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02-16-2019, 05:19 PM
I don't know how to ask for Prayers.

For the 1st time in my life, I can't pay my Property Taxes.
Last year was a very bad year for my Wife and I. We are both disabled . Me for 21yrs now, I was knocked off a ladder at work. My spine was cracked in 3 places, eight discs were destroyed. Both knees were smashed and my right collar bone and wrist were broken.

I was three years getting out of a wheelchair. I never healed up very well, but I can walk with a cane. I tried job retraining. But I can't sit at a Computer and type for more the 15min before my right arm goes numb. Same with knees, stand/walk 15min max before I sit down. Tried to work but I am not fast or productive enough.
My boss let the Company go into Bankruptcy and close before my case was settled. SSDI pays very little, and every increase is taken away by Medicare.

Tried to go back to College, got kicked out. I'm not going to sit by and listen to some punk kid TELL ME that all those who served in Vietnam were Psychotic baby-killers. I WAS THERE, I KNOW THE TRUTH.
So I was kicked out for being disruptive. Free speech really is DEAD in our Universities & Colleges.

My Wife broke her knee and was off work for 6monthes. When She was able to go back to work, there was no job. Her boss had committed suicide. Apparently no one wants to hire an over fifty white haired Office Mgr.

My Daughter has problems, she has never gotten past losing her Baby Brother in Iraq in 2007. So she never finished College and works PT. Stays in her Room the rest of the time. Tried to get her help, but.........

So my Wife finally got a PT job. The gist of all this is that we have been financially backsliding for several years now. We lost thousands to an internet thief about 15yrs ago. My Daughter did some financial things that we spent the last 12yrs paying off. She is better now. Had to put in a new sewer line last year and buy a new (used) car for my Wife. She can't get up in my old Astro Van, and I need it to transport my Mobility Scooter.

I tried to sell some guns to the few Gun Dealers in the Area. Got $300 for a PAIR of tuned Uberti SAA Clones in .45Colt. Had $1000 in them.
Dealers here want $60-$75 to ship a gun to another FFL.

I have to glean my reloading stuff and molds to sell online . But I know my old unused Hornady Pro-Jector won't bring much, doesn't even have the priming system anymore. Same for Hornady APEX 91 12ga loader. Although it still works great.

Sorry to go the long way around the Barn. But I'm just asking for your prayers to keep me from have a heart attack or stoke. My Wife let my Life Insurance lapse while I was in the wheelchair. If I die now, my Wife & Daughter will lose the house.

I have to stay whole, I know we will get through this. I just want GOD to keep me calm until we do.

So I'm asking for a small Prayer to keep me steady, It's so hard when you can't provide for your family.
I was raised that a Mans First Responsibility is to take care of his family.

So Please, a small Prayer for me.

Thank you all for listening. Sometimes you just need to talk.


Preacher Jim
02-16-2019, 05:34 PM
Lord, Walks is asking your mercy and grace to hold him up and help him with your wisdom to deal with this time in his life. He knows you are able and crys out to you for help to hold his life together and I ask this with him.
In Jesus name we pray

02-16-2019, 06:22 PM
Lord be close to Walks in this hard time . You know all his needs Lord . Help his family gain strength through one another and you . Give relief and promise , please open doors for them . You are our only hope Lord . Thank you for all you have done and will do in their lives . Thank you Lord . Amen

02-16-2019, 06:32 PM
The Lord answers prayers and promises not to give You more than You can handle. Will keep You and Your family in My prayers every day.

02-16-2019, 10:01 PM
Walks I have been there. Health issues kept me from working for 16 years. My wife carried me. Thankfully she was able to keep her job, and our house was paid for.
Choices we make along the way have big consequences, both ways.

I will be praying that the peace which surpasses all understanding finds you.

In the mean time, cleanse your heart, hold no ill will, hate, anger, or hurt from pain in the past linger. For me it helped to see those memories from the past through Jesus's eyes. What would he have seen if he had been there. Once you can forgive them, release the emotions, cry them out if needed. Then things can turn around for you.

I will be praying for you.

02-17-2019, 12:33 AM
Prayers sent. Gods blessings to you and yours

02-17-2019, 01:30 AM
Thank you ALL for your Prayers and kind words.
They Lighten My Heart and Soul and bring Peace to my mind.

Thank You ALL, sharing pain does lighten the Soul

Wayne Smith
02-17-2019, 09:12 AM
I will be praying for you and your situation. I have had to learn to listen in prayer more than I speak.

02-17-2019, 10:03 AM
Putting you on our prayer list.

Pine Baron
02-17-2019, 10:27 AM
Heavenly Father, please reveal to Walks the path before him. Allow him and his family Your divine comfort and strength to overcome their difficulties. In Jesus name, amen

02-19-2019, 07:52 AM
Father, watch over Walks and bless him and bring him and his wife comfort. Bring into their lives those helping people who will be with them on their journey. In Jesus' name, Amen

02-19-2019, 08:09 AM
Prayers sent.


02-19-2019, 05:01 PM
Walks,prayers are sent for you and your family. More will be sent every day. Peace Brother.