View Full Version : Bad gas after eating venison

01-20-2019, 10:58 PM
:veryconfu:veryconfu:veryconfu:veryconfuI made some awesome tasting deer jerky the other day out of back straps in my smoker and I’ll be darned if it takes 5 to 10 minutes after eating it I sound like a tuba till the next morning when it leaves my system. My gas smells just like dead deer or road kill as well. After about a couple hours of non stop wind braking my house smelled like a sewer backed up! It was good, clean fresh meat from the buck I took bow hunting in November that’s been froze for about two months. I gave some to my buddies kids and they never had gas...just me...two days in a row. This also happens to me if I cook venison steaks rare and it will clean me out in a hurry also...first the thunder, then the lightning! Well cooked venison burger that I soaked in milk or virgin oil For a while before frying up to the point it’s crunchy on the edges I have no problems with or even fresh out of the deer thinly cut butterfly chops fried up in olive oil with a little pink and I’m OK. Canned venison I’m good to go as well. It’s not every time I make venison but I would say a third of the time. Am I not cooking it long enough? Cleaning the meat well enough? Protein overload? Maybe I just have weak guts? I normally don’t age my meat and process the deer as soon as I’m out of the woods or at the latest the next morning so I wonder if there is too much blood in it yet causing the issues?

01-21-2019, 06:13 AM
Protein is doing it. Canada geese meat does it to me worse than anything.

01-21-2019, 08:09 AM
hit the venison, the hit the dance floor, who me? no way must be someone else. square dances are the best to hit and run at, when we were younger it was fun to watch the look on someones face as they "ploughed the cloud" those were the days, now they're all the same.

01-21-2019, 08:18 AM
My wife is diabetic. One day she found a recipe for chocolate brownies that she could eat. Man, they were good. But....everyone that ate them...flatulence and lots of it. Loud and vulgar. Stank too. Her brother was driving down from R.I., I wanted her to make him some from the return trip. Give his girl friend something to do beside's whine.

01-21-2019, 11:05 AM
I’m also lactose intolerant. If i want really put the hurt on someone in the car I grab an ice cream cookie sandwich from the gas station. I had one of my hunting partners throw up out the car window on the way back from bear hunting years ago. He said I burnt his nose hairs. The more cream, the more they scream. But I think my favorite time was when I was bound up for days from eating steak and shell fish from the casino. Another hunting trip...I drank some Columbian coffee to brake it loose. It’s was fourteen below plus windchill at the time. I was out of town deer hunting in Iowa. I was relieving my self down stairs and my buddies pregnant wife started puking in the sink upstairs and opened all the windows in the house. My other buddies lit dirty cigarettes to try and kill the smell and went out, turned the truck on, and sat in it with the heater going for an hour to escape the stench. They were going to buy me a trophy for that one. It’s like a big buck story every time we get together. It gets bigger and better every time it’s told.

Maybe it’s just me:shock:

01-21-2019, 11:13 AM
This might be the best thread yet this year!! :dung_hits_fan:

Ya'll ain't right....and I like that about ya.

01-21-2019, 11:19 AM
hit the venison, the hit the dance floor, who me? no way must be someone else. square dances are the best to hit and run at, when we were younger it was fun to watch the look on someones face as they "ploughed the cloud" those were the days, now they're all the same.

So your the crop duster, I still have that taste in my mouth!

01-21-2019, 11:44 AM
Gun shows are another great place for crop dusting, found out when I had buttermilk pancakes with the guys before a show, I'm also lactose intolerant, great payback to those that don't use deodorant.

01-21-2019, 11:54 AM
I once worked with a drunk who only ate meat and drank cheap beer. Always foul around him. He would let them build up and back up to air returns in the homes we were workin in and crop dust the entire home.

01-21-2019, 12:20 PM
Unfortunately everything does it to me. Wife says i would get gas from water. Its a toss up as to who can clear a room faster me or my dog.

01-21-2019, 03:51 PM
"A burp is just a gust of wind,
Coming from the heart;
But when it goes the other way,
Then it's called a ____"

MT Gianni
01-21-2019, 04:09 PM
I had a friend from the south that couldn't process venison. His internal tracts would tear him up bad. When he moved west he did just fine with mule deer. He thought it had to do with the tightness of the grain and how it was eaten.

01-21-2019, 06:06 PM
I had two small pieces of the same jerky for breakfast this morning and no wind! I would assume I’m ok with smaller quantities. But the burrito I had from the dollar store an hour ago is talking to me.

I had a few mechanics that USE to work for me that thought was funny to pull problem customers cars out of the shop and drop a bomb in them and crank up the heat so when they owners got In they gaged. The smell and the techs are long gone. They called it the sweet send off.

