View Full Version : A question on ArmorAll wax and shine

03-17-2019, 07:21 PM
On the tarnished case thread the ArmorAll wax was recommended , is this the correct product ? 238185
Another question is do I add this to the tumbler with the Frankfort Arsenal cleaning solution befor tumbling or add to a final bucket of water after washing the soapy water from the cleaned brass ?
Or does it matter ? Thanks

03-17-2019, 07:40 PM
That's what I use along with citric acid I only used the free Frankford Arsenal cleaner till it was gone.I just use it in the tumbler rinse with plain water.

03-17-2019, 08:12 PM
That's what I use along with citric acid I only used the free Frankford Arsenal cleaner till it was gone.I just use it in the tumbler rinse with plain water.
Thanks for the information.

03-17-2019, 09:50 PM
In my experience, you should use cold water when using the wash & wax. Hot water seems to wash it off and I had problems with the brass tarnishing over time.

03-17-2019, 10:20 PM
In my experience, you should use cold water when using the wash & wax. Hot water seems to wash it off and I had problems with the brass tarnishing over time.
Thanks , I would have used hot.

03-18-2019, 02:07 PM
You want to use enough to have suds in the drum when it quits tumbling and you open it. In a 15# drum I use 1 cap full.

03-18-2019, 02:21 PM
I don't like suds while tumbling and use other stuff besides dawn, either liquid laundry soap, dishwasher soap, simple green, anything that will not suds/foam while tumbling.
I have an amount of Armorall wash/wax and water mix that I use as a final (3rd) rinse, not for tumbling, and use it over and over.
This may not be optimal for others, just the way I do it, and I'm happy with the results.
whew, posted in yet another wet tumbling thread, so many,
edit: I have found that the pins get suspended in the foam/suds and escape easier. jmo

03-18-2019, 02:27 PM
I don't like suds while tumbling and use other stuff besides dawn, either liquid laundry soap, dishwasher soap, simple green, anything that will not suds/foam while tumbling.
I have an amount of Armorall wash/wax and water that I use as a final (3rd) rinse, not for tumbling, and use it over and over.
This may not be optimal for others, just the way I do it, and I'm happy with the results.
whew, posted in yet another wet tumbling thread, so many,
Do you think it would work as well to put the cleaned and rinsed brass in a gallon bucket of water and ultra shine and swish it around a few minutes?

03-18-2019, 05:45 PM
Do you think it would work as well to put the cleaned and rinsed brass in a gallon bucket of water and ultra shine and swish it around a few minutes?
Yes, that's kinda what I do, along with pouring the mix back into a jug via a funnel, to use again.
I bought a wire waste basket at the dollar store that works great for stuff like this as well as rinsing.
Brass in wire basket, dip it into a bucket of rinse water, move it up/down, pull the wire basket/brass out, change the water...repeat.
edit: oh, and that wire basket cost, wait for it... a dollar :happy dance:

and buy some $1 buckets while you are at the dollar store.

03-19-2019, 01:20 PM
There are as many wet tumbling recipes/formulas as there are wet tumblers: everyone has their particular practices that work well for them. After wet tumbling for quite a few years now, my personal practice is to keep it as simple as possible while still getting "jewelry"- like results. Here's my practice using a Thumlers high-speed drum tumbler:

1. Cover the brass in the drum with cold water and go a few inches over,

2. Add one ounce of auto wash and wax (I've used them all, and all brands work about the same for me) and add 1/4 TSP of Lemi-Shine (or add citric acid, if you prefer),

3. Tumble for your desired time, rinse and dry.

Typical results:

https://preview.ibb.co/gHrnHF/IMG-20160401-141930.jpg (https://ibb.co/b0UJPv)

03-19-2019, 01:39 PM
There are as many wet tumbling recipes/formulas as there are wet tumblers: everyone has their particular practices that work well for them. After wet tumbling for quite a few years now, my personal practice is to keep it as simple as possible while still getting "jewelry"- like results. Here's my practice using a Thumlers high-speed drum tumbler:

1. Cover the brass in the drum with cold water and go a few inches over,

2. Add one ounce of auto wash and wax (I've used them all, and all brands work about the same for me) and add 1/4 TSP of Lemi-Shine (or add citric acid, if you prefer),

