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01-20-2019, 08:07 PM
I know that a lot of folks don’t watch football here but I do. And I am very happy the saints lost today by 3 pts in ot! I am not an LA fan and I actually like Drew Brees. All that being said you all know what they say about karma and payback! I hope Brett Favre was watching today’s game ! And I still can’t believe they let Gregg Williams coach again in the NFL. Those of you that follow the game know what I’m talking about. Now if KC nocks The patriots out it’ll just make my day complete!
PS. I had to post this here because this is really the only form of social media that I subscribe to. Thanks for letting me rant and vent a little here !

01-20-2019, 08:12 PM
Meh, I reloaded some 9’s in the cave. What’s a Saints?:bigsmyl2:

01-20-2019, 08:43 PM
Yeah...the Saints lost. Just couldn't overcome two crucial no calls on pass interference on their last two possessions in the 4th quarter.
Guess the NFL wants to pump up the TV ratings for the Super Bowl in L.A.
Just a little more evidence that the NFL is a bought and paid for league.

01-20-2019, 08:44 PM
I prefer to think that it’s payback for all the missed calls against Brett Favre and the Vikings in the 2008 championship game

01-20-2019, 08:49 PM
Sure the calls were bad. The play calling and time management was worse. When will teams that are inside the two minute warning quit THROWING the ball. Especially when the other team only has one time out left. If they run that three times, kick a field goal there's about a minute, maybe less left in the game and no TOs for LA. Seems a lot less likely they get in FG range under that scenario.

01-20-2019, 09:51 PM
The NFL has apparently admitted to the Saints that the missed pass interference call was wrong.
Too bad Saints...on the other hand the referees said that the cash payment from the Rams was much appreciated.
More importantly...TV ratings from LA for the Super Bowl are expected to be near record levels.
Another NFL playoff game bought and paid for...

01-20-2019, 09:57 PM
I was rooting for the Saints, oh well!


lefty o
01-20-2019, 10:12 PM
watched the last few minutes of regular time. saints got hosed.

Plate plinker
01-20-2019, 11:01 PM
Hoped for the Saints only because Drew Brees seems to be a decent fella.

01-20-2019, 11:49 PM
My feelings exactly...
Brees is a good guy...there aren't enough of them in the NFL.

01-21-2019, 11:27 AM
Was hoping for the Saints vs Patriots in the Super Bowl. Got half what I wanted.

Saints got hosed. Refs blew the call.

William Yanda
01-21-2019, 12:37 PM
I ignored the NFL all season due to their non response to the protesters. I was ready to give up my self imposed ban for the SB until the zebras determined the play off results. The NFL and their SB can happen or not. I don't care.

01-21-2019, 01:16 PM
Couldn't care less have not even looked at a score in several years. Used to be a rabid football fan but not anymore. So?d every bit of football attire . Figured i could recoup some of my money and everything i sold might keep someone from buying a new one.

01-21-2019, 01:20 PM
I saw Replay on the morning news. Yep, big missed or avoided call. And I truly hate OT in NFL, might as well just use the coin flip to determine who wins.
Wasn't looking for it, nor really care anymore. Used to be big saints fan growing up. But not any more.

01-21-2019, 01:48 PM
I know that a lot of folks don’t watch football here but I do. And I am very happy the saints lost today by 3 pts in ot! I am not an LA fan and I actually like Drew Brees. All that being said you all know what they say about karma and payback! I hope Brett Favre was watching today’s game ! And I still can’t believe they let Gregg Williams coach again in the NFL. Those of you that follow the game know what I’m talking about. Now if KC nocks The patriots out it’ll just make my day complete!
PS. I had to post this here because this is really the only form of social media that I subscribe to. Thanks for letting me rant and vent a little here !

I'm so glad you're overjoyed with the Saint's loss .

01-21-2019, 01:56 PM
Not really a big Chiefs fan but that kid Mahomes (from my alma mater Tx Tech) & Andy Reid really had their mojo going until the refs took over & handed it to Tom/Bill...
Would've been nice to see new breed of QBs in SB but I guess you can only have one old & one new...

01-21-2019, 03:54 PM
Speaking of bad calls, dont forget the one in the Pats/KC game. I think they were under 2 minutes to play. And the ref called that bogus personal foul on the player who swung his arm by Brady without hitting him in the head and Brady still had the ball in his hands. Gave the Pats an automatic first down and 15 years. Without that call they would of most likely lost.

01-21-2019, 05:15 PM
If you look at that call on the Pats/KC game concerning the personal foul, it was a good call. You can see the front of Brady's helmet move downward, so the call was good. It didn't move much, but it moved.