01-21-2019, 06:25 PM
I get an interaction with my blood pressure meds and garlic or onions. I can control what I put in the food at home but try to eat out without either of those in the mix. Folks at the after match meal might have thought I was stuck up but I was being nice. I could have powered a boiler with all the gas I produced.

01-21-2019, 06:30 PM
I learned on a 100 mile trip back from the lake, do NOT feed the dog Alpo.

Winger Ed.
01-21-2019, 07:02 PM
The reason they stink so bad is for deaf people to be able to enjoy them too.

01-21-2019, 07:14 PM
I had a friend from the south that couldn't process venison. His internal tracts would tear him up bad. When he moved west he did just fine with mule deer.

I always thought a white tail made for a dirty tail. That's why I hunt mule deer.

01-21-2019, 07:36 PM
The only two things that do that to me is fresh air and clear water.
Joking aside, fresh venison does that to me. Smells just like a gut shot deer. If I let them age a few days then no problem. I always age mine but my brother rarely does. He’s an excellent cook and I can’t stay out of it at deer camp. I try to limit how much I eat and generally don’t have it as bad as everyone else. Ive thought about telling them what’s doing it but then thought I should mind my own business, snicker.
If you freeze it before it ages the enzymes never leave the meat. Rigormortious ( spelling ) goes into suspension below 32 degrees.

01-21-2019, 07:59 PM
Can I age it after I thaw it out before cooking? How long can I leave thawed out venison to age in my fridge before it goes bad? I’m always afraid of aging my deer here because the weather temps always vary. One day is so warm I’m afraid the meat will rot and the next the carcass is frozen solid so you can’t get a knife through it. I’m just afraid of food poisoning which I’ve had from old game that’s been in the freezer too long or poorly aged meat.

Years ago I tried to age deer and the meat turned a blue/greenish hue so now I process it immediately. Skinned a few with the Hyde that color underneath as well. Needless to say I didn’t eat the deer.

01-21-2019, 08:03 PM
Enjoy it while you can. At a certain point, you can no longer trust . . . . . flatulence. :shock:

01-21-2019, 08:08 PM
Enjoy it while you can. At a certain point, you can no longer trust . . . . . flatulence. :shock:

A shart?

01-21-2019, 08:12 PM
How much garlic & onion powder in your recipe? Does me in much of the time My wife says I'm un-bed worthy! :shock:

01-21-2019, 08:33 PM
Sorting the gas from the solids is generally pleasurable, until you make a mistake:shock:

01-21-2019, 09:20 PM
How much garlic & onion powder in your recipe? Does me in much of the time My wife says I'm un-bed worthy! :shock:

What woman doesn’t appreciate a Dutch oven?

But seriously, none of either. Garlic makes my stomach feel like someone kicked it and then diarrhea...same with uncooked onions. Cooked onions turns me into a gas-o-matic.

...and here I thought it was just me this whole time.

01-21-2019, 09:56 PM
If you used a cure it might be the cause... nitrites + gut bacteria = gas...

Guy I worked with was bad, he cleared the shop more than once. We were prepping new slot machines in the casino entertainment dome when he dropped one... now this place seats 2,000 + people for concerts... we bailed out, the band setting up for the weekend was up on stage gagging and they were 150 feet away...

Worst was he would do it right before he got off the elevator... next person on got it full power...

01-21-2019, 10:29 PM
This is hilarious, never seen a fart thread on here. Got to admit, I'm pretty bad at times, wife made some chili friday, wow! Saturday at work was bad, especially for the guy at work with me remodeling a bathroom. Same thing, normally, no problem, this time she used bagged dry beans I have no idea why they would make any difference, but wow was it bad!

Tom W.
01-21-2019, 10:54 PM
I knew a fellow that couldn't eat venison, for the same reason...

Since more than half of my colon was removed I can't eat a salad or almost no vegetables. My wife likes to make some keto soup and that keeps me running all the rest of the night. And lactose intolerant isn't funny, either..... Lactaid milk I can have, and a bowl of cereal in the morning. And no, I can't trust a phart anymore......

01-21-2019, 10:58 PM
Better check yourself before you wreck yourself Tom!:veryconfu

01-21-2019, 11:07 PM
Beano is your friend.

Tom W.
01-22-2019, 12:42 AM
Beano won't help when half of your plumbing is gone.......

01-22-2019, 01:55 AM
My granddad ran a cafe and had an old German gal that did all his baking. She gave me the secret when I was about 8 years old. "Michael, alvayz put a cap full of bluing in the beans. Then you can fart a blue streak."