3. Tumble for your desired time, rinse and dry.

Typical results:

https://preview.ibb.co/gHrnHF/IMG-20160401-141930.jpg (https://ibb.co/b0UJPv)
Thanks , in the past I have always rinsed with the hottest water I could thinking if the brass was hot it would dry more quickly but some think the wax works better with cold so I will give cold a shot and see if I can tell the difference.
I have been using rainX wash and wax (it has little silver beads in it , to much turns nickel cases a strange color) I am always looking for a better plan.;)

03-19-2019, 01:44 PM
There are as many wet tumbling recipes/formulas as there are wet tumblers: everyone has their particular practices that work well for them. After wet tumbling for quite a few years now, my personal practice is to keep it as simple as possible while still getting "jewelry"- like results. Here's my practice using a Thumlers high-speed drum tumbler:

1. Cover the brass in the drum with cold water and go a few inches over,

2. Add one ounce of auto wash and wax (I've used them all, and all brands work about the same for me) and add 1/4 TSP of Lemi-Shine (or add citric acid, if you prefer),

3. Tumble for your desired time, rinse and dry.

Typical results:

https://preview.ibb.co/gHrnHF/IMG-20160401-141930.jpg (https://ibb.co/b0UJPv)

You guys have too shiny brass...

03-19-2019, 03:12 PM
^^^Thanks for the compliment, Sir!

03-19-2019, 04:44 PM
Bayou52 has the trick. I need to add a little more LemiShine due to hard water. Cold water, suds on emptying means you used enough Wash Wax! Just watch out for steel cases that my slip through. Pretty in pink!

03-19-2019, 05:31 PM
I had been tumbling 3 to 4 hours with a little squirt of dawn and a 1/4 teaspoon of lemonshine (soft water from a well) and then rinsing them in the tumbler, stirring the cases by hand and getting all the dirty wash water out to as clear as I could...then dumping it all in this rotary separator over a clean bucket of cold tap water with a little squirt of armorall wash/wax and getting so so results. They didn't tarnish over time in storage but they dulled. Didn't understand that?


Day before yesterday I tried a little squirt of Dawn and a 'little pinch'<(maybe about as much salt as you might sprinkle on your fries) of lemonshine and put the armorall in with the wash water instead of the rinse. They seem to come out brighter after only 2 hours of tumbling...still don't understand why but it's quicker. Guess I'll have to wait on whether or not they tarnish or dull while these go into storage for a while.


I have 3 large jars full of these PMC cases that I've been rotating one after another into the loading for practice schedule, that's why they have time in storage and I have noticed the dulling.

03-19-2019, 05:57 PM
This bag on thee left was done about 2 weeks ago the one on the right about 5 months ago .
I hope the armorAll. Will slow down the tarnish they sure is purdy when fresh.
But they shot just as good when I just rinsed out what I could in soapy water dried and loaded befor I discovered my first rock tumbler.

Dancing Bear
03-19-2019, 07:12 PM
I'm fairly new to wet tumbling but am getting excellent results using the HF double unit. I've tweaked the process to using about 1/8 tsp of Guntap's brass cleaner ( came with the ss pins) and about 1/2 tsp of Armour All wash and wax, warm (not hot) water and tumble for 3 1/2 hours. Cold water rinse, towel dry. Case sizing goes very effortlessly with the wax vs using Dawn as some use. Small batches, but that's all I need right now.

03-19-2019, 08:03 PM
Those are some pretty brasses, Guys!

03-19-2019, 09:51 PM
So you are not using the SS pins at all ?

03-19-2019, 10:54 PM
So you are not using the SS pins at all ?

If you are asking me , I use stainless pins in the Frankford Arsenal tumbler or walnut in Lyman vibrating cleaner , for the first 10 years or so just soapy water in a bucket then a rock tumbler with corn cob that took about 12. Hrs to clean 200 cases , the pins are a whole new level of clean compared to any thing else I have used not nesecary but nice.

03-20-2019, 05:47 AM
So you are not using the SS pins at all ?

Yes, I also use SS pins for wet tumbling (0.047" diameter).

