View Full Version : Deer droppings!

02-28-2019, 02:52 PM
Please drop, please drop, please drop!!!


I made bacon wrapped venison back straps today and my dog wanted in on the action. I cut the straps in half lengthwise so they were just a little bigger in diameter than tenderloins, soaked them in salt/vinegar solution for a couple days to drain out the blood, milk for a couple days for the remainder of the drain, and then a mix of brown sugar, Katsup, and BBQ sauce for a couple more. Wrapped them in bacon and baked at 375 for 45 minutes. From there I bumped the oven to 550 to crisp the bacon for about 7 minutes or so. Had one last week and froze the rest of the marinaded, uncooked straps for a later date. I thawed them out yesterday and made them for lunch a few minutes ago. One left, who’s game?



02-28-2019, 03:01 PM
Looks delicious!��

Winger Ed.
02-28-2019, 03:03 PM
The dog thinks you're the best hunter ever born.

02-28-2019, 03:30 PM
would you kindly email me a couple of those :) :)

03-01-2019, 10:08 PM
Dang. What time is dinner!!!!!

03-01-2019, 11:12 PM
Don't mean to be ugly.....but if you have to go through all those gyrations to eat venison, then why not just buy beef? I'm really not trying to pick a fight or anything.....just seems that's a LOT of process to get really good meat to a point of ???

03-01-2019, 11:19 PM
Some just like Bacon ! Jedman

03-01-2019, 11:20 PM
Have made a similar thing, only just marinade tenderloins over night in a bunch of brown sugar dissolved in soy sauce. Wrap each one in bacon and bake in the over at 350 for about 40 minutes. Turns out good every time. Might have to try the idea of raising the temperature the last few minutes, never did it before.

03-01-2019, 11:21 PM
We raise beef. And I enjoy beef immensely! But I can absolutely appreciate the effort you put into the deer! I enjoy a good meal and got a couple ideas from the OP.
Venison with salt pepper in the skillet is excellent, but so are many other variations. Good post

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03-01-2019, 11:24 PM
A local confectionary store sells “deer droppings”.........chocolate covered blueberries. They are fantastic.

Your bacon wrapped tenderloin is making my mouth water.

03-02-2019, 02:57 AM
Ha ha, My lil girl LOVES velison too!! But she gets hers EDIRE we cookmit up! All the lil trimmins go in her bowl every time!!

Deer butchering day is pure extacy for the dogs!!! :smile:

I dont do much bacon wrapped, and never loins, but does look pretty good!! Momma took a package of loins out of the freezer last night. So look in like we are havin Venison Saturday night!!


03-02-2019, 01:10 PM
Don't mean to be ugly.....but if you have to go through all those gyrations to eat venison, then why not just buy beef? I'm really not trying to pick a fight or anything.....just seems that's a LOT of process to get really good meat to a point of ???

Because I love to hunt! If I eat deer without vinegar/ salt brine soak I get stomach issues and it goes right through me afterwards. I’m not a vampire and don’t like the taste of deer blood either. I can eat rare prime rib with red shoe laces rolling off the sides of my mouth but if I do it with venison you better call an ambulance. I had food poisoning from doing so last summer. After the soak my digestive system can tollererate venison with no issues and IMO it tastes great! When I eat deer it’s almost like I get mild food poisoning reactions every time for the last 45 plus years of eating it. Stomach cramps and diareah. If it's pink in the middle there better not be anyone in the bathroom 5 minutes after I ate it because it runs right through me like water through a screen...I know, I know, TMI. I like venison but it doesn't like me. To me the meat tastes better this way as well after soaking anyways. To each it’s own. Still tastes like venison...good quality venison! Not going to kill an animal and not eat it so I figured out a way to do so...and I'm not going to stop hunting deer untill I'm dead and burried. Don’t knock it till you try it. I have eaten more venison in the last month than the last 10 years using this process and haven't had ONE stomach issue or episode. Raising the temp for a few minutes crisps the bacon really good as well.

FYI, I always have had big, hunting dogs. Long story short, my hunting buddy and his wife gave him to me. Best little, smartest dog I've ever owned and he's a chick magnet to boot.

03-02-2019, 02:50 PM
The dog thinks you're the best hunter ever born.