She laughed and laughed about that one. I'm sure that was about her risqué limit.

The secret of Mrs. Wiemer has been passed on. Use it wisely.

01-22-2019, 02:19 AM
i like my candy....then doc told me i'm diabetic.

so sugar free candy for me.............BUTT!

if i eat too much sugar free candy i get explosive gas that may last 2 days!

01-22-2019, 03:05 AM
I have read this entire thread up to here , and someone earlier stated that this is the best thread of the year. Frankly I think it stinks to high heaven. Lol.
I get the "gut pile" smelling gas , just from the butchering process. It starts with the field dressing, and progressively gets worse. Heaven forbid I should eat any fresh for a day or so . I have run the dogs out of the room with the "green cloud". You know it's bad when the dog is sleeping and lifts his head, looks right at you as if to say " REALLY!! Hope you feel better ,and by the way don't even blame it on me" and leaves the room. YMMV - Caster

01-22-2019, 04:45 AM
Cracker Barrel does it for me, 20 minutes and look out.


01-22-2019, 04:56 AM
The great thing about living in big towns, most of them have lifts, a great place to share flatulence.

01-22-2019, 08:53 AM
My wife asked me what I was laughing about from across the room. This thread is great and you have won Sir!

Deer meat does this to me as well. Jerky specially. It smells like gutting a deer when I fart.

01-22-2019, 10:06 AM
I have read this entire thread up to here , and someone earlier stated that this is the best thread of the year. Frankly I think it stinks to high heaven. Lol.
I get the "gut pile" smelling gas , just from the butchering process. It starts with the field dressing, and progressively gets worse. Heaven forbid I should eat any fresh for a day or so . I have run the dogs out of the room with the "green cloud". You know it's bad when the dog is sleeping and lifts his head, looks right at you as if to say " REALLY!! Hope you feel better ,and by the way don't even blame it on me" and leaves the room. YMMV - Caster

I told my gunsmith it starts with the cleaning process for me as well. He called me a liar. I invited him to stay at my house an additional day after we processed his his deer and the truth prevailed itself.
I remember the last time I ate those chocolate Carbohydrate diet candy bars. I had one before I went bow hunting. I didn’t see a deer all afternoon and I was holding one for about an hour so the smell wouldn’t scare away any deer. I finally let it rip off my metal seat. It’s sounded like a cross between a tractor starting up and a tree falling down. It was soo loud I head a deer quack about a 150 yards away! I was just about to get out of my stand and three raccoons came over to investigate the noise and stench. They cans over and all sat down 15 yards from me and sat up like circus elephants begging for peanuts snuffing the wind trying to figure out where the smell was coming from. I arrowhead one of the turkey egg poachers and he barked and growled like a bear! You should have heard all the deer squak hidden in the woods to that sound!

I learned two things that day, no carb bars ever again and no shooting raccoons while bow hunting if I want to see deer.

01-22-2019, 01:32 PM
I read that if beans produce a loud and sulfurous result, one should eat them more often, two or three times a week, and one's digestion will adjust to it and the problem will go away. . . . If one's friends haven't already. I wonder if eating venison or whatever more often will cause the problem to dissipate. I have had foods I haven't eaten in a while take my GI tract by surprise and I and innocent bystanders were surprised too. I once had a problem with purple plums - couldn't stay in the same room with myself for hours after two of them. But only once. A couple of days later, they had no effect.

01-22-2019, 02:16 PM
Yeahbub, I think you are right, years ago people were exposed to all kinds of bacteria from there diet and could handle different foods well. Not so much any more with all our over processed modern foods. Heard once that farmers weren't much bothered by e coli because of long time exposure with animals, I know I've spit out plenty of "stuff" pushing cattle to the working chute. An old vet once said," cow **** ain't dirty till it hits the ground "

Tom W.
01-22-2019, 08:49 PM
But it still tastes bad.....I found that out when I was a kid in Pennsylvania....

01-23-2019, 03:00 PM
I believe my tolerance is building up. I’ve been baby stepping it with only a couple pieces a day without sounding off...more than normal that is.[smilie=w:

I always try save and eat my deer liver. I have been researching how to make it. I always cut it up, wash the blood off and fry it up. Sometimes it’s smells nasty and tastes good, some times it tastes as nasty as it smells and then cleans me out. Im Trying something new. I read on line to soak it in salt water and apple cider vinegar for a day or two to drain the blood out and the vinegar I guess softens the meat. I know vinegar will kill bugs and bacteria off my fruit when soaked in water. Well, it’s on it’s third drain and fill since yesterday and most the blood is out of it. Just need to rise it off in cold water when done and it’s not sopose to absorb the vinegar or salt. A few more hours and I’ll soak it in milk. I read milk also brakes down the enzymes like vinegar to soften the meat and takes the metal and bitter taste out of it. Guess I’ll find out. I would assume vinegar killed any bacteria that might have been in the meat. I froze it up without aging the liver. It went into my freezer about and hour and a half after I harvested it.

