View Full Version : To my brothers from down under

Black Jaque Janaviac
02-27-2019, 04:48 PM
I have been following the news of Catholic Cardinal George Pell who was recently convicted of sexual abuse in Australia.

It seems like the news I'm reading is that the conviction was ridiculous. That the accusation was just about impossible given that Cardinal Pell nor the victims could not have been where they claimed the offense occurred and when.

Is there more to the story?

If this is true, that Pell was wrongfully convicted in such an egregious way . . . and given the strict gun control in Australia. . . I'd say things are looking pretty scary for people of faith down there.

03-03-2019, 12:07 PM
How is the conviction of a pediphile, protected by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, and strict gun laws, have anything to do with making life difficult for “ the faithful”? How are the two subjects even related? Do “the faithful” need guns in Australia? Is it a stretch that a Catholic clergyman be accused of abuse? The most surprising part is that this pediphile was actually convicted considering the extent to which the Catholic Church has gone to hide and protect their own.

Black Jaque Janaviac
03-14-2019, 10:33 AM
How is the conviction of a pediphile, protected by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, and strict gun laws, have anything to do with making life difficult for “ the faithful”? How are the two subjects even related? Do “the faithful” need guns in Australia? Is it a stretch that a Catholic clergyman be accused of abuse? The most surprising part is that this pediphile was actually convicted considering the extent to which the Catholic Church has gone to hide and protect their own.
Lots of good questions.

Do “the faithful” need guns in Australia?
I believe the answer to this question is "they will". And this answers the two previous questions.

Is it a stretch that a Catholic clergyman be accused of abuse?
No. It is not.

Yes Pell was convicted, but from the reading I've been gathering, the conviction wreaks of a corruption and bias. The so-called victims claim he abused them in the sacristy immediately after Mass. Their story is full of holes. If you ever been to a Catholic Mass when it is finished the priest processes out of church (evidently along with the choir in this instance) where there is a large social gathering of folks catching up with each other and chatting. The priest is usually center of all this socializing. There are tons of witnesses. The choir regroups and practices for the next week's Mass. No witnesses claimed they noticed Pell missing. No witnesses claimed they noticed the choir boys missing. No witnesses claimed they saw Pell and the choir boys in the sacristy.

Thus the conviction seems more like a kangaroo court (pun intended) in a society that is very hostile to the Catholic Church, and especially hostile to a churchman who is conservative. Pell was on the other end of the spectrum from McCarrick.

If Pell is guilty of abuse, then may he repent to the end of his days in prison. If Pell is merely convicted for being Catholic, then the time may be near when Catholics in Australia will rue the day they voted for gun control.

I realize that on many gun forums there is animosity towards Catholicism, but try to see past this and look at whether the conviction was just.

I am totally open to the possibility that Pell is in fact an abuser, but the story I'm getting is not that. This is precisely why I came here with this post. My hope was to get input from some Aussies who are a bit closer to the story.

03-14-2019, 11:09 AM
Being neither Catholic or Aussie, my 2 cents doesn't mean much. Aussie land has suffered the same fate as the US, very liberal and declining church participation (10%). 20 yrs after the 'fact' and reprimand for 'drinking Communion wine'? One youth has passed from OD and no info on the other, also no additional 'victims'? Additionally, Pell was in charge of the money and there has been a lot of talk about the Vatican bank. Sound political to me.

Black Jaque Janaviac
03-14-2019, 12:24 PM
Aussie land has suffered the same fate as the US, very liberal . . . Sound political to me.

This is what bothers me. Is Australia suffering the same fate as the US? Or is the US going to suffer the same fate as Australia?

When innocent people are incarcerated - that should scare us all, not just Catholics.