View Full Version : Wisconsin Greet and Shoot.

03-19-2019, 10:26 PM
In the past one of the forums I belong to would have a greet and shoot every year and it was great fun. Only last year when we tried to organize one we only had 6 people show up. This year I am going to try to do this, only also opening this up to members of a couple other forums.

What I am looking to do is set up an event at McMiller Sports Center in Eagle Wisconsin, http://mcmillersportscenter.com/ and getting to 24 people interested and then reserving the Law Enforcement Range ;http://mcmillersportscenter.com/law-enforcement-range/ Which would isolate us into a private group. This range has 12 lanes out to 100yards and comes with our own Range Safety Officer

So if truly interested in joining in let me know so I can get a feel if there is enough interest with enough people to make it worth while to reserve this range.

Thank, Kevin

03-19-2019, 10:39 PM
Sounds like fun, if I can schedule it, I have a couple things already booked. If I do I will try to round up a couple friends from down that way.

03-20-2019, 12:18 AM
Great, Just getting a start on this and nothing is set in stone yet. If you know what date you can't that would be a start! right now a date is up in the air and I have not talked with McMiller to see how much lead time there is to reserve. Any other ideas or suggestions are more than welcome!

03-24-2019, 03:39 PM
Can’t commit to it this year but I would if I could and if you would let a Michigan guy in the gate. Just wanted to chime in with an expression of interest and encouragement.

03-24-2019, 11:08 PM
chuckbuster the door at this point is open to anyone that would like to attend! I even suggested on the original forum to move it to somewhere in the central Illinois and Indiana area to possibly draw from Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky. I already stated to that I have 3 people that would have attended.

03-25-2019, 09:49 AM
I might be interested with my older daughter, 16yo.