Winger Ed.
01-23-2019, 04:14 PM
You might want to save that recipe/combination for when guests overstay.

One time I came in from shooting FF in .45-70, and had the stinky, Sulphur smelling empty cases in my pocket.
I had no more gotten inside and the wife said, "You've been outside all day, and you just had to run in here and do that"!

Years ago, we were sitting around in the hanger waiting for a bird to get back, and the conversation was about how to get the gas out of pinto beans. One guy said his wife cooked a potato in with them to absorb all their gas. A few days later he was ripping 'em off like a pack mule. When questioned about his wife's de-gassing method, he replied, "I ate the potato".

01-23-2019, 04:22 PM
Might as well add another. When my kids were little, #2 son had a couple of friends over and they were playing a video game in his room. The return air is in my bedroom. I had to use the bathroom and left the door open, the AC kicked on and sucked up all the fumes...straight into his bedroom. Them boys come running out and coughing and gagging. Pointing fingers at each other. I'm done by then, so I get to watch the fun. Least I thought it was funny. I didn't put the return filter next to the bathroom. But you can bet I had fun when they had company.

01-23-2019, 10:41 PM
Duck gutz does it for me.
Internal multiplication goes on for about 24 hours followed by the dispersal phase.

Idaho Mule
01-24-2019, 12:50 AM
A farting horse will never tire,
and a farting man is the one to hire.

Lloyd Smale
01-24-2019, 08:29 AM
two things your probably seeing. First the jerky cure is probably causing it with the jerky. Second your problem with rare venison probably comes from the fact that its very hard for humans to break down blood. I don't get gas from rare steak but it binds me up pretty bad. For your jerky cure isn't really needed unless your leaving it out on the counter. If its cooked to the proper temp (at least a 140 degrees. I do mine to 160) and frozen or put in the fridge and at within a week you don't need a cure. Try replacing your curing salt with plain kosure or canning salt.
:veryconfu:veryconfu:veryconfu:veryconfuI made some awesome tasting deer jerky the other day out of back straps in my smoker and I’ll be darned if it takes 5 to 10 minutes after eating it I sound like a tuba till the next morning when it leaves my system. My gas smells just like dead deer or road kill as well. After about a couple hours of non stop wind braking my house smelled like a sewer backed up! It was good, clean fresh meat from the buck I took bow hunting in November that’s been froze for about two months. I gave some to my buddies kids and they never had gas...just me...two days in a row. This also happens to me if I cook venison steaks rare and it will clean me out in a hurry also...first the thunder, then the lightning! Well cooked venison burger that I soaked in milk or virgin oil For a while before frying up to the point it’s crunchy on the edges I have no problems with or even fresh out of the deer thinly cut butterfly chops fried up in olive oil with a little pink and I’m OK. Canned venison I’m good to go as well. It’s not every time I make venison but I would say a third of the time. Am I not cooking it long enough? Cleaning the meat well enough? Protein overload? Maybe I just have weak guts? I normally don’t age my meat and process the deer as soon as I’m out of the woods or at the latest the next morning so I wonder if there is too much blood in it yet causing the issues?

01-24-2019, 10:37 AM
two things your probably seeing. First the jerky cure is probably causing it with the jerky. Second your problem with rare venison probably comes from the fact that its very hard for humans to break down blood. I don't get gas from rare steak but it binds me up pretty bad. For your jerky cure isn't really needed unless your leaving it out on the counter. If its cooked to the proper temp (at least a 140 degrees. I do mine to 160) and frozen or put in the fridge and at within a week you don't need a cure. Try replacing your curing salt with plain kosure or canning salt.

Can’t remember the brand but bought the triangular cardboard kit for around $5.99 from farm and barn. They also make seasonings to mix in for breakfast sausage.

01-24-2019, 12:11 PM
two things your probably seeing. First the jerky cure is probably causing it with the jerky. Second your problem with rare venison probably comes from the fact that its very hard for humans to break down blood. I don't get gas from rare steak but it binds me up pretty bad. For your jerky cure isn't really needed unless your leaving it out on the counter. If its cooked to the proper temp (at least a 140 degrees. I do mine to 160) and frozen or put in the fridge and at within a week you don't need a cure. Try replacing your curing salt with plain kosure or canning salt.

have you tried this with sausages or snack sticks and if so by replacing the sure cure with kosher salt are you holding the meat in a fridge overnight or stuffing immediately ?

