View Full Version : The Rendezvous was Fun

01-28-2019, 11:23 AM
Just got back from the Alifia rendezvous and had some fun target shooting. My main rifle is an older CVA Hawkins cap lock in .50 caliber, pretty much of beater which cost me a whole $75.00 a few years ago and took a few months to get right. Well the old girl did me well even though my final score for all five targets was abysmal. The conditions were chilly with a gusting 15 mph cross wind which always makes it interesting. Up close at 25 and 50 yds it was hit or miss, mainly shooter's error. I was surprised once I warmed up and reached out to 100 yds, I ended up in sixth place on the 100 yd target after three days of competition, go figure. Finally got the windage right after totally missing the target with the first few shots. Even at 100 yds the rifle was shooting pretty much flat with a load of 65 grains 3F Geox, pillow ticking soaked with Bore Butter and a home cast .490 RB. Good times were had by all. :)

01-28-2019, 12:07 PM
Chilly? Really?

01-28-2019, 01:29 PM
I have never been to a rondy of any type, but always wanted to... just too far away for me. There is a Fur Rondy up in anchorage, but no shooting or anything like that...

01-28-2019, 02:01 PM
My friend Linda Holly has been going to the Alifia rendezvous for years. She's the teepee hobbiest guru. I've seen pictures from that event where water wings were required!

big bore 99
01-28-2019, 02:16 PM
Been to that one a time or two when I lived down there. Ever been to the one in Friendship? They really do it up big there.

01-28-2019, 03:52 PM
"Chilly? Really?" yeah, well low 40's at night is plenty chilly enough for me, guess I'm getting used to Florida weather ;). We always seem to get at least one good day of rain along with blustery wind, this time it was Thursday for the weather. Had to pack out on Friday, couldn't stay through the weekend.
Never had a change to get to Friendship but a lot of the participants go to both.

01-28-2019, 05:11 PM
I would have liked to have gone, but life got in the way... again... Maybe next year I'll actually make it out.

01-28-2019, 06:12 PM
chilly as I sit here and contemplate single digits and try to stay happy reminding myself that Minn. has it way worse. Heck 40 at night doesn't even really keep the skeeters down much.

I have family in Fla. and out in Colorado. It might be a fun combined trip to check out a rendezvous at some time on a visit. I think there may be one here in Michigan, mid state group. I know they do some muzzle loader events.

mazo kid
01-28-2019, 07:05 PM
Several of us used to caravan from Wi. to Alafia each year. Weather ranged from cold, blustery to hot and sweltering. Several times we awakened to find "Wisconsin frisbees" in wash basins!

01-28-2019, 07:25 PM
I've been there when the water buckets get iced over, Wisconsin Frisbees is a new one to me but I get it. I would rather be a little cold instead of too hot while camping. Still need to try the 200 yd Boone's shoot and wood walk, too much to do during the Rendezvous, could shoot all week if swapping lies and catching up with friends wasn't going on.

01-29-2019, 07:35 PM
I had never been, but drove up Saturday to check it out. I wouldn’t mind going up for a MZ match, but I don’t think I’m up to <1840s camping. It was interesting.

01-29-2019, 08:17 PM
I would join the club, they shoot every month, but I'm about 130 miles away over by Daytona Beach which is a bit too far away to be an active member. Still the yearly trip over is well worth it for all the fun. The trick with <1840 camping is to keep all the modern stuff hidden in the tent and keep the flaps tied shut.234894 Here's my setup in a 10x12 wall tent.

Brett Ross
01-29-2019, 09:19 PM
Well no rendezvous here, looking a -20 tonight.

DIRT Farmer
01-30-2019, 12:21 AM
I have camped at zero in a wedge tent, Im a lot older now. Really it wasnt bad, small canves tent and a candle lantern for heat. I have slept worse

01-30-2019, 10:58 AM
I started with an old second hand wedge which was a lot easier to heat but the canvas started to rip and was too rotten to repair. Got the wall tent which has a lot move volume but is harder to keep warm and a little more work to set up.

01-30-2019, 12:54 PM
Well no rendezvous here, looking a -20 tonight.

