View Full Version : Boolits stuck in rifling when unchambered okay?

02-11-2019, 06:15 PM
I was making a 300wm load with accurate 31-220LG which is a modified 311284, i got them wrapped with tracing paper, LLA and sized .3095 bore riding nose is .3055 as patched. I chambered one to see what the rifling marks are like on it but when i unchambered it i got a casing, im using polyfill so no mess thankfully and i could seat another, if this load turns out accurate im okay with having to fire every chambered round. But does this cause any problems? I was worried that it might be pushing the bullet into the case and into the rifling different amounts each time, but i am sizing cases so neck tension should be decent.235805 i pencilled in the rifling for contrast but ignore the sharpie mark around it. by the looks of it im guessing it can push into the rifling without changing seating depth but once its in it stays there. If i did get more exposed inside the case the polyfill could probably protect the base for a few miliseconds untill its on its way out. So is this normal? Anything i should be concerned over or do differently? Shouldnt be a problem as a bore obstruction because chambering another bullet would be very obvious somethings in the way.

02-11-2019, 06:20 PM
Thats why indont patch all the way to the ojive. I patch to the driving bands for my .270 Win so that it doesnt change seating depth.

02-12-2019, 11:51 AM

In my view, your CB sized diameter should be 0.0015"-0.0020" greater than you rifle's bore diameter; or 0.3015D"-0.3020"D. Likewise, you final PPCB diameter should be about 0.308"D. With the PP slightly over the CB ogive, the COAL should place the PP against the forcing cone, of your 300WM chamber,when you chamber the PPCB round. If you want to seat the PPCB longer, i.e. you can place the leading edge of PP somewhere on the cylindrical portion of the CB, to allow more of the cylindrical bare portion of the CB to align and engrave on the bore rifling. The leading edge of this PP, of this longer round, should also contact the forcing cone of your 300WM chamber when this longer round is chambered in your rifle. This engraving, on the bare portion of the CB, may cause occasional de-bulleting and may require some careful taper neck crimping. Try it both ways and your rifle will tell which one it likes best.

Best regards,


country gent
02-12-2019, 12:40 PM
While not a big problem the bullet staying in the chamber makes for a cleaning rod of some sort handy just in case a round has to be removed at some point. For this even one of the Otis cleaning cables will work. With short light taps it will walk a bullet out. A lot of ranges frown on raised muzzles now so you might also want some small brushes and canned air along to remove powder from action.
I shoot a 45-70 PP load that will leave the bullet in the chamber when round is extracted. When I'm working with that rifle and load at the club it never fails there's a person that's off on the routine and wants to clear and go down range right after I loaded a round. Like I said not a big deal but a small inconvenience also. I have to deal with it since chamber flag wont go in with the bullet there.

02-12-2019, 09:37 PM
I use a brass tube filled with lead about 6-7 inches long maybe.
Just let it run down the bore and it will remove a firmly breachseated bullet if I need to.

1x more way to skin the cat.

02-13-2019, 08:08 AM
I have ways to remove a stuck one. my concern was more about chambering and firing a round where the rifling is atleast trying to push the bullet in the case, I haven't made a load like that before. it seems okay now but I cant tell by how much. I was gonna make my sizer a few .0001's bigger to make PC fit better anyway so that will add safety margin on the neck tension for jamming the bullet. im sure ill be fine just felt weird to me.

country gent
02-13-2019, 02:07 PM
Some NRA high power shooters ( long range and 600yds) shoot sift seated ammo. light neck tension and seated .050-.100 long. When chambered the bullet was seated into the rifling and the light neck tension made this pretty consistent as to depth engaged and centering. While there weren't any problems with it the bullet did stay in the chamber if a cease fire was called. you needed a cleaning rid and to break position to remove bullet. I shot 243 loaded like this at 1000yds with very good results. Rifle was a tight necked chamber cases were neck turned to .0007 loaded round clearance. (the neck turned brass also made very consistant neck tension with the bushing die. Bullets were 6mm 105 grn JLK vlds.) The only draw back was the above mentioned.

02-14-2019, 06:01 AM
I shot a bunch of rounds like this. My problem was different. I was using gas checks, and I figured why seat/size them? I stuffed the unsized gas checks into the cases, and this opened up the necks. If I tried to eject the round, the bullet would stay in there, and the case would come out with the gas check still in the neck.

I shot em up with no issues. But I kept an extra charged case with a gas check stopper in the neck. In case I accidentally ejected and lost a charged case with the bullet stuck in the chamber, I could put a new charged case in there.