View Full Version : prayers for neighbor's colon cancer

02-14-2019, 07:19 PM
Mark next door has stage 4 colon cancer, chemo didn't work so next week he gets the colon removed & replaced with a bag. Tried walking the dog this eve, his MIL just parked her car & gave us the details. Ex marine from Desert Storm with HS aged kids, very private guy who does't say much.
Wife's sister called and said she has a colon mass, going to see the docs next week for treatment advice. Got good news from another friend who's daughter has had 6 or so intestinal surgeries, is doing well after the latest 2 wks ago & didn't have to stay at the hosp. for a week recovering.

02-14-2019, 07:26 PM
Prayers to your neighbor.
Just lost a dear friend from an aggressive colo-rectal cancer...passed on last Dec diagnosed late Aug...

02-14-2019, 07:44 PM
Prayers sent

02-14-2019, 09:20 PM
Prayers up for Mark and his family, healing, strength, and undrtstanding. GW

02-14-2019, 09:29 PM
Prayers going for him and his family.

02-14-2019, 09:45 PM
I'm praying for Mark and this family . Thank you for asking for prayer .

02-14-2019, 10:30 PM
Prayers for him and family.

Preacher Jim
02-14-2019, 11:07 PM
Prayers for Mark and His family.

02-15-2019, 09:30 AM
We are adding Mark to our prayer list.

Pine Baron
02-15-2019, 09:53 AM
That's a lot going on popper. prayers for Mark and all.

02-15-2019, 12:37 PM
Thanks. SIL called this morning, her cancer is contained and is treatable. Wife didn't get much sleep last nite from worrying. Pretty close to her sisters.

02-15-2019, 01:13 PM
I wasn't just raised this way, but I personally, wholeheartedly and with all of me believe in the healing power of Christs' blood! With the power and authority He vests in each and every one of His believers, we have the power to CLAIM that healing and to void the abomination of cancer or ANY illness from the mortal body! I pray that Mark's body is restored to the status it once was to glorify our heavenly Father so that he may live the duration of his life to be pleasing in God's sight!

02-23-2019, 08:29 PM
Talked with Mark's wife tonite. He got through the surgery OK, 8hrs and still in hosp. for a week. Took some muscle from leg to rebuild the ' barbie butt' as his wife says. Sis IL had the CT today, no word on treatment yet. FIL & her aunt passed from colon cancer, wife talked to colon doc yesterday,schedules a test and feels relieved so I can get a nite's sleep.

02-23-2019, 08:56 PM
Praying for all

02-24-2019, 08:04 AM
I'm taking this as a hopeful update . Continuing prayer . Thank you .

Pine Baron
02-24-2019, 08:30 AM
I'm with Boaz, prayers continue.

Tom W.
02-25-2019, 03:00 PM
He's got my prayer. The last time I checked mine was stage 3......And I do believe prayers are what's keeping me seeing the green side of the grass....

02-25-2019, 03:20 PM
Sad to see this suffering when the diagnostic tools are available to catch this silent killer early.

Tom W.
02-26-2019, 01:21 PM
Sad to see this suffering when the diagnostic tools are available to catch this silent killer early.

Perhaps now, but back in the day the Doctor recommended a colonoscopy at age 50, and yearly after that. In compliance, I begrudgingly did as suggested. All was well. The first thing that something might have been amiss was when I passed out at work. I was diagnosed with anemia. My Doctor wanted to know why I was loosing blood. There was none visible in my stool, and believe me, I knew what to look for. Then another colonoscopy, 6 months from the last one, and the cancer was there. After the surgery all was well for about a year, when my next colonoscopy showed that it had returned. That's when I went to the CTCA in Newnan, Georgia. Believe me when I say that those people are thorough. I had to have a lung biopsy to make sure that I didn't have lung cancer, and as there was none, the second surgery was performed. That went well except for the fact that I started to have internal bleeding, I had 3 liters of blood in my abdominal cavity. That was taken care of even before I had awakened from the initial surgery, altho I didn't know about it until later. My wife was put into a little room and had to sign some papers, as they didn't know if I was coming out in a body bag or not. A few days later I acted like the little girl in the Exorcist and puked up a whole lot of blood, so they had to go in again and cauterize my stomach. Anyway, all this stuff started on the day that President Trump was inaugurated, and I missed seeing it.
The rest of the year was back and forth for chemo. I now have neuropathy, bit I'm still here, and doing fairly well.

Now there are different diagnostic tests that weren't available, or were being tested on "lab rats." As I was pretty much in a confused state, my wife signed me up for some experimental chemo that didn't cost us anything, and the Hospital even paid for my Blue Cross & Blue shield.

02-26-2019, 04:26 PM
Just sent prayer for you Tom . You have had enough trouble for a while .

Tom W.
02-26-2019, 09:17 PM
Thank you!

04-15-2019, 10:40 PM
Mark is home now, needs proton radiation but doing ok. 52 days in hospital for treatment. SIL is doing ok with her treatements, Bob has recurring prostate cancer, going through treatment now.

04-16-2019, 06:39 AM
Thank you for an encouraging report popper . Situations have improved !