View Full Version : NRA Classification Cards

02-20-2019, 05:14 PM
As most of you are aware the NRA has done away with the classification books for BPCR silhouette against the wishes of many. Regardless of your feelings, it is a done deal. However they did keep the current classification system in place rather than changing it to the decimal system used in other disciplines like high power bullseye. Today I recieved my new BPCR card for silhouette and I hadn't even sent my last pages from my classification book to them. Pleasant surprise and kudos to them. ☺

BTW, we hope to see and meet a lot of you at the Nationals at Raton this year . There are three of us that are relatively new shooters from Albuquerque shooting in the scope class. Unfortunately the old previous club was disbanded before we became involved.

Chill Wills
02-23-2019, 01:22 AM
BTW, we hope to see and meet a lot of you at the Nationals at Raton this year . There are three of us that are relatively new shooters from Albuquerque shooting in the scope class. Unfortunately the old previous club was disbanded before we became involved.

I hope to see and meet you three there too. FWIW- the Albuquerque Spring Match was the one match I most looked forward to each year. Well attended by a lot of really great people and the kick off for summer matches held at a first class (Whittington Center) silhouette range.