View Full Version : AL tornado casualties

03-04-2019, 08:25 AM
Our condolences to those who passed from the recent deadly tornadoes in Alabama, may their souls rest in peace.

03-04-2019, 09:06 AM
Does anyone know if we have members in the affected areas?

Looks like there were tornadoes in a lot of the southeast. Odd, I live in what's supposed to be tornado alley and they're getting them down south. They're dangerous and unpredictable, hope they've seen the last of it.

03-04-2019, 10:59 AM
Terrible situation. Isn't Ben from down in Alabama ?

Tom W.
03-05-2019, 04:27 PM
It was just a very few miles north of me. We live less than 3 miles from the county line, and I did see a lot of wind blowing in our area. Looking out the back door was rather scary, with the clouds all heading in a somewhat north eastern direction. We didn't get any hail, and didn't loose electricity, altho the t.v. went out several times. That in itself was strange, as the lights never flickered here. There were sirens going off all over the place and there were about 6 or 8 warnings on the cellphone. Some of the places I saw on the t.v. after the storms passed through were places Lori and I go by on our way to Opelika and Auburn.... Her sister lives in Notasulga, which is in Macon county, but she was safe....

There are still 7 or 8 people unaccounted for, and all of the 23 deceased have been identified. I know a lot of you have been seeing it on the news and weather channel. The path was about a mile wide and 30 some miles long.

03-05-2019, 04:46 PM
That's some VERY scary stuff right there. I thought I'd be safe from natural disasters living in Northern Arizona. No hurricanes, only a rare small tornado, and only very small earthquakes. The only really scary thing in recent years here has been enormous wildfires. My thoughts and prayers go out to those that have lost their lives, and all their families and friends.

Tom W.
03-05-2019, 05:15 PM
there are a lot of pictures on wrbl.com and wtvm.com

The city I lived in before I moved up here, Eufaula, and where my boys still live, had one go through and tore up the Fire station north as well as the airport. The mayor down there said the airport damage was estimated at 100 million dollars, as there were a lot of private jets, small airplanes and all of the hangars ruined.

Tom W.
03-07-2019, 12:54 PM
All of the missing have been accounted for. After the tornadoes went over the river and into Georgia they still did a lot of damage, but no loss of life.

Rick N Bama
03-10-2019, 10:25 AM
There were more people killed in this single storm than were killed last year in the whole of the US from Tornadoes.

Someone mentioned Ben, I think he lives in Blount County which is well north of where the storms hit.

03-10-2019, 12:53 PM
There were several articles in today's Huntsville Times. One extended family lost 10 family members. Reported as an F4.

Tom W.
03-10-2019, 01:45 PM
Beagle333 was almost in it. He said he's ok....

Rick N Bama
03-11-2019, 02:27 PM
There were several articles in today's Huntsville Times. One extended family lost 10 family members. Reported as an F4.

The storm was a mile wide and had a path of 70 miles.

Preacher Jim
03-13-2019, 06:20 PM
The tragedy of a tornado in lives lost, homes destroyed and towns torn apart always cause me to pray for the families who lost loved ones. It also breaks my heart I am no longer physically able to go help restore what can be and comfort those I can.
When I hear Alabama I always check where as my daughter and family live in greater Huntsville area close to where several twisters came threw.