View Full Version : Just unpacked the new LNL Kit

Winger Ed.
03-14-2019, 07:10 PM
Back in the early 80's I'd gotten the 007 kit that the LNL replaced.
A few years ago, I thought I was done reloading,
so I placed it with a well deserving, two tour, Iraq theatre, Army Vet wearing a Bronze Star.

Well, I'm back in. So, I got another Hornady single stage. But, I think I liked the old 007 better.
This one has much better paint job, but the LNL feature at first glance seems to be an added expense,
and the solution for a problem I didn't have.

I'm glad I got it, and don't regret it for a minute.

I liked the old school stand for the powder measure better than the new plate.
I liked the old school two metal funnels way more than the new plastic one.
The new fangled digital scale will help me get into the modern age.
The hand primer tool is much more heavy duty the my old silver one with the broken lever. -
The 500 boolits rebate giveaway deal is great.

I don't like spending another $80. for a pistol rotor and the press mounted priming system.

They should have worked out something for the primer & rotor things to be included in the kit,
even at a partial expense of the generous boolit giveaway.

03-16-2019, 12:35 AM
Welcome back to the sport and enjoy that new press!