L Erie Caster
03-20-2019, 05:52 AM
No such thing as too shiny brass. That is like saying too much ammo or too many guns.

03-20-2019, 05:59 AM
^^^Very nicely done!

03-20-2019, 07:05 AM
Another note on the Wash and Wax. I usually buy it at Walmart. I recently ran out and not having a Walmart locally I bought a jug at the local parts store. It was only about 40 cents more than Walmart. Then a little later I was in a Tractor Supply Store and they had it even cheaper than Walmart. Surprised me!

03-20-2019, 07:25 AM
I find the pins to a pain to deal with but I must feel they are worth it for the clean primer pockets and inside the cases cause I keep using them :p
I drop my cases of like size 30 carb , 32 auto ,32 S&W , 32 H&R , 327 in one coffee can
35s in another 44 and 45 together , when I have have 4 or 5 cans I do them all 1 can per load .when the first load goes in I decap the second with a lee decaping die with the shell holder for the largest case head in the can. I spend the day with an extendable magnet in my pocket cause every time I pass through the processing area I see pins that escaped the process. Occasionally I run a batch through with just the cleaning solution no pins and that works almost as good.
The vibrating cleaner is now just used for small batches of 20 to 100.

03-20-2019, 07:47 AM
You want to use enough to have suds in the drum when it quits tumbling and you open it. In a 15# drum I use 1 cap full.

Do you rinse all of the suds off the brass with cold water? I don't know if one can over rinse the wax off the brass.

03-20-2019, 08:06 AM
A tip that I learned a while ago: Don't use dish washing detergent with an auto wash & wax. The dish washing detergent is formulated to remove oils and waxes from surfaces, therefore defeating the purpose of the wash & wax. I have found that the detergents in the wash & wax are sufficient.

Dancing Bear
03-20-2019, 08:12 AM
Another note on the Wash and Wax. I usually buy it at Walmart. I recently ran out and not having a Walmart locally I bought a jug at the local parts store. It was only about 40 cents more than Walmart. Then a little later I was in a Tractor Supply Store and they had it even cheaper than Walmart. Surprised me!
Home Depot has the lowest prices here, $4.98. Go figure.

03-20-2019, 11:50 AM
You can buy this (and pins) on Amazon. Does a great job. 15 bucks makes 25 Gal.


Dancing Bear
03-20-2019, 12:36 PM
You can buy this (and pins) on Amazon. Does a great job. 15 bucks makes 25 Gal.


That's what I am using with the Armour All. And it's great but I wonder if it's just citric acid.

03-20-2019, 02:36 PM
60 year old new Norma Re 220 Swift, overnight tumble.

Bought 160 of these last year ---- should be enuf !

Pins, water and brass shine powder. Foams up way too much to be just citric acid.


kevin c
03-20-2019, 03:03 PM
I've been using the ArmorAll W/W with citric acid for about a year now, about 1 1/2 tsp of citric acid to 1 1/2 tbsp of the ArmorAll in the FART full of 9mm cases with cold water up close to the top (about a gallon), tumbled 90 minutes. No pins (too much hassle). There's a bit of suds but not much since the tumbler is almost full. I rinse several times because I've seen wax residue inside some of the cases if not, and after drying outside in the sun or inside over a forced air heating vent the cases get bagged in Ziplok bags. After a year I haven't appreciated any tarnish.

I was told to use hot water, but where I process my brass there isn't any unless I boil some, which I have tried. Too soon to see if there is any long term difference in tarnishing compared to cold washing.

03-20-2019, 03:04 PM
60 year old new Norma Re 220 Swift, overnight tumble.

Bought 160 of these last year ---- should be enuf !

Pins, water and brass shine powder. Foams up way too much to be just citric acid.

Those look great!

03-21-2019, 07:10 AM
Do you rinse all of the suds off the brass with cold water? I don't know if one can over rinse the wax off the brass.

Yes, I rinse them in cold water.

03-21-2019, 09:00 AM
You can buy this (and pins) on Amazon. Does a great job. 15 bucks makes 25 Gal.

238346 Thanks When my Wash And Wax and Citric acid get low I'am going to try this.You don't add anything?