He keeps brown nosing and telling me that to make sure there is some in his bowl when all is set and done.

03-02-2019, 03:42 PM
Because I love to hunt! If I eat deer without vinegar/ salt brine soak I get stomach issues and it goes right through me afterwards. I’m not a vampire and don’t like the taste of deer blood either. I can eat rare prime rib with red shoe laces rolling off the sides of my mouth but if I do it with venison you better call an ambulance. I had food poisoning from doing so last summer. After the soak my digestive system can tollererate venison with no issues and IMO it tastes great! When I eat deer it’s almost like I get mild food poisoning reactions every time for the last 45 plus years of eating it. Stomach cramps and diareah. If it's pink in the middle there better not be anyone in the bathroom 5 minutes after I ate it because it runs right through me like water through a screen...I know, I know, TMI. I like venison but it doesn't like me. To me the meat tastes better this way as well after soaking anyways. To each it’s own. Still tastes like venison...good quality venison! Not going to kill an animal and not eat it so I figured out a way to do so...and I'm not going to stop hunting deer untill I'm dead and burried. Don’t knock it till you try it. I have eaten more venison in the last month than the last 10 years using this process and haven't had ONE stomach issue or episode. Raising the temp for a few minutes crisps the bacon really good as well.

FYI, I always have had big, hunting dogs. Long story short, my hunting buddy and his wife gave him to me. Best little, smartest dog I've ever owned and he's a chick magnet to boot.

That's strange. The venison here where I hunt on public land that's farmed is terrific, not gamey at all. Of course, they are living on soybeans and milo most of the year and tend to be really fat. I butcher most of mine out myself and never bother with making jerky or sausage and such, most of what we eat is just meat with not a whole lot done to it besides cooking.

I rarely eat beef steak and much prefer venison any time.

03-02-2019, 03:56 PM
It’s not gamey...it just tears me up. I’m lactose intolerant as well. Was diagnosed with food allergies as a kid. Milk, eggs, and dairy. I now eat eggs, cheese,and drink skim milk in small proportions with little or no outcome anymore. Keep ice cream away from me though. If I eat cheesecake I need a Benadryl sitting on my plate. It’s not the venison...it’s me.

Lloyd Smale
03-04-2019, 07:12 AM
human digestive systems don't do well with any blood.

03-04-2019, 10:51 AM
Because I love to hunt! If I eat deer without vinegar/ salt brine soak I get stomach issues and it goes right through me afterwards.

FYI, I always have had big, hunting dogs. Long story short, my hunting buddy and his wife gave him to me. Best little, smartest dog I've ever owned and he's a chick magnet to boot.

That's rough I sympathize. (I also gave ya a lil bit of a hard time couple posts ago for removing venison "flavor".) My wife has acid reflux and at times its pretty bad. I know not same but still she has to avoid some foods you would not immediately think was a problem for most folks. As to your dog, mines a 100% lap dog and I wouldn't have it any other way! She is my first non sporting dog. She is so different than any other dog I ever saw... throw a piece of meat at her and it will hit her then the floor.. If its too big or too hot it will sit there on the floor!! My Rot, you could pitch a piece of venison over your shoulder, under your arm and it would NEVER hot the floor. He was always there watching waiting also NEVER begging not poking or begging ya. He KNEW, I never forgot him and he would always get his and was happy to sit back ten feet and watch.. He was also that kinda dog that would ALWAYS let you in the house... but you when not leaving if he didn't want you to if he was alive. :-P

Here is the princess, lap dog in her fav spot at the end of my day.





03-04-2019, 11:09 AM
You might as well add acid reflux to the list too. Coffee, chocolate, and $1 silo of Arnold Palmer ice tea will burn like I swallowed a valcano. If I OD on the stuff I’ll get naisil drainage into my throat and cough all night with zero sleep. Went to the doctor to try and get it diagnosed. They couldn’t figure it out. Eventually I eliminated caffeine out of my system and the years of non stop coughing went away. Life is hell when you get old.

If something actually hits the floor my dog will look at it till I tell him it’s ok to eat it and he can’t catch either. Throw him a ball or toy and it bounces off his face.lol

If I threw him some of that venison instead of handing it to him I’d be giving my dog a bath. :dung_hits_fan: