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View Full Version : Webcam for scales?

02-01-2019, 10:09 AM
Even with the scales on an eye level shelf the eyes ain't what they used to be.

The prices for webcams are all over the place. I know diddle-do-squat about this kinda stuff. Please recommend an economical, easy to use an set up webcam that will be dedicated for scale use only. Want to connect this to undedicated kindle or ipad.

02-01-2019, 10:55 AM
Just seach "Wifi camera" on ebay and a ton appears. I have a real cheap one to overlook my casting machine, when going away for short periods. Works great, linked up to my mobile or pad.

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02-01-2019, 11:53 AM
They also make cameras you can plug into the devices. Like boroscopes and mini cameras. You postion the boroscope to see your scale and then the next day inspect your barrel.

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02-01-2019, 12:58 PM
Even with the scales on an eye level shelf the eyes ain't what they used to be.

The prices for webcams are all over the place. I know diddle-do-squat about this kinda stuff. Please recommend an economical, easy to use an set up webcam that will be dedicated for scale use only. Want to connect this to undedicated kindle or ipad.

It depends a bit what you are going to use it with - If you have a spare PC or windows laptop it's easy - you need a webcam with an adjustable lens something like like this.

NO eBay links, ever

You will often need a host program on your PC/laptop, this is one I use, it's free and no adverts or rubbish.

These cameras also work on android phones and some android tablets, for these you will need an OTG cable and a free app - I use this:

I use them on my spotting scope and on scales.
http://i.imgur.com/Nfn63Cul.png?1 (https://imgur.com/Nfn63Cu)
http://i.imgur.com/qUURP7Yl.jpg (https://imgur.com/qUURP7Y)

02-01-2019, 01:37 PM
1066, PM sent...

02-02-2019, 09:33 AM
what camera is that you are using....link??

02-02-2019, 09:46 AM
I have used proximity and photo electric switches and sensors to control gear motors that drive a trickler.

They are pretty sensitive, like +/- a single kernel of powder.


02-02-2019, 10:46 AM
Thanks to Rcmaveric I found and ordered this on Amazon: USB Endoscope borescope for Iphone for 13 bucks.

02-02-2019, 11:25 AM
This thread talking about camera's to help use with vision issues sounds like a good place to ask about camera's that can be used for watch targets.
Does any one make a camera that is wireless that can talk directly to a lap top or Smartphone, tablet. Not through a net work like cell phone's.
I have seen security cameras that are wireless but need to plug in the wall for power. These are short range.
Wired camera's would work but rolling out enough wire to reach 100 yards then coiling it back is not my idea of a good time.
On a private shooting range would be one thing you could run the wire and leave it there.
I have seen those shooting range camera's that are for sale but don't like the price.

02-02-2019, 01:40 PM
I too would like to see a wireless, 50 or 100 yard range webcam for my laptop or tablet. One that I can afford!

02-02-2019, 02:12 PM
This thread talking about camera's to help use with vision issues sounds like a good place to ask about camera's that can be used for watch targets.
Does any one make a camera that is wireless that can talk directly to a lap top or Smartphone, tablet. Not through a net work like cell phone's.
I have seen security cameras that are wireless but need to plug in the wall for power. These are short range.
Wired camera's would work but rolling out enough wire to reach 100 yards then coiling it back is not my idea of a good time.
On a private shooting range would be one thing you could run the wire and leave it there.
I have seen those shooting range camera's that are for sale but don't like the price.
I use a camera, transmitter and receiver made for drones and a monitor made for a car back up camera. Only tested it to 500 meters works great. It does not have all the fancy stuff like shot plotter and memory but I only paid about $125.00 for it.

02-03-2019, 08:57 PM
Me eyes ain't what they used to be either. Took the magnifying glass off of 'helping hands' ($10) mounted it to a wood dowel, usin' it for years now. I use the reflection from the florescent light to 'underline' the zero that way my eye is always at the same level, (eye think?):veryconfu


02-04-2019, 06:28 AM
Me eyes ain't what they used to be either. Took the magnifying glass off of 'helping hands' ($10) mounted it to a wood dowel, usin' it for years now. I use the reflection from the florescent light to 'underline' the zero that way my eye is always at the same level, (eye think?):veryconfu


That's a simple solution - I find the M500, although a good scale, especially prone to parallax reading error because the beam is so far away from the pointer. (See you have added s needle there)

Lloyd Smale
02-04-2019, 07:27 AM
Around the same time they made the first cell phones and home computers they came out with another fancy invention. Its called a digital scale. No knobs to turn no slides to slide. No problem reading the display. All for no more then a web camera costs. Even have the super fancy ones that all you do is push a button and the right charge magically appears right there in the pan.

02-04-2019, 10:16 AM
Thanks Lloyd for you insight and edification of the advances in available technology.:happy dance: I really like my Gen6 but I also like my collection of beam scales. Every once in awhile it's nice to use them and that require zeroing and in my case electronics will add to the joy of beam scales and sometimes it's fun to add another gadget to your bench. :-P

02-04-2019, 12:24 PM
The only problem with digital scales is they need good, smooth power, they have to be "tared" often, can drift the zero, can be effected by EMF interference, and a lot of trust is needed to believe a random number showing up on a readout is correct. Other then that, they are OK. A beam scale works with that constant phenomenon called gravity and that rarely changes...

I use a digital scale for weighing bullets or cases and I double check the digital with my beam scales (and occasionally my Lee Safety Scale). Sometimes when .2+ grains variation is OK I'll use a digital scale but tare/check for zero every time the pan is removed from the scale. "New and Improved" many times isn't...

02-04-2019, 12:27 PM
Thanks, I have 12 batteries I use on my boat, sonar and camera.
The Trans and Rec was the same But used a different camera and Monitor.
Just under $100. They should be in about a week.
I have a steel supplier near me. They have an area where left over stuff from other projects gets sold for scrap price. If they have some of the hard steel like targets are made from I can use that to build a protective box around the camera.
At the price of a camera it might be just as cheap to have a few spares around.
When the parts come in I'll report on how this set up works.
Your link for the bore scope didn't work for me. I'll try searching for one that will hook to the monitor I'm getting. Thanks for the idea. A bore scope is something that I like but the ones for sale are a bit out of my price range.

02-04-2019, 04:20 PM
By the time you do all this messing about, why not just buy a digital scale ?

Had one of these going on 3 years, from dear old Amazon, never a glitch, checked against my Redding beam scale --- dead on.


02-04-2019, 04:49 PM
Bayleyboy see responce#15 above.

Walter Laich
02-04-2019, 09:48 PM
this link shows a guy using a prism so he doesn't have to bend over to see read it. Scroll down towards bottom of page 1


02-04-2019, 09:54 PM
I use a borescope with a tablet to confirm powder charges when loading pistol rounds when doing progressive reloading

fleabay <$7 Amazon a little more. It could easily be set up to enlarge the scale.

02-05-2019, 12:24 AM
I think I just found out what to do with the out of date smart phone sitting in the desk drawer.

Lloyd Smale
02-06-2019, 08:50 AM
Ive used two pacts and a lyman digital for well over 15 years. Never once did I see them wonder or be effected by fluorescent lights and my loading room is lit by ONLY fluorescents. Only problem ive EVER seen with them is that my pact dispenser I use the most is right by the press and sometimes if you pull the press handle and shake the table it will cause the scale to give a error message and you have to dump the charge back in and do it over. If I don't run the press like an ape even that doesn't cause a problem. Ive loaded 100s of thousands of rounds through the years with my pact and lyman dispenser and with charges weighted on a digital scale and have yet to have one single problem with those loads. Most of this urban legend **** comes from the guys using some kind of lee junk that are in need of justification. Same guys who will use a 30 dollar scale to load have 300 dollar phones in there pockets. Use what you want but understand that some of us know better. If they were as bad as some here would tell you they wouldn't be on the market because the companys couldn't afford to pay there lawyers. Yup the carburetor will never be replaced with those fancy electroinic ignitions systems and a tv without tubes!! no way.:bigsmyl2: even the top bench rest shooters today use digital scales. granted there ones like the promethiest and sartorious that cost north of 5 grand not the ones we can afford but if they were conserned there are high dollar balance beams like the ones there grandpa used.

02-06-2019, 12:56 PM
What do you think it is that makes the Prometheus so good?

02-06-2019, 01:48 PM
I think I just found out what to do with the out of date smart phone sitting in the desk drawer.

If your phone is like mine, it will keep shutting off after a few seconds unless yours has a place to change that

02-06-2019, 03:33 PM
My cell phone I got free when they did an upgrade to 3G.
If those electronic scales are as reliable as this computer and it internet connection I'll stick with my beam scales.

02-07-2019, 12:53 AM
If your phone is like mine, it will keep shutting off after a few seconds unless yours has a place to change that

Yup you are correct, in photo or video mode it will shut off in five minutes but if I actually record in video mode it will shut off in ten minutes. I guess if I want to see the beam marks better I will just have to go with the prism idea. I'm 6'5" so when I use the beam scales I'm bent over with my head tilted back like one of Tim Conway's characters.

02-07-2019, 04:09 AM
You can download a simple free app for you phone and it should stay on. I use one called "magnifier" but there are plenty of others.

Lloyd Smale
02-07-2019, 07:57 AM
it cost so much that it has to be:popcorn:
What do you think it is that makes the Prometheus so good?

02-07-2019, 09:48 AM
it cost so much that it has to be:popcorn:

Still only a beam scale in a box Lloyd, admittedly a good one but nothing very technical about it.

02-07-2019, 10:00 AM
Want a technical beam scale? Here's Herter’s Approved Ballistic Technical Laboratory Powder Scale Model 5 [smilie=p:


02-07-2019, 11:13 AM
Want a technical beam scale? Here's Herter’s Approved Ballistic Technical Laboratory Powder Scale Model 5 [smilie=p:


In another 50 years that one will still work as well as it ever did.

02-07-2019, 09:59 PM
I SNIP Most of this urban legend **** comes from the guys using some kind of lee junk that are in need of justification. Same guys who will use a 30 dollar scale to load have 300 dollar phones in there pockets. Use what you want but understand that some of us know better. If they were as bad as some here would tell you they wouldn't be on the market because the companys couldn't afford to pay there lawyers. SNIP

Hard to blame mistrust of electronic scales on "lee junk" when Lee does not make\sell electronic scales. I have never had to worry about drift with my Lee powdwer scoops!:bigsmyl2:

02-08-2019, 09:36 AM
Found another advantage for the $13 endoscope hooked up to a beam scales. The scale no longer need to "live" at eye level on a shelf. Moving the scale under that same shelf it is now in easy reach for powder weighing. That same shelf blocks the AC/ceiling fan air movement. That shelf space once occupied by the scale is now the home of a "retired" Kindle monitor.

Lloyd Smale
02-10-2019, 08:30 AM
yup its hard to justify a loading press when you can use a lee loader too. I guess it depends on what you load and how much you load and if getting the most out of your loads matters. The very first rounds I loaded I used nothing but a lee loader and some scoops myself but I sure wouldn't want to go back to it
Hard to blame mistrust of electronic scales on "lee junk" when Lee does not make\sell electronic scales. I have never had to worry about drift with my Lee powdwer scoops!:bigsmyl2:

Lloyd Smale
02-10-2019, 08:31 AM
Want a technical beam scale? Here's Herter’s Approved Ballistic Technical Laboratory Powder Scale Model 5 [smilie=p:


with a name like that it has to be GOOD.

Lloyd Smale
02-10-2019, 08:40 AM
point was that cheapskates that will by the cheapest thing out there feel the need to bash better stuff to justify it. Lee just makes entry level stuff. If you doubt it happens go on any thread about progressive presses and see how many try to defend buying a pro 1000. If all I had was the price of a 1000 id stick with a single stage press. It isn't my first rodeo. I too made the mistakes of trying to go cheap and even had 2 pro 1000s and a loadmaster. Does that make me frugal or smart. Nope just the opposite. It would have saved me money to but quality right from the start. I gave away one pro 1000 and the loadmaster. Its amazing those to guys still call me a friend! the other 1000 is at the bottom of my pond. ;-) By the way both of those guys eventually gave up on them too and have 550s today. but if your they type to trust your eyes or your grandkids eyes to a 15 dollar plastic scale then your probably better off with the scoops. At least the loads listed for them are conservative.
Hard to blame mistrust of electronic scales on "lee junk" when Lee does not make\sell electronic scales. I have never had to worry about drift with my Lee powder scoops!:bigsmyl2:

02-10-2019, 12:31 PM
I stopped reading Smale's post when the Lee Hater showed up. Up to that point I regarded the post as a viable opinion, which I disagree with, but readable. Those that spew their hatred for inanimate objects (who 99% of the time don't know what they are talking about) just downgrade the civility and informative aspects of any thread...

No need to rely to me Mr. Smale, hut like another forum, I'madding your name to my "ignore" list. Have a nece day...

02-10-2019, 01:13 PM
Look's like spell checker failed, again.

