View Full Version : 1911 and/or S&W grip makers

03-22-2019, 04:43 PM
Do you guys know of any grip makers out there that would make grips for say a full size 1911. I buy the bone or horn scales in a desired material and send it to them and they would make the scales for me. I have a few sets of Elk grips, just wanting something different. Thanks!

Der Gebirgsjager
03-22-2019, 06:13 PM
Hmmmm......let me see -- here's the best I can do for you. First, I just ordered two sets of grips from the Altamont company. Something is going on there, not sure what. They had a notice with all the pictures of their custom rosewood grips that said they were temporarily unavailable. So I ordered one in Super Walnut, and the other in Silver Black and got an e-mail the next day saying that they were in a position to immediately send a check refunding my money, or if I wanted to wait perhaps 4-6 weeks they'd happily fill the order. Having purchased two very nice sets of grips from them in the past, I elected to wait. So we'll see what happens there.

Next, there's a fellow named Reine Smith who runs a custom grip company in Texas named 4S Grips. Easy to google him up, and he usually has photos of numerous grips available ready made. He has been my "go-to" grip guy for years, especially for 1911 and Star Mod. B grips, also Llama grips. You could give him a try. He has made grips for me in the past out of very fancy walnut I sent to him. Since I first started using his services I've noted that he will no longer work on some of the "toxic" woods from exotic locations like ebony, so I don't know what you've got in mind and you'd have to ask him about it. He's always been willing to discuss things with me on the phone.

There's another fellow I bought a set of "ivory" grips from, which are actually made out of PVC. Very pretty and unusual, both carved with the American Eagle. is name escapes me, but I'll bet you could find him with a google.

For something I can get just "off the shelf" I've always very much liked the Chip McCormick extra slim rosewood 1911 panels.

All of that having been said there really are many custom grip makers out there, and I'm sure others will come along with some recommendations.

03-22-2019, 09:03 PM
Zane, at Lone Star Custom Grips.

03-22-2019, 10:25 PM
I have a few sets of Zane's grips & his work is EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!
He does 1911's and SA grips.
Lone Star Custom Grips.
His handle on a few forums is lscg,, and he's a SUPER nice guy. Plus, he has helped many charities & the NRA as well.

03-22-2019, 11:27 PM

I've used Walt several times for giraffe bone grips for my Cowboy guns. I can recommend him.