01-21-2019, 05:19 PM
Speaking of bad calls, dont forget the one in the Pats/KC game. I think they were under 2 minutes to play. And the ref called that bogus personal foul on the player who swung his arm by Brady without hitting him in the head and Brady still had the ball in his hands. Gave the Pats an automatic first down and 15 years. Without that call they would of most likely lost.

Yeah. First the SB commercials got all politically correct and boring, then the kneeling controversy, and now the first NFL games I've watched all season were so full of such obviously biased and suspect refereeing that I just don't see the point of ever following the NFL again. It's sad to see what it's become.

01-21-2019, 05:36 PM
If you look at that call on the Pats/KC game concerning the personal foul, it was a good call. You can see the front of Brady's helmet move downward, so the call was good. It didn't move much, but it moved.

That’s a crock! They even commented on it with what’s his name the rules analyst saying that “ yeah it was a bad call but do the angle of the raff probably couldn’t see that it really didn’t hit Brady” The same exact thing happened to KC and Mahome’s, earlier with the exception that the replay clearly show a glancing blow to the head and a face mask grab, yet no call. I’m not saying it is some kind of major conspiracy but it’s been known for years Brady wines, Brady gets the call. Brady holds all the records we don’t want Brady hurt. so don’t even talk about the calls in the KC patriots game ! As far as I’m concerned Kc’s defense lost that game ! They couldn’t stop the patriots from scoring on three consecutive drives. it was blatantly obvious to me as soon as Kc lost the coin toss in ot the game was over. I’ve never liked the overtime rules. it got better when they allowed for both teams to hold the ball in the event of an initial field goal. But it should be taken further so that each team has a chance to handle a ball unless maybe there is a defensive score ! Otherwise, especially in a game like yesterday’s, you might as well decide to game on that overtime coin toss .
Just saying

01-21-2019, 05:36 PM
I am holding fast with my lifetime NFL ban. I went to a Saints party and watched not a second of the game. We had pot liquor soup and cornbread to eat.

01-21-2019, 05:49 PM
I really don’t care much either, but I am happy to see the Saints lose. Their coach( Payton) made some serious anti Second Amendment statements a few years back after the shooting of a Saints ( or former Saints) player.

01-21-2019, 08:08 PM
My wife and I haven't boycotted the NFL, but we're not happy with the way many of the refereeing calls are handled. It also appears to us that more and more games are negatively impacted by the reffing, but you watch, or you don't. I've always hated NFL overtime rules, but in the end, it's a game, it's entertainment. Some folks act like the NFL kicked their dog, talked smack about their mama, and cut donuts on their front lawn for heavens sake! :shock:

01-22-2019, 07:08 AM
Have you seen the videos of the green lasers pointing at Brady during the game? That type of **** makes bad calls meaningless.


01-22-2019, 08:55 AM
I remember that hit on Favre. If you liken it to running a red light- the light was red for a good 2 seconds. Not only that but the first year the Vikings had their new stadium they were in a play off game. They were really hot for the first half, came back after half time and it was like someone flicked a switch and they lost the game except for one impossible catch near the end. It made me wonder if pro football is like pro wrestling!
If it's not your turn to be in the super bowl you aren't getting in.

01-22-2019, 11:49 AM
I live in NE and am not a sports fan so I don't care what franchise wins and here that's just short of blasphemy.

01-22-2019, 05:39 PM
Not a crock! Look at the video, you can see the front of the helmet move about 1", but it still moved. Commentators were too busy running their mouths to look closely.

Saw the KC and Mahomes replay. Refs definitely missed that one. One of many missed.

01-22-2019, 06:06 PM
I grew up going to the Coliseum with my Family to watch the RAMS play, season tickets. Dodgers too.

But the Baseball strike came in the early 1980's, Players became a-hoo's, ticket prices, parking, food got ridicules. Players beating their wives in public.
Then that witch stole our team away from us. The Raiders screwed LA. The last straw for me was "deflate" gate. 99% of the players have become unprincipled greedy pigs.

Baseball; well went to my last Dodger game about 10yrs ago. "Fans" around me acted so badly, that I left and I just gave up.

Basketball has become a game of freaks for pigs, never cared anyway.

I rather watch an old Western or load ammo, won't even listen to sports. It's all greed anyway.

01-22-2019, 11:23 PM
My response to the Super Bowl will be the same as the NFL's to the bad call- absence. I don't want to add to the numbers of the viewers. I don't know how anyone can take such pleasure in the loss by either team under the circumstances of the losses. A loss fair-and-square; sure, but not stolen games. KC and the Saints were hosed.