I remember a February rendezvous at Marengo, Iowa many years ago. It was cold enough bottles of whiskey froze.

mazo kid
01-30-2019, 02:52 PM
I would join the club, they shoot every month, but I'm about 130 miles away over by Daytona Beach which is a bit too far away to be an active member. Still the yearly trip over is well worth it for all the fun. The trick with <1840 camping is to keep all the modern stuff hidden in the tent and keep the flaps tied shut.234894 Here's my setup in a 10x12 wall tent.
I went from an 18 foot tipi to a 10X12 wall tent, to a 12X14 foot wall tent (TOO big!), and back to a 10X12 wall tent along with with a 7 foot wedge for canoe events. And I have a folding chair just like yours!

01-30-2019, 04:49 PM
There is one here in Iowa at Ft Atkinson every Sept . it is not bad I did not go this past year but had the year before they do have some shooting. Then there is a some what one, over the river in WI but no shooting.

01-30-2019, 05:09 PM

You missed the cold windy deluge Saturday night and all day Sunday. Lots of wet canvas and equipment plus a miserable drive home. We have spent the past three days drying things out. The Alafia and other rendezvous can certainly make one appreciate the hardships and challenges faced by our ancestors. The Frontiersmen have done an admirable job keeping the muzzle loading rifle sport alive in Central Florida but participation is no where what it was a decade ago. I remember over 1000 shooters signed up when it was held at Charlie Knight's place. It is still a great experience, rain and cold an all. Our local Boy Scout participated this year in the primitive camp so maybe another generation will catch the bug instead of a cold.

01-30-2019, 08:03 PM
I never made it to the Charlie Knight's place, it was before my time. Been going for about twelve years and love it. I had to pack out Friday right before the big rain but the rest of my group over at Georgetown Commons, Putz and Wolftrack, stayed till Sunday. If you made it to the blanket sell Wednesday I was the guy with the honey. Participation was down this year, lots of empty camp sites in my area and there were less vendors this year. Could of been because of all the bad weather the gulf coast and middle east coast was hit by this year. There were less food vendors this year also which makes me worry also.
The frontiersmen do a great job with the rendezvous and all the shooting competitions are great.

01-31-2019, 04:06 AM
Small tent only needs small heat. I used to use a tarp lean-to with a hatful of fire and the toboggan and log stack rigged to bounce heat back at the tarp. Really good sleeping bag. If I got cold enough to wake up I could reach out and slid a few pieces of wood into the fire to build it up a bit, little warmth and back to sleep. One time I did wake up to find my husky mix had managed to slide inside my mummy bag, he was warmer, I was warmer, it worked.

Got older went to a 3-4 man tent for two people with a candle lantern or small propane lantern on low for heat. Could keep the walls from being frozen for about 2 feet off the ground. So over 32* where we were sleeping.

Cold isn't a problem if you can stay dry. Rain and cold is a disaster. One I have hit a few times in the rocky mountains so I'm guessing the mountain men had it to deal with on a regular basis. Even with modern gear it is unpleasant. Tolerable but not pleasant, even less so if one isn't able to just hunker down and wait for weather to clear but has to pack and hike. Even packing a car and unpacking to set up are dismal with wet conditions and chilly temps. Imagine a pack horse isn't better.

Static line
01-31-2019, 05:11 AM
I would join the club, they shoot every month, but I'm about 130 miles away over by Daytona Beach which is a bit too far away to be an active member. Still the yearly trip over is well worth it for all the fun. The trick with <1840 camping is to keep all the modern stuff hidden in the tent and keep the flaps tied shut.234894 Here's my setup in a 10x12 wall tent.

Oh oh,cover that cooler up child.Not period correct.:wink:

02-02-2019, 08:45 PM
Eddie - I've stayed in motel rooms that haven't been that nice! LOL That's a nice set-up. I haven't done a rendezvous in quite a few years . . . usually used a wedge or a trail tarp if by myself. Doesn't matter how good a person shoots . . . it's all about having fun and meeting good folks. A good cross wind thrown in might be a hassle but it's realistic conditions. Sounds like fun was had by all!