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03-02-2019, 06:45 PM
Behind my house , Dad has a woods
A pair of Bald Eagles have a nest there and I think they have eggs
As one of the 2 are always sitting on the nest

Last evening another Bald Eagle came and IMO tried to chase off the Male

A air to air fight started and ( I hope it was the new male ) one of the fighting Eagles landed in the field and the other one went to the nest after trying to hit the one on the ground several times with dives

My Sister in law and I walked sort of close to the one in the field and saw blood coming from a cut on the chest
So she called ODNR , Federal Game Wardens , Ohio Game Warden and a guy we know that works at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge
To get someone to pick up the hurt Eagle

About 11 PM 1 or more people came out and netted the hurt Bald Eagle and took it to be helped and then released again

All I can say , IMO the Eagles don't pull punches when they fight
As I could see talons and Beaks going at each other :holysheep
And I feel the male from dads woods would have come back and killed the other male if we would have not been around till almost dark


03-02-2019, 07:41 PM
Raptors of all kinds regularly fly around our airfields because there's no real cover for rodents or rodent kind. They don't care how loud, big, or fast we are. They're there on business.

Mal Paso
03-02-2019, 07:48 PM
Wow, what drama! Thanks for sharing!

Winger Ed.
03-02-2019, 09:04 PM
[QUOTE=All I can say , IMO the Eagles don't pull punches when they fight [/QUOTE]

I've seen the landing gear on those critters. I wouldn't want coming after me.

03-02-2019, 09:11 PM
Always makes you wish that you had the proper camera equipment and the ability to use it properly when things like this occur. I've seen eagles doing air combat over a fish catch. It's awesome. Gp

03-02-2019, 09:43 PM
I almost hit a eagle with the car last year it was chasing a squirrel across the road glad i had good breaks. Man that thing was huge never seen one that close. Live near a river and swamp so see them all the time just never that close.

03-03-2019, 12:38 AM

Yes eagles are pretty tough



03-03-2019, 04:55 AM

Thanks for taking the time to look out for the one that lost the battle. Very cool of ya to take the time to do that. Many would not & would have just walked off.

Around here they are very common. We have a lot of Bald Eagles around here. MN is about tied with Fla., behind big Alaska for a population of them & really, they are so common, all year round that it not unlikely to see them out here in the rural areas at least once every couple days.

They are very cool to watch , and we have a couple nests I know of that are close to roads & rivers that are easily spotted & folks come & park to look at them & take pics. Those nests are huge. Big as a bar pool table for a size comparison & are used over & over again, with them adding to them each year.

About 10 years ago I was driving by a local golf course & had 2 eagles that looked like they were fighting one another, come down almost to ground level in front of me on the road, but they separated early enough & split apart. I was driving so I did not see if they joined in after that.
Come to find out later, that I more than likely just witnessed a "courtship", and likely not a fight.

Yep... They are pretty cool, IMO.

03-03-2019, 05:19 AM
Many, many, many years ago, I got to go to Canada for fishing.
Took a seaplane to a floating hotel.
Used two people boats to go to the fishing area.
Fishing was not to good for the first few days.
Staff told us about not messing with the Bald Eagles.
It could land you in jail.
But they told us we could feed them.
Hold a bait fish over your head, and swing it around.
When the eagle sees it, they will flap and take off.
As it get close enough, fling the bait up in the air.
If you did it correct, the eagle will catch it.
I did it a few times.
Those things are big.
Bigger than anything we have here.
Bald eagles were all over the place.

03-04-2019, 06:22 AM
I had a couple of ducks snatched by those eagles. One was on the Au Sable, I think it was a Goldeneye, that flew about 200 yds before it dropped in the water. I said to my partner "well let's get the canoe." About the time we got situated to get the canoe he said "eagle" and that eagle came down and swooped it up easily and off he/she went. The other time I was on Wigwam Bay in Saginaw bay and shot my first canvasback hen. It went about 200 yds to before hitting the water. Same thing just after I got sheetz situated to get the canoe an eagle came down on the bird, but he was sitting on the bird. I watched for a cig about 10 minutes because the eagle was having a hard time lifting off. I was somewhat fearfully deliberating to go help the eagle because I thought it might drown. But, just about the time I started getting out of the blind for the canoe it finally lifted off. Those eagles have big beaks and talons for puncturing and ripping animal hide and fish skin in an instant. Wheewww, I glad he lifted off. Just for the heck of it I called one in turkey hunting a few years ago.

03-04-2019, 10:08 PM
LOL OnHoPr I live 10 miles from Ottawa National Refuge and duck hunt 3 miles from it
Our part of Ohio has a lot of eagles also

LOL We loose ducks to the Bald Eagles every year while we hunt

"My" duck blind this year ( We draw for first choices ) was 200 yards from a dike with BIG cottonwood trees along it
It was normal to have 2 - 4 Eagles waiting in the trees for lost ducks or us to be slow getting to the ducks

We are expecting to see a nest next year in a 4' dia cottonwood tree at the marsh
As a pair are chasing off other Eagles from the area

Just another one of the fun birds to watch
