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10-18-2008, 10:15 AM
HBO has a show showing military burials at Arlington National. Rows of rows of American dead--soldiers they are. People crying; they are sad no doubt. Most are strangely calm. The burial over and the back hoe comes and dumps the dirt.

It breaks my heart to watch the grievers: parents, wives, and little kids.

I have actually visited Arlington. It is both beautiful and awe inspiring.

And then TAPS is played and the Honor Guard fires on command. Yes, it is beautiful.

These soldiers are not forgotten.

10-19-2008, 01:22 PM
I go to D.C. fairly often. I never go there without visiting Arlington. It's one of my top five favorite places on planet earth. My uncle was a tomb guard and also Sergeant of the Guard during a four year period after Vietnam. Growing up looking at a bunch of photographs of him at Arlington and having him tell me how it all works even increased my fondness of the place. It for sure is a sad place and at the same time, an extraordinarily captivating place. I love history and military history in particular, so obviously this place is very special to me.

One thing that always annoys me when I am there though, is that Reagan National Airport's approach pattern is directly over the cemetery.

If any of you guys haven't been to D.C., you need to get there some time. I know D.C. has a kind of negative connotation with a lot of people due to some of the crazy politicians and the things they do, but it really is a patriotic inspiring place.


Jon K
10-19-2008, 02:05 PM
DC is a very patriotic historic place to visit, should be on all American's list of things to do.

Arlington is a MUST SEE for all veterans, it certainly brought a tear to my eyes, as well as a sense of pride.


10-19-2008, 04:05 PM
My nephew is buried there. KIA Mozul Feb 2005.

10-20-2008, 12:47 AM
Everybody should visit the capitol mall area. It is very impressive, and a tribute to the nation. It is best to visit on Veteran's Day, but that might not be practical.

10-20-2008, 06:30 AM
Every Politician should have to be present at least once for an interment before sitting in the chair... Every Politician in Fedral Gov should have to be a VETERAN !

10-21-2008, 02:45 PM
It was 'way back in '63, but the visit to Arlington and Gettysburg is still fresh in my mind. If there is any way possible for you, GO, and be prepared to spend some reverent time.

10-24-2008, 07:09 PM
Every Politician should have to be present at least once for an interment before sitting in the chair... Every Politician in Fedral Gov should have to be a VETERAN !

I'm sure the founding fathers would have included that into the Constitution if they had any idea what would come to pass in the future. The thought of a standing army would have given them chills. So would the concept of career politicians that cater to special interest groups and/or the highest bidder.

The Commander in Chief for damn sure should be a veteran!

10-26-2008, 03:19 PM
never been to DC but i have visited the one in luxenberg. i think that is how you spell it. you all are right. the present that is there is very humbling ot say the least