can claim authentic SF Sourdough. He then chuckled and said, 'Frank, it's baked in Oakland.'

01-12-2021, 11:28 PM
Ate some beaver once, wasn't bad......

01-12-2021, 11:31 PM
Hedgehog baked in coals inside a wet clay ball (Romany/Gypsy called hotchi-witchi). Giraffe marrow, cracked out of the thigh bone and fried on a shovel, eaten on bread. Mopani worms, locusts, grubs, rotten antelope meat boiled for hours.... the list goes on.

Texas by God
01-13-2021, 12:51 AM
Lately, Ivermectin horse wormer. Makes me crave sugar cubes and oats, though.....

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01-13-2021, 01:04 AM
Tied dog food once - but I had a sudden urge to lick my balls crossing the street and a car hit me.

01-22-2021, 06:54 PM
Well Not strange for me but maybe some of you!
Cooked up a bunch of Korean Chicken feet in Garlic, Ginger and Spicy Chilli sauce today!
I like to make it when the little Lady finds some Chicken "paws" in the supermarket!
May look strange but is good for Arthritis and Stomach Issues and BTW it is Yummy!


01-22-2021, 08:09 PM
Squid salad with the tentacles caused a stir at a party. My wife wanted to leave out the suckers but I insisted for my workmates education. I lost big points with that one.:redneck:

01-22-2021, 10:25 PM
Ah, armadillo ... aka, possom on the half-shell.

01-23-2021, 02:19 AM
Sea cucumber

01-23-2021, 08:24 AM
When I was about 5 years old my father told me if I could eat a raw oyster he would give me a dollar. It was the slimy ones that came in a can. I put it in my mouth bit it once and swallowed . He said ,"that was great proud of you." Then he told me the cat tried to eat that oyster three times but kept throwing it up.

01-25-2021, 07:35 PM
Iguana is really tasty.

04-05-2021, 11:58 PM
Eaten plenty of house cats in a Chinese restaurant that was closed down for using them as chicken substitute, back in the 70's, have to say they were delicious!

04-06-2021, 10:02 AM
Make sure you cook that dillo through and through they carry leprosy

04-06-2021, 12:26 PM
Should’a mentioned that earlier but I got distracted when my nose fell in my beer.

04-28-2021, 02:57 PM
Tied dog food once - but I had a sudden urge to lick my balls crossing the street and a car hit me.


04-28-2021, 03:37 PM
Spent 17 days on "The River of Doubt" in Brazil in 05. We ate Piranha almost everyday with other things. Piranha soup, Piranha pate, fried Piranha, baked Piranha, grilled Piranha and actually it was delicious!
2nd surprise meal. I was with a guide flyfishing in Utah. We beach the boat for a shore lunch. Out comes the Coors lite and bowl with a good salad and he passes me a wrapped sandwich. He says the bread is homemade and in it is a 1" slice of Vidalia onion and another 1/2 inch of peanut butter slathered on period. That was the best damn sandwich I ever ate!

05-03-2021, 08:06 PM
Lampalagua (type of snake similar to the anaconda) to the disk.

05-06-2021, 12:12 AM
Retsina wine (Ρετσίνα), which is wine that has pine resin as a sealant of the container. It is from Greece. You would swear you are drinking turpentine. Second glass you’re hooked.