Lloyd Smale
02-11-2019, 07:14 AM
gosh now my feelings are hurt[smilie=1: Hate? Nope. if you look in my loading room youll find many sets of lee dies and even some other lee stuff. If its good ill say so. If its junk ill say so too. Ive wasted my share of money on lee products that I consider junk and if I can help one guy avoid the mistakes I made then you can call me anything you wish. Sorry you took it personaly. I don't love or hate any piece of steal or PLASTIC. But ive loaded and casted enough in my life to be able to tell quality and value to junk and cheap. Casting and loading to me is something I do about daily. Not once a month to load a box of ammo. That said use what you want. Me? I didn't design or produce anything Dillon rcbs or lee produced so I have no personal FEELINGS about any of it. You can even criticize my truck or atv or my television because I didn't make them either. But if I buy one that's junk ill sure warn others.
I stopped reading Smale's post when the Lee Hater showed up. Up to that point I regarded the post as a viable opinion, which I disagree with, but readable. Those that spew their hatred for inanimate objects (who 99% of the time don't know what they are talking about) just downgrade the civility and informative aspects of any thread...

No need to rely to me Mr. Smale, hut like another forum, I'madding your name to my "ignore" list. Have a nece day...

02-11-2019, 07:39 AM
Wow, Lee mentioned in regards to electronic scales when they don’t make any? Haters gonna hate for no reason and a bias is on full display. Hate for Lee is usually misplaced and this time it certainly is.

02-11-2019, 11:47 AM
All you fellas with your panties in a twist might try to replace the word 'hate' with a more descriptive word that's easier on your sensibilities...a word that won't pull your trigger, try 'dislike' or 'detest'.

All the manufacturers have made products in the past that I dislike and you will not find them in my shop, like Lloyd, I learned by trying 'some' of them...some manufacturers make more of those detestable items than others...take LEE for example!


Lloyd Smale
02-12-2019, 06:10 AM
Funny how to some if they themselves don't like something its an educated opinion. But if someone doesn't like what they like its HATE. Real funny thing is that most times that educated opinion isn't so educated or is borrowed from someone else. Want my opinion on lyman?? Its probably going to raise more hairs then my opinion of lee. Lee actually makes some cool stuff. there dies I like, the bullet sizing dies are something that they do that nobody else does. I still prefer there primer tool to anyone elses on the market. I allways have a couple of there hand presses in the drawer. But OsOk hate is probably an accurate description of my opinion on the pro 1000 and loadmasters. You can include the PLASTIC scales and powder measures in there too. Had a buddy who wanted to start loading. I told him that before he dumped a lot of money into he should see if he actually was going to pursue it seriously. I told him to buy one of those lee kits with an o press and about everything you need to load a round for around a 100 bucks. Told him the press would be serviceable for what he wanted to load and how much even if he did find he wanted to keep doing it. When it arrived he called me over to help him get started. I looked at that scale and measure and laughed. Tossed them right in the trash can and went home and grabbeds a spare rcbs scale and a lyman measure I didn't use anymore. Those two pieces would have been right at home in the chemistry set I got for chirstmas back in the 60s or for a kid that wants to pretend to load for his cap gun.

That said even they are better then a lee progressive. Like I said I myself wasted money and bought both of those presses when I was younger and didn't know better. Funny thing is many who buy them think nothing of spend thousands on a boat, atv, motorcycle ect and wouldn't even consider buying some piece of plastic chrome for them or heading down the road in there pickup on recapped tires. You can buy a Dillon 550 for less then the price of a mid grade bolt action rifle before you even shell out for a scope or the price of one new glock. If this hobby is a serious one to you then its a no brainer to me. Ive already made the mistake for you. let me save you 2-3oo bucks of your hard earned money. Buy good to start with and have a laugh on me at my stupidity. Ill even let you call me names or say im a HATER.

Land Owner
02-12-2019, 09:38 AM
I use a borescope with a tablet to confirm powder charges when loading pistol rounds when doing progressive reloading

So, I bought the 5.5mm endoscope with 5 meter cord - delivered for less than $11.00. "Works" the battery of the phone though. Heats the battery up pretty good. Probably a battery "life" of 45 to 60-minutes before the phone will need to be recharged. So, a couple of hundred powder charges prior to a phone recharge - and that is probably stretching the truth a bit.

The suitability of the endoscope for remotely viewing the powder scale is 100%. There are some logistical issues with setting the endoscope up to view the scale, but it will always be thus with any camera.

Perhaps the wide(r) view of a Tablet would be more suitable. That is a "test" to report another day.

Is there a way to power the phone while using the endoscope?

Can I turn off the LED's on the endoscope while continuing to use its camera?

The instructions with the endoscope are useless for answering these questions.