01-24-2019, 12:52 PM
I believe my tolerance is building up. I’ve been baby stepping it with only a couple pieces a day without sounding off...more than normal that is.[smilie=w:

I always try save and eat my deer liver. I have been researching how to make it. I always cut it up, wash the blood off and fry it up. Sometimes it’s smells nasty and tastes good, some times it tastes as nasty as it smells and then cleans me out. Im Trying something new. I read on line to soak it in salt water and apple cider vinegar for a day or two to drain the blood out and the vinegar I guess softens the meat. I know vinegar will kill bugs and bacteria off my fruit when soaked in water. Well, it’s on it’s third drain and fill since yesterday and most the blood is out of it. Just need to rise it off in cold water when done and it’s not sopose to absorb the vinegar or salt. A few more hours and I’ll soak it in milk. I read milk also brakes down the enzymes like vinegar to soften the meat and takes the metal and bitter taste out of it. Guess I’ll find out. I would assume vinegar killed any bacteria that might have been in the meat. I froze it up without aging the liver. It went into my freezer about and hour and a half after I harvested it.

...just fried the liver up for breakfast. Took it over to my parents house since my mom loves liver. It was the best tasting, most tender venison liver I ever had! It almost was as soft as chicken liver believe it or not. Next time I won’t soak it as long so it has more of a liver taste though.

Lloyd Smale
01-25-2019, 01:56 PM
smoke ive only used it with jerky and keep it froze till I want to eat it and refridgerated after its open. I let all my sausage sit overnight and really like two nights not so much that you need to do it to cure it as it will cure right in the smoker but more to (I have no better words to say this) to marinade the spices into the meat.
have you tried this with sausages or snack sticks and if so by replacing the sure cure with kosher salt are you holding the meat in a fridge overnight or stuffing immediately ?

RU shooter
01-27-2019, 07:15 AM
Yeah I get gas pretty bad for deer meat these days also been eating it all my life but about the last 10 years getting worse I'm turning 50 in a few days , ground deer meat in meat loaf or burger form don't bother me near as bad . Yes I season my meat pretty heavy but I do that with all kinds of meat beef, pork ect . I believe it's because deer is very high in iron . I can eat super spicy foods without problems it's just the deer meat that does it to me . The worst ever was the first time I ever ate canned deer meat .

Randy C
01-27-2019, 07:37 AM
This thread brings back old memories, any time I gave the dog some deer and wild bird she would run you out of the house with gas,
I could do the same man it would stink, don't wear coveralls when you're eating that stuff,, you can't get away from it.

01-27-2019, 06:14 PM
Pheasant does me in, and my dad... I was up at their house visiting and mom made pheasant in mushroom gravy served over wild rice. We were playing pool in the basement after supper and mom acrually hollered down the steps to quit farting in the house, she was gagging!

01-27-2019, 09:43 PM
I always wanted to patent charcoal lined underwear.

I just ate the last three pieces of jerky and they're talking to me I guess it just depends on the day!

07-03-2019, 10:09 PM
I’m going to make some pickled northern next week. I just remembered it gives me gas as well. I believe it’s the onion’s fault!

07-04-2019, 09:24 PM
To everyone who posted on this thread ----- thank you , I'm still chuckling an hour after I read them .
Keep on poppin' ( my old man always used to say when he let fly , " an empty house is better than a bad tenant " ) .

07-04-2019, 09:27 PM
That"ll learn ya again shootin critters out of a bean field.

07-08-2019, 04:47 PM
Hey!!! I’m getting ready to put some carp in my little totem to smoke and found two big giant pieces of venison jerky I somehow missed on the top rack! It looks and smells great and is pliable...who is brave enough to take a bite? I betcha no gas...just straight through ya.

Wis Tom
07-08-2019, 06:09 PM
Thanks for the laugh, although I probably wouldn't be laughing, if I was there.

06-09-2021, 05:38 AM
Is there such a thing as good gas?

06-09-2021, 07:15 AM
The deer from the farm that I hunt had that gasifying effect on all who ate it until the property owner limed the soil to alter the pH. After that, no more gas, and never a problem since. The deer on his property gorge on high quality hay grass all year long, preferring that to whatever grain crops may be in the neighboring fields. My guess is that the animal's diet plays a role in the gas production. As for good gas? If you can sell it, maybe, but otherwise, no.

Geezer in NH
06-09-2021, 07:19 PM
Gas-X it even works for my wife!