View Full Version : Yes, there is a Marlin Sporting Carbine

03-03-2019, 08:03 PM
There is a beautiful Marlin 336 RC, regular carbine for sale in the swapping section. As part of the questions it was said there is “ no sporting carbine”. Definitely not the case, the Sporting Carbine or SC, is a 20” barrel with 1/2 length magazine tube. Just thought I say it here as the swap section is not a discussion thread.

03-03-2019, 08:29 PM
One in 35 Remington has been coming to our deer camp for years; with Scott Senior and now Scott Jr.

03-03-2019, 11:01 PM
There is a beautiful Marlin 336 RC, regular carbine for sale in the swapping section. As part of the questions it was said there is “ no sporting carbine”. Definitely not the case, the Sporting Carbine or SC, is a 20” barrel with 1/2 length magazine tube. Just thought I say it here as the swap section is not a discussion thread.

My Glenfield 30 is a sporting carbine, even though Marlin never called it that. Very accurate too.

03-03-2019, 11:14 PM

The discussion link has an inaccuracy in it.

It portends that the Model 336SC was is't made in 1958, when in actuality it was introduced in 1948, with the .35 Rem added to the SC chamberings in 1950.



Texas by God
03-03-2019, 11:27 PM
I have the 36G version that is stamped Marlin in cursive and Glenfield in print. A keeper.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190304/235cf75df911cc138476ce6cf9b51042.jpg

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03-05-2019, 03:35 PM
Very nice! Mine is a '67, how old is yours?

Texas by God
03-05-2019, 04:40 PM
According to the Marlin site, the 36G was only made in 1964-1965. Mine is an AA prefix putting it's birth in1965. I truly think the only difference between this and yours is the "Marlin" name in cursive stamped on the barrel. I could get by fine with this as my only rifle- Thank God and the 2nd Amendment I don't have to!

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03-05-2019, 04:56 PM
I have the 36G version that is stamped Marlin in cursive and Glenfield in print. A keeper.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190304/235cf75df911cc138476ce6cf9b51042.jpg

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This is the rifle Scott and Scott JR have been bringing to norther MI deer camp for years and years, always talk of it’s accuruc and fast handling;
Scott JR about 10 years ago or so shot a buck on day two of rifle season; good solid hit with a 35 caliber bullet; strangest track I have ever went on; blood everywhere in circles for maybe 400 yards, the last 200 or so in a pine forest with a 10 inch carpet of brown Old dead jack pine needles, and it was a single lung hit that also
Broke one front shoulder, have no idea how they can go so far! Scott Jr was a teen than; like 16-17 or so he started tracking and leaving toilet paper where he found blood; when I arrived on the scene I thought the boys were playing a prank; blood and toilet paper everywhere seemingly in every direction he lost the track when the deer cut down a sandy two track and went east and than south and and than north and than east again about 50 yards down the sandy track. He was a good kid is a fine man; tracked to the best of his ability left a good marker at last blood and went for help; just as should be done. Sorry for the rant; that rifle is part of our deer camp legend and our dear friend who lived up there retired this winter and moved to KY; sold his place; sure we can go hunt all the state and federal land still; but without our “camp” and grouchy Jon around it’s not the same ; the true end of an era; and I’m waxing nostalgic .
Because of my son being born in Oct I didn’t make an up north hunt this year and missed the last year of “hilltop camp” with the bears and porcupines and partridge and good food and home brewed beer and wine and cards and extremely cold mornings and endless public forests to hunt and gun talk and splitting fire wood and hanging tree stands and trips to the Indian Casino and huge breakfasts and occasionally some one shot a deer!!!!

03-05-2019, 11:14 PM
I've seen one SC that was the square bolt 36, made before the 336. I love the 336 SC, and the model A's! I also had a 36G like that, sn was a AA too. I had it for many years, and sold it to a close friend when I need to pay some bills, with the agreement that if he sold it, it would come back to me. Well years later he borrowed some cash from his boss, and put the rifle up for collateral, needless to say he ashamed to tell me, and when did find out I called his boss to get it back, but he had sold it a week before to a guy that was learning gunsmithing. I seen this rifle on this guys table at the next gunshow, I just about lost it, he had cut barrel down to 16"! I told him this whole story, and that he had just deminished the value of a rare rifle, but he didn't give rats butt! I thought I'd really get his goat, he had $450 on it, and I told him I would have give him twice that if he wouldn't had cut the barrel off! The look in his eyes was priceless as I laid